Control Ultimate Edition

Control Ultimate Edition

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I feel bored already at the beginning
So i just got this game..., i never played another Sam Lake's works beside Max Payne 1 & 2...

Help me understand why I couldn’t enjoy this game during the first hour? should i give it a try another few hours or is it just not my type of game?

Here’s my first impressions & complains:
- The art style and graphics felt blurry, even on the highest settings.
- Messy UI, so many looting document items that i don't even know what is it
- Controls felt like generic Unreal Engine multiplayer game (Although it's not unreal engine)
- Everything is too dark, cant see sh*t (exaggerated but u know what i mean)
- Storyline was confusing, the protagonist kept talking about herself, and I couldn’t follow what was going on.
- Shooting and crouching didn’t feel engaging, got bored already
Last edited by Phantomkick; 15 Jan @ 7:02am
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Drain 15 Jan @ 8:05am 
If you don't enjoy the game, that's fine, but I'll say:
1) You don't have to read any of the crap that you find. Most of it is irrelevant nonsense. There's never any puzzle hints, passwords, things you actually care about, so you could just toss em. After a while I stopped reading them. Far too many and they're just junk.
2) The chick isn't "talking to herself," as it may first appear. She's talking to some kind of ghost she has with her. I think the player is intended to be this ghost, so it seems like she's talking to you.
3) I found the controls and shooting to be really good, among the best ever. I wish my resident evils controlled like this. The "launch" is far better than dead space, and doesn't fight your weapons for upgrades either, so you actually have a reason to invest in it.

This feels like what alan wake always should have been, and numerous horror games for that matter, although combat is mostly vs enemy soldiers, not monsters.
harken23 15 Jan @ 10:36am 
Originally posted by Drain:
If you don't enjoy the game, that's fine, but I'll say:
1) You don't have to read any of the crap that you find. Most of it is irrelevant nonsense. There's never any puzzle hints, passwords, things you actually care about, so you could just toss em. After a while I stopped reading them. Far too many and they're just junk.

The collectible stuff does add flavor to the proceedings, and they can be kind of interesting, but yea, you can safely ignore them all completely if you want. One thing they DO do, tho (and it's how I look at collectibles in most games) is help keep you from getting lost. If you can't figure out where to go, and you come across an un-seen collectible, you're at least going the right direction.

2) The chick isn't "talking to herself," as it may first appear. She's talking to some kind of ghost she has with her. I think the player is intended to be this ghost, so it seems like she's talking to you.

Her name is Jesse Faden.

She's not talking to herself, she's talking to the entity in her head that's been giving her weird abilities since childhood. She's spent her life looking for answers about what this entity is, and the childhood event that put it there. You're playing as Jesse, and the internal voice is part of the mystery you're there to uncover. It's explained somewhat as you go thru the story. They don't spoon-feed you the plot or the backstory, tho, so you'll have to use your own imagination to some extent.

3) I found the controls and shooting to be really good, among the best ever. I wish my resident evils controlled like this. The "launch" is far better than dead space, and doesn't fight your weapons for upgrades either, so you actually have a reason to invest in it.

The controls in this game (at least on a controller) are pretty much identical to every other 3rd person shooter I've played. Telekinesis is the best ability in the game, so max that out
ASAP (you don't start the game with it).

This feels like what alan wake always should have been, and numerous horror games for that matter, although combat is mostly vs enemy soldiers, not monsters.

I never could get into Alan Wake. Tried it after Control, tho, which is a superior game in every way, not least bkz it's much newer. There is an Alan Wake tie-in with one of the DLC, but I never felt lost not having played those games.

As far as blurry textures and so on, there's a mod that was made by one of the devs that fixes most of that, and a Guide on Steam that will tell you how to the VRAM usage. I'll post the link to those pages. But they make a huge difference.
harken23 15 Jan @ 10:39am 
Turns out the mod/patch is in the Guide! So check it out. Not hard to use, esp if you've used mods before.
I agree with you. The main characters seem completely un serious. Its like they are teenagers in adult jobs and its their first week. Its hard to have respect for the story or to want to know more. The gun play is fine but shooting at nameless gray matter feels pointless. I dont understand how anyone could review this positively except for the graphics.
harken23 17 Jan @ 4:26pm 
Originally posted by DrShrimpPuertoRico:
I agree with you. The main characters seem completely un serious. Its like they are teenagers in adult jobs and its their first week. Its hard to have respect for the story or to want to know more. The gun play is fine but shooting at nameless gray matter feels pointless. I dont understand how anyone could review this positively except for the graphics.

You don't need to understand.
Senki 17 Jan @ 4:56pm 
well the game clearly just isn't for you

I like pretty much everything about this game besides just one bit of the story near the end.

If you want some mainstream emotional the last of us type story this isn't it, it's weird and yes pretty confusing sometimes but if you pay attention to the details and let it develop most of it will make sense in the end. There are a few parts that are never explained but they probably will be in the sequel

The gameplay is fine, the extra powers you get make the combat fun for me. The bosses could've been a bit better I guess but I still had fun.
It does start slow, but after giving it a second try some years later it's fantastic. The Ashtray Maze being one of the best highlights.

It did somewhat help for me to be invested in the whole RCU with playing Alan Wake 2 and Alan Wake Remastered before playing Control Ultimate Edition.
It's not for the skibidi toilet enjoyer
Tr3m0r 26 Jan @ 9:37am 
I'd just add that the graphics shouldn't appear blurry or bad as it's quite a good looking game and really still pleasant to this day. If you are using an olfer card and have upscaling cranked up, that may be the issue or if you are playing on a mobile handheld like steam deck. But the game is very clear and a good example of early ray tracing done right with awesome reflections along with a satisfying destruction of the environment.
Soondead 26 Jan @ 3:11pm 
I think the graphics in general, and the way lighting and contrasts work in particular, are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. Unfortunately, I'm really struggling with the combat (to the point where I had to enable the cheats to get anywhere at all) and actually finding out where I'm supposed to go because the map is beyond confusing. Having to slog through dozens of enemies that spawn over and over while I'm trying to figure out where the hell I am gets annoying real fast.
harken23 26 Jan @ 6:46pm 
The map is weird, but the blacker areas are lower. You're better off reading the directional signs. Even knowing all that it's easy to get lost.

Aim snap is your friend. I don't have the reflexes I used to have playing Pong, but that's the only "cheat" i use, normally. Huge difference.

Throw fire extinguishers and the big chrome couches. At least til you get to the better stuff.
Soondead 28 Jan @ 11:52pm 
It would have helped a lot if the game would spawn a reasonable amount of enemies instead of swarms of them. Even when I literally can't die, just trying to move from one section of the map to another (trying to figure out where I need to go) gets tedious from all the enemies that keep spawning. Go down some stairs, dozens of them. Go back up the same stairs, dozens of them. Go back down, dozens of them. When just a single one can kill you with a well-placed rocket or grenade, while all I can do is fire my pea-shooter or throw furniture around, I find it really difficult to imagine just how this game is meant to be played.

I responded to one of those yellow timed events and there were probably closer to a hundred enemies. They just kept spawning, to the point where I was wondering if I needed to do something special besides just killing them. I failed ofcourse, so the whole thing was just more wasted time and effort.

Honestly, If OP is bored by the story, I really don't think there's anything in this game for them, because the story is the only reason I've forced myself to play for six hours so far. Everything else about the game is just tedious; most of the time wasted trying to navigate the same rooms and corridors, killing the same waves of bland, faceless enemies over and over.
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