Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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YukoValis 25 May, 2021 @ 2:58am
Simple suggestion for catalog.
This is something you can do without much effort. Make everything in the shop the same price in each category. All trash cans? $80. All benches/chairs? $100 or $200
Because I'm on a budget I always go for the cheapest thing. Without worrying about the budget I can design the station to look good.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
LMG_Radek 26 May, 2021 @ 1:25am 
Hey there! Thank you for the idea! Generally speaking we've designed the economy of the game in a way that should not make spending money stressful - you're awarded more money than sometimes necessary so you shouldn't ever feel too pressed for in-game currency and can leisurely spend and buy whatever you want. However we appreciate the idea. Cheers!
YukoValis 26 May, 2021 @ 2:44am 
While that is true, i didn't realize the large amount of money I had until about 6 levels in. By that time I had penny pinched making each of the stations look... bad. If money isn't going to be a factor, why have it in the first place besides comfort numbers? In it I can see three possible scenarios when it comes to the economy.

1: As is. Money is beyond easy to get, but until you realize that people will buy the cheapest of everything. They might even still do this once they get money like I seem to do. Thanks to increase in comfort numbers.

2: Making each thing the same price per category. This removes people wanting to buy the cheapest thing, keeps the comfort numbers, and lets people go to town decorating.

3: remove the money, make everything free. While this would make some fancy stations, it does take out something people would want in the game, mainly to see how much money they can have by the end.

So it is still my suggestion, but of course up to you. As it stands feedback wise, all my bathrooms are just giant soap dispensers, all my seatings are stools, and I filled one room with 14 security cameras. : )
LMG_Radek 26 May, 2021 @ 8:28am 
I bet that this particular room is the safest place in the world now!

In all seriousness though - I've noted your feedback and I'll be more than happy to provide it to our developers. It might not be the priority but we always are grateful for the feedback we receive from our players. Thank you!
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