Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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renispielttv 18 Jul, 2022 @ 9:00pm
Yellow Street Underground Bug
Ich hab bei der Map Yellow Street Underground anscheinend ne Bug in Bereich des Eingangs bzw. des Büro sag das Müll zum Aufheben ist, obwohl ich bereits alles aufgehoben habe. Hab mich noch genau umschautet, konnte aber den fehlenden Müll nicht finden. Ich hoffe mir kann einer helfen
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renispielttv 18 Jul, 2022 @ 9:49pm 
Hat sich erledigt
Paingry Badger 30 Oct, 2024 @ 6:52pm 
I used google translate and I have the same problem finding the last of my trash in the yellow underground. I do know where the trash went though. There is a bug or glitch that when you use the elevator to move lots of trash ( I wanted to use the recycle for upstairs and have one downstairs for mixed trash) the trash disappeared when I tried transporting it with the elevator, the elevator goes down, trash disappears, but I can't locate any more trash on the map but am stuck at 98% I even climbed on the ladder and checked the top of the train and as far into the tunnel as I can go on both sides.
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