

Zobacz statystyki:
how many Raids can you get ?
ants larva and orb spiders is that it ?
Początkowo opublikowane przez happygiggi:
pretty much every factions, I think the wiki have a list. You can be raided by T3 bugs too like termites and wasp.
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happygiggi 30 stycznia o 5:33 
pretty much every factions, I think the wiki have a list. You can be raided by T3 bugs too like termites and wasp.
Xenomorph 30 stycznia o 10:21 
thank you happygiggi :aphidmeat:
Roly Poly, Infected bugs, even Moths (in theory, have never actually had a moth show up). All depends on what you throw in the waft emitter, and it even tells you if you read.
waft emitter is news to me still new but sounds fun
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