Beat Boxers

Beat Boxers

Di GOD 4 Jan, 2019 @ 1:33am
For developer.
:cozyspaceengineersb: Fighting games are my favorite genre of the game. But I have friends who are in the incentive. Just on off refuse to play games without achievements. Me one boring to play, and entice the game with no achievements... Difficult and then. Almost impossible for a long time. So I have a small request: "add achievements steam in game." And if you can also Russian.
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BeatBoxerDevMike  [developer] 6 Feb, 2019 @ 2:04am 
Apologies... this is a small student game and is not being developed besides a few updates which I'll be making (as a programmer) when I find the time.

As such, achievements and Russian language support are likely not going to be added. There are a number of more crucial additions and I am not capable myself to translate into other languages.
Last edited by BeatBoxerDevMike; 6 Feb, 2019 @ 2:04am
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