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Closest to ally/enemy border selector inverted?
Situation: I am on a rotational symmetric map (elim. Lvl 6-1) and a single bot in the enemy half is to letter-tag the closest to enemy (or ally) border enemy bot (in top/bottom half, but this does not appear relevant).
Potential bug: For this bot in the enemy half, the enemy/ally borders appear to be inverted, meaning it regards "his" end of the map - that is the one farther from the player in isometric view - as the ally one and the other end as the enemy one. This does not happen for bots in the other (= own/allied) half of the map, that is the half that is closer to the player in the isometric view of the battlefield.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
bhaktivedanta 30 Dec, 2023 @ 4:17am 
NB: This happens at the very start of the game.
Since the map has rotational symmetry, this behavior might be intended, albeit counterintuitive.
bhaktivedanta 30 Dec, 2023 @ 6:36am 
EDIT: The error occurs both for number and letter tags.
For the bot on the enemy (farther) half, the position is definitely not recognized correctly: If I make the tagging (or any other action) conditional on "if myself on arena's enemy half", no action occurs at all, indicating the condition evaluates to false for all bots, although the single bot in elim 6-1 is clearly in the enemy half.
bhaktivedanta 30 Dec, 2023 @ 6:52am 
EDIT 2: I just remembered, that since recently the internet has pictures, so I decided to upload the AI and a screenshot of its behavior.
Note that the AI is the same for all bots on the team.
The lonely bot in the enemy's half is selected and is supposed to number tag 1 the enemy bot closest to enemy side, but instead tags the one closest to ally side.
The letter tag A does not occur at all, indicating that for the lonely bot, the condition "if I am inside the enemy's side" evaluates to false.
Last edited by bhaktivedanta; 30 Dec, 2023 @ 6:55am
UPDATE: After trying in sandbox, I can reproduce the following behaviour:
- "if myself on arena's enemy side" always evaluated to false in my attempts. In particular, this is true for maps, where bots of the same team start on both sides of the arena. This behavior cannot be intended.
- Tagging enemy bots closest to enemy border always refers to bots closest to the opposite border, that is the border opposite to the half the bot evaluating the tagging action is located in.

As far as I understand it, ally and enemy half should be absolutes, not relative to the evaluating bot? If indeed relative behavior is meant, the outcomes would be correct, however it does not occur to me, why one would want that.
It is relative to the selected bot. Ally side is the side the bot spawned at and enemy side is the opposite side. So if a bot spawns on the right side the ally side is on the right side, with enemy side on left.
Yes it can be confusing at first. Not too sure the reasoning. Here is a guess. Maybe to keep ally side meaning side close to bots or something. Like if a map has bots all at the right, and there is a mirrored map with all at the left, then the bots behave the same way on both maps.
Thank you for the reply. What was confusing me, is the naming - "ally side" to me reads like the sides are constants for each team and thus identical for every bot on that team, like halfs of a football pitch.
I can sort of see arguments for both definitions. Having them per bot, as it is now, will make tactical decisions at match start a bit easier to implement, having per team constants would make position calculations later in game easier, as the whole team could use the same definitions for the quadrants.
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