Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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Can't even get through tutorial
Just tried to start the game, got 27% through the tutorial and it will progress no farther. I have scanned and tried to pick up every piece of trash. All trash highlights red. I can pick nothing up. In the tutorial window it says I can throw trash and don't always have to walk over to the bin. And that's it. Nothing else happens. The game is obviously waiting for me to do something but hell if I know what. I'll hope someone has a suggestion otherwise this game is on it's way to the "request a refund" bin.
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Beiträge 13 von 3
Pesky 11. Nov. 2024 um 18:49 
Known bug. I'm sorry. I'm surprised the devs haven't fixed it by now.

You have two options. Do you think you can fit this in with your two hour refund window ? Make a new company (which is the equivalent of using a new save slot) and complete station 1 BEFORE the tutorial.

Otherwise, if the game cost you a lot and you'd prefer a refund just do that.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Pesky:
Known bug. I'm sorry. I'm surprised the devs haven't fixed it by now.

You have two options. Do you think you can fit this in with your two hour refund window ? Make a new company (which is the equivalent of using a new save slot) and complete station 1 BEFORE the tutorial.

Otherwise, if the game cost you a lot and you'd prefer a refund just do that.

Thanks Pesky, I'll give the new company a shot. I would rather keep the game if I can get it working. :)
Pesky 12. Nov. 2024 um 8:08 
It's great fun when it works. Including the DLC. But the devs stopped fixing bugs years ago. :-(
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Beiträge 13 von 3
Pro Seite: 1530 50

Geschrieben am: 11. Nov. 2024 um 16:08
Beiträge: 3