Puzzle Agent 2

Puzzle Agent 2

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D.A.R.K. 31 Mar, 2023 @ 9:27am
Similar Games (Besides Puzzle Agent 1 ¬¬)
Do you know games that are similar to Puzzle Agent 1 and Puzzle Agent 2? I loved the games, the lore is great, I liked the horror part of it. I know a lot of them but none of them with the horror energy that Puzzle Agent series have. By the way, ttg is dead, I'm gonna assume Puzzle Agent 3 won't ever exists =(
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Sstavix 6 Apr, 2023 @ 10:47pm 
The closest thing I have found have been the various games produced by Artifex Mundi. They don't have the same sense of humor, but many of them do have creepy vibes. If you are looking for games with a story, interspersed with puzzles, that could be a good alternative.
unfee 17 Apr, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
Originally posted by Sstavix:
The closest thing I have found have been the various games produced by Artifex Mundi. They don't have the same sense of humor, but many of them do have creepy vibes. If you are looking for games with a story, interspersed with puzzles, that could be a good alternative.
hey, which one(s) do you recommend?
Sstavix 13 May, 2023 @ 7:21pm 
Originally posted by unfee:
Originally posted by Sstavix:
The closest thing I have found have been the various games produced by Artifex Mundi. They don't have the same sense of humor, but many of them do have creepy vibes. If you are looking for games with a story, interspersed with puzzles, that could be a good alternative.
hey, which one(s) do you recommend?

I'm sorry - obviously I don't come into this forum very often!

I haven't played a lot of the Artifex Mundi games, but if you're looking for a game with a similar creepy, supernatural vibe you might like the Enigmatis story line. Some o fthe other Artifex games are a bit more surreal (like the Emerald Maiden one I've completed), but the only ones I would suggest avoiding would be their earlier ones (the first Time Mysteries). The animation style shows that they were still trying to figure out what they were doing.
lena_morker 21 May, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
Have you played the "Trilby games" by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw? It's not as Twin Peaksy and the graphic is even more old school but especially "5 Days a Stranger" is a nice mystery point and click horror game I personally enjoy in a similar way.
Rekombo 28 Oct, 2024 @ 1:34am 
Puzzle Agent was actually inspired by Professor Layton games in several ways.
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