Anno 1800

Anno 1800

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Zan 30 Jul, 2024 @ 11:15am
Achievement: Propaganda of the Deed – Some Observations and Tips
After having read lots of articles about this achievement, I decided to be prepared enough, to give it a try.

I started a game with Hugo alone and without pirates. Played rather slowly. After upgrade to the first artisan house, “No Gods, no masters” started.

I got the first anarchy quest during “No Gods, no masters 5” after the fleet was defeated and shortly before reaching the “starting point” there. At that time I was level 4! Then played rather slowly – getting 400 people and then waiting for next anarchy quest before going to the next level. Got in most levels 1 quest. After about 40 hours I finished my 20th quest with level 21.


1. Precondition (?)

The quest “No Gods, no masters 5” might be a precondition. I remember another game, where I got the first anarchy quest also during (or after) this quest.

2. Quest Frequency

Mostly the difference between to quests was about an hour. Best result was 25 minutes. Sometimes it took 3-5 hours. Played on highest speed most of the time.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea, where these differences come from.

3. Several quests per level

You can gain more than one quest per level! In two games I got three times two quests within the same level. Once I observed that I fell below the limit (e. g. from 4010 to 3990), and when being over the limit (4000) again, got a second anarchy quest. Don't know whether that was true for the other ones also.

4. The gift quest – a hidden anarchy quest

There is one quest, that is not marked as anarchy quest, but counts for the achievement also! It was a gift from some worker. I got this several times.

5. Quests that count twice for the Achievement

Some people wrote, that there are quests, that count twice for the achievement. I got this impression also, but as long as I didn't know about the gift quest mentioned above, I did checked the number of fulfilled quests only after anarchy quests (which I think, did those people also). When checking out after the gift quest mentioned above also, I noticed, that all quests count once.

6. Defined quest times

Once, when I insulted Hugo for the first time, I got an anarchy quest just 2 minutes later. I thought “Great! Now I have it!”... But then I reloaded, did not insult Hugo and got an anarchy quest at the same time also. So it looks as if quests occur at predefined times.

7. Hugo

You can get anarchy quests with Hugo on reputation 100 and having trading rights with him!
I did not check alliance.

8. Reload

If you reload a game saved before getting an anarchy quest, you will most probably get another quest. You can even get the gift quest instead of an anarchy quest ( and vice versa).

9. Tips for the “Increase Production”-Quest

Sorry, don't know the English name for this one, but you will soon see, which one I mean.

There is one anarchy quest, where you have to increase the production by 10% for 10 minutes. This quest is somehow strange – maybe bugged. In my first try, I could not get above 0%... The next 3 times, I got it worked without problems.

If you face this problem also: just reload the last save game before you got the quest. You will most probably get another anarchy quest: if not, just reload again.

Or, you can save the game, before accepting an anarchy quest. You have enough time to do a save.

Note: if you have more than one island, it might be necessary to increase production on all of them.
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nhavers5 10 Sep, 2024 @ 1:42am 
"Sometimes it took 3-5 hours" Is this game time or real time?
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Date Posted: 30 Jul, 2024 @ 11:15am
Posts: 1