Control Ultimate Edition

Control Ultimate Edition

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Not working on Steam Deck
I tried to play this game on the bus yesterday, had a long 5 hour drive, and looked forward to playing this again, but the game wont go beyond the loading screen, it just goes black. it happens on both DX12 and DX11.

After i got to my destination i googled this and it seems it can be because i was not connected to internet. Can this really be it? This game doesn't work without a internet connection? That makes absolutely no sense to me, reason i bought steam deck was to play in places where there is no internet what so ever.

EDIT: I found out that it does work without internet, but it takes minutes to load.
Last edited by F A B L E D; 8 Feb @ 5:57pm
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I can't confirm this but I've heard the same thing :steamfacepalm:
Jack 28 Jan @ 7:19am 
I don't see why it would need an internet connection though. It's not exactly a multiplayer game. Something to do with expeditions maybe?
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