Puzzle Agent 2

Puzzle Agent 2

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Enigmabrand 28 Dec, 2020 @ 3:15pm
FIX: Game minimizes and doesn't start
I had an issue where starting the game causes it to automatically minimize and then be unopenable.

Here's a fix I discovered.

1. Set your monitor's resolution to 1024x768.
2. Launch the game -- it should start now.
3. In the game's graphics settings, set the resolution to your monitor's native resolution (e.g. 1080p). The game will minimize again automatically.
4. Set your monitor's resolution to what you just chose in the game settings.
5. Click back into the game and it should work.

It seems the game's default is 1024x768. If your monitor's resolution doesn't match the game's resolution then it keeps minimizing itself.

Hopefully this helps someone else.
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Sstavix 12 Oct, 2021 @ 5:43pm 
This solution also works for Poker Night at the Inventory, and possibly other Telltale Games, too (I haven't tried it on others). Thanks for discovering this!
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