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orb weaver spider behavior
FYI for new players: something I've noticed while playing. If you kill a Orb Weaver jr. or sac of spiderlings. the large one will be checking to see what happened to her babies. so don't use that time to go into your inventory.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
RequiemsRose 27 Nov, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
Im not sure if that's specific to orb weavers or applies to spiders in general. We get less chances to see the other spiders do it but there are some wolf spider dens with eggs and no resident orb weavers (like under the plank) where it certainly seems like killing the babies in the sacs woke up big mama on me (if close enough at least, with the plank example mama wolf spider didnt care that i killed the ones at the entrance but did care when i broke an egg sac in the actual den). With black widows its especially hard to see, they basically never leave their den unless you already have them mad and you cant really get close to the babies/eggs that easily without just plain entering mama black widows aggro range in the first place but i have at least gotten a black widow mad at me by taking potshots at her babies in the den (hard to tell if that was mama being protective or simply me making her aware i exist though).
pcdeltalink 28 Nov, 2022 @ 4:23pm 
It’s not that you killed the babies or broke the eggs. The thing they investigate is they can sometimes hear you when your weapons hit things.
happygiggi 29 Nov, 2022 @ 11:47am 
Many bugs have this behavior to check the corpse of a comrade. Ants, larva, spiders, and probably some other bugs I haven't noticed.
pcdeltalink 30 Nov, 2022 @ 7:11am 
Originally posted by happygiggi:
Many bugs have this behavior to check the corpse of a comrade. Ants, larva, spiders, and probably some other bugs I haven't noticed.

Not common from what I've seen since corpses that you kill and loot despawn pretty quick actually. Anything close enough to see them before they despawn probably already sees you anyway.
Angel 12 Oct, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
Nah Happygiggi is right, most bug check out their fallen brothers but all bugs have a area around them that if you hit a similar bug in that area they will check it out thats why if you fight a sleeping larva anotherr larva might come from behind a hill. also wolf spiders and the infected counter part KNOW where you are at all times and walks slowly towards you if you are inside their patroling area.
pcdeltalink 12 Oct, 2023 @ 9:30pm 
Originally posted by Angel:
Nah Happygiggi is right, most bug check out their fallen brothers but all bugs have a area around them that if you hit a similar bug in that area they will check it out thats why if you fight a sleeping larva anotherr larva might come from behind a hill. also wolf spiders and the infected counter part KNOW where you are at all times and walks slowly towards you if you are inside their patroling area.

You really necroed an 11 month old thread for this?
Angel 12 Oct, 2023 @ 9:37pm 
yes, i'm bored.
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