Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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Suggestions & ideas
If you have any ideas or suggestions for us about game, we'll be happy to hear them.
Last edited by Live Motion Games; 12 Mar, 2020 @ 8:30am
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Showing 1-15 of 736 comments
the stig 10 Apr, 2020 @ 7:17am 
how about adding enployes
Live Motion Games 10 Apr, 2020 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by amandahall42:
how about adding enployes

maybe in some dlc :)
pskrzyp 16 Apr, 2020 @ 1:37pm 
Hello. Just finished the demo and it is grat. Cant't wait for the game. I have suggestion about garbage. Moving them from place to place - ok. But throwing them into the container should be in one click. Large objects stick against the edges, you have to lift them really high to throw them away. When you are close to the container and you have a large object, the cursor should change to "throw away" and the renovator should throw it alone.
Live Motion Games 16 Apr, 2020 @ 3:31pm 
Originally posted by paulinaskrzypek:
Hello. Just finished the demo and it is grat. Cant't wait for the game. I have suggestion about garbage. Moving them from place to place - ok. But throwing them into the container should be in one click. Large objects stick against the edges, you have to lift them really high to throw them away. When you are close to the container and you have a large object, the cursor should change to "throw away" and the renovator should throw it alone.

Thanks for you suggestion ;)
Hollowbrain [FR] 17 Apr, 2020 @ 6:52am 
Hello, I just finished playing through the demo, it looks promising.
I have a suggestion about the garbage bags, when you have unfinished bags, you could be able to create them and drop them in the bin.
Live Motion Games 17 Apr, 2020 @ 6:54am 
Originally posted by Hollowbrain FR:
Hello, I just finished playing through the demo, it looks promising.
I have a suggestion about the garbage bags, when you have unfinished bags, you could be able to create them and drop them in the bin.

hmm good idea
I've played the Demo. It's looking like House Flipper tho. Nice game.

I've got a suggestion for ya.

For the German language "Kammer des Spielers" and "Fliegende Kammer" is the word "Kammer" wrong. Please change it to "Kamera".
Last edited by Heroas Hamseros 20; 19 Apr, 2020 @ 5:52am
Metallos 19 Apr, 2020 @ 4:51am 
Using the axe should not destroy, it should make smaller pieces which you can collect or pick up. Example are the paperboard boxes (can be recycled) which doesn't fit into the recycling container.
Why paying for putting something in a wrong container?
One_Worm 19 Apr, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Originally posted by Heroas Hamseros 19:
I've played the Demo. It's looking like House Flipper tho. Nice game.

I've got a suggestion for ya.

For the German language "Kammer des Spielers" and "Fliegende Kammer" is the word "Kammer" wrong. Please change it to "Kamera".

ok thanks- Info passed :)
One_Worm 19 Apr, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Originally posted by Metallos:
Using the axe should not destroy, it should make smaller pieces which you can collect or pick up. Example are the paperboard boxes (can be recycled) which doesn't fit into the recycling container.

Great Idea! I will pass it to the rest of the team!
Arexiok_PL 19 Apr, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Hi. I finished your demo version and its realy good but i have very big problem with this game. I have only 10 FPS on minimal options of graphic. I dont have the best computer bout it is not bad too. Surendly i dont have any problem with GTA 5 single or multiplayer, there i have 60- 100 FPS. Please try to do somethink with this because its not first time. Much times when i want to play a game from PlayWay i have the same problem. Good computer and 10 FPS. I want to buy this game but if it will be coast 20 euro so it will be too much for this game. This game is rly good but its not somethink special when i see how it works, so the price should be 10 euro max. One word about game: it works bad because 10 FPS its too small.
One_Worm 20 Apr, 2020 @ 2:40am 
Originally posted by Arexiok_PL:
Hi. I finished your demo version and its realy good but i have very big problem with this game. I have only 10 FPS on minimal options of graphic. I dont have the best computer bout it is not bad too. Surendly i dont have any problem with GTA 5 single or multiplayer, there i have 60- 100 FPS. Please try to do somethink with this because its not first time. Much times when i want to play a game from PlayWay i have the same problem. Good computer and 10 FPS. I want to buy this game but if it will be coast 20 euro so it will be too much for this game. This game is rly good but its not somethink special when i see how it works, so the price should be 10 euro max. One word about game: it works bad because 10 FPS its too small.

Can you post information here?

We would love to hear more about your machine, operating system etc. It would help us to replicate the issue and fix it!
llama2310 20 Apr, 2020 @ 10:38am 
Have just played through the demo and I love the look of it so far - only possible issue is it seems to overheat the video card more so than other similar games. House Flipper with trains ;) I was just wondering if the time that you take to complete a station will have an impact on your profit? Also in that same vein, is there going to be different difficulty settings? i.e. casual with no time limits up to expert with strict time limit/budget? Personally love pottering around making everything shiny but just curious :)
Heroas Hamseros 20 20 Apr, 2020 @ 10:44am 
In the game Demo there wasn't a time limit.
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