Puzzle Agent 2

Puzzle Agent 2

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classic35mm 4 Mar, 2016 @ 10:05am
Recommendations of games similar to Puzzle Agent 1 and 2

My brother and I have really enjoyed Puzzle Agent, both the original and the sequel. They are fun games, but as some reviewers have noted, they are relatively short games.

What games do you recommend as "follow-ups" to Puzzle Agent 1 and 2? Are there any other point-and-click puzzle games out there that are similar to Puzzle Agent?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
kingprawn 5 May, 2016 @ 2:43pm 
Some of the first few professor layton games.
Kolevska 23 Aug, 2017 @ 11:43am 
You can try J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars, but it's harder and more complex.
Square Gravy 10 Apr, 2019 @ 10:24pm 
Super late reply but Jake and the Bigfoot Mystery is the same type.
Mysti_Fogg 13 May, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
In a light tone:

Puzzle Bots: You are a tiny robot toy invented by a kind of wacky loser. You have 1 special ability. You solve puzzles with that ability. The other inventors at the factory are also inventing toy robots with different abilities. You slowly form a little group and go on adventures together as you explore the old toy factory, figuring out when to switch between robots to solve puzzles.

Stacking: The world is full of Russian Doll people. Each of them has a special ability. You are the youngest son of a family that has been divided by poverty in a sort of black and white melodrama kind of way. You're determined to save your siblings by finding them and pulling your family back together. You hop into the bodies of other dolls to use their abilities to solve puzzles.

Monkey Island series: You play as Guybrush Threepwood, a witty pirate sailing a Caribbean Island-like world of insanity fighting a ghost pirate zombie and trying to win the love of Governor Elaine Marley.

In a neutral tone:

Nancy Drew games: If you want to look for clues, solve puzzles, and find the answers to mysteries, this is the series for you! As far as puzzles, Shadow Ranch was very puzzling, and I'm partial to Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon.

In a darker tone:

If you just want a twisted mystery, Danganronpa is a story where a bunch of exceptional high school kids become locked in their school and are threatened with staying there forever, their only hope of escape is to kill another student and get away with it. Meanwhile, after each death there's a courtroom trial to determine the guilty party. There aren't many puzzles, but this and Doki Doki Literature Club are the only things I can think of with a sort of twisted menace to them that Puzzle Agent has in a low key way.
spytgamer 27 Jul, 2020 @ 5:36am 
Detective grimoire and its sequel tangle tower
iZaYh 15 Aug, 2020 @ 8:59am 
Voyage: A Journey To Te Moon; Technobabylon; Pilot Brothers; Blackwell Legacy; Samsara Room (And Rusty Lake Series) ; Awareness Room; Pony Island; There Is No Game; Zac MacKraken and The Alien Mindbenders; Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy; Deponia Series; and agree with Detective Grimoire too..
Oh and Adventure Escape Mysteries (3 games in 1)

Thanks for the question, I have a few new titles to look into too :cozyspaceengineersc:

Last edited by iZaYh; 15 Aug, 2020 @ 9:10am
EbonHawk 19 Sep, 2021 @ 8:23am 
I'll throw my recommendations in here as well, since it's hard to find good quality point-n-click puzzle adventure games sometimes:

I like the two Bertram Fiddle games here on Steam; can't recommend them enough.

Also, the Nelly Cootalot games are fun, and well designed & acted.

I'm sure there are some more, but those two series just stand out above the rest of the pack for me.

Honorable mention: Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure is catchy too, but I haven't finished it yet.
Last edited by EbonHawk; 19 Sep, 2021 @ 8:24am
nikiforospetros 28 Oct, 2021 @ 1:47pm 
Later Alligator is probably exactly what you're looking for. The humour is similar, the puzzles are very well done and thought out, everything is smoothly animated and the artstyle is awesome. The game was made by team Smallbu if that rings a bell.
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