Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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Stuck at Yellow Street Underground 99%
Played through this map twice still haven't solved it, nothing gets found when i try the *Q* have been running thorugh this map for 30 minutes now im getting frustrated:steamfacepalm:
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
the who 5 Jan @ 12:36pm 
is the scaffolding for something? or just decoration
Pesky 5 Jan @ 1:33pm 
If you have done everything in the region of the scaffold, try treating the scaffold as rubbish and 'collecting' it, or taking it down.
Sh4d5t4r 6 Jan @ 10:31am 
You need to complete certain actions within the main station area before the scaffolding is "unlocked". Make sure that you have completed the main quest items and all will become clear ;)
the who 7 Jan @ 2:36am 
i mean i've done everything except for something since its on only 99%
There is a spiderweb inside the office door opposite the toilets.. It appears to be unremoveable to me.. I have been stuck at 99% also. When you scan with the q key it flashes, but doesnt allow you to interact with it
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