Train Station Renovation

Train Station Renovation

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Pipes at Mudborough
Clearly, I've done something wrong. :steamfacepalm: I've placed my dohicky, grabbed the pipes, placed them on the whatchamacallit. They are running into the flooded room. Mind, I got rid of the disgusting toilets before I did all of this. :steammocking: The pipe doesn't allow me to do anything else. The machine refuses to start, claiming I have to connect the pipes.

Can someone purdy please enlighten me regarding what I have done wrong or failed to do? I cannot find more pipes, nor do I see any additional interactions. Many humble thanks!!

Your Whosamawhatsit
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I re-started, re-setting all of my progress. I was otherwise finished. :steamsad: When I grabbed the pump the second time, I saw TWO pipes fly around. I had only seen one the first time. I think that the other must have flown out next to the pickup truck. :steammocking: Obviously, without the second pipe, it cannot function.

I'll leave this here, in case anyone else encounters this issue.
Last edited by Ceana of the Crags; 13 Aug, 2022 @ 7:07am
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