Puzzle Agent 2

Puzzle Agent 2

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Mojo 3 Feb, 2018 @ 2:28am
Digits in space is BS
yes,I totally remember Pi to the 8th decimal. Stupid "puzzle" that can't be answered unless you have real world information.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
CrimsonJD 15 Aug, 2018 @ 3:48am 
Yep, that was the dumbest puzzle. Luckily I saw your post and was able to do it without using any hints :)
I actually did know pi to that many digits, but it never would have occurred to me that the solution was pi. I mean, that's not really a sequence
Yes, in other words you need a calculator to solve it.
I honestly only remember pi being 3.14 (obviously infinite) but dont remember much more of it.
Last edited by [NGNS-SWE] ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡; 14 Oct, 2019 @ 2:59am
CrimsonJD 14 Oct, 2019 @ 3:20am 
Originally posted by NGNS-SWE ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡:
Yes, in other words you need a calculator to solve it.
I honestly only remember pi being 3.14 (obviously infinite) but dont remember much more of it.

Um, I dunno how you're gonna solve for pi with your calculator unless you have a really really long time or you have god tier skills at drawing circles :)

...................... you never had one?

can only speak for swedish school but the simple ones wasnt allowed from 16+ had to pay like 60-70 euro/dollar (...650 kronor) for mine if I remember correctly. really sucked - could have spend that on a new game ;)
Last edited by [NGNS-SWE] ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡; 14 Oct, 2019 @ 3:27am
CrimsonJD 14 Oct, 2019 @ 12:40pm 
Originally posted by NGNS-SWE ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡:
can only speak for swedish school but the simple ones wasnt allowed from 16+ had to pay like 60-70 euro/dollar (...650 kronor) for mine if I remember correctly. really sucked - could have spend that on a new game ;)

Well fine, but that's not really calculating pi. Someone just typed pi into the calculator and stored it, so that's not any different than just googling it or looking it up in a book :)
Originally posted by CrimsonJD:
Originally posted by NGNS-SWE ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡:
can only speak for swedish school but the simple ones wasnt allowed from 16+ had to pay like 60-70 euro/dollar (...650 kronor) for mine if I remember correctly. really sucked - could have spend that on a new game ;)

Well fine, but that's not really calculating pi. Someone just typed pi into the calculator and stored it, so that's not any different than just googling it or looking it up in a book :)

yeah, just saying I remember you could get the pi number on your calculator. remember seeing it in school one day, and realized ♥♥♥♥ its not just 3.14? how long does it go?
CrimsonJD 14 Oct, 2019 @ 3:30pm 
Originally posted by NGNS-SWE ⚡ Quezkatolen ⚡:
Originally posted by CrimsonJD:

Well fine, but that's not really calculating pi. Someone just typed pi into the calculator and stored it, so that's not any different than just googling it or looking it up in a book :)

yeah, just saying I remember you could get the pi number on your calculator. remember seeing it in school one day, and realized ♥♥♥♥ its not just 3.14? how long does it go?

Its called an "irrational number", which means it goes infinitely long, basically randomly, and there's no way to turn it into a fraction.
People way smarter than Obama and Al Gore came up with very complex algorithms to get closer and closer to the real value of pi before computers or calculators even existed :)

The Babylonians and Egyptians got it to 3.1 about 4 thousand years ago. Archimedes and Ptolemy got to 3.1416 over 2000 years ago, just by drawling circles and triangles. Ppl can be pretty impressive!
kazerniel 18 Oct, 2019 @ 1:55pm 
Agreed with OP, this "puzzle" was bollocks. Shouldn't puzzles be about using logic? This is the 2nd puzzle (after the US coins one) that disappointed me in this game.
its like with an IQ test, everyone should be able to solve it, if smart enough.
Paapurup 28 Apr, 2024 @ 12:18am 
The hints were still make me blank :omg_desolate: , but thanks to this discussion I get the answer
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