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Grey Dragon 11 Mar, 2023 @ 12:56pm
Can't win in ANY fights
If the enemy I'm facing isn't a mite or a worker ant, I am guaranteed to lose. Is there any advice you can offer? I can't get any stronger gear until I can beat stronger enemies.

EDIT: After overcoming the my initial problems and improving my gear and combat tactics, I'm finding the game a lot easier. Thanks to the people who offered advice.
Last edited by Grey Dragon; 14 Mar, 2023 @ 5:53am
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
FoamySlobbers 11 Mar, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
Orb Weaver spiders have 4 different patterns mostly an 1) Attack, pause or next and more common 2): Attack, pause. Attack, Attack. then you do a three hit combo. then they can block with a shield, or with your weapon. if you wear armor you can last longer, and use cooked food & bandages to get your health back up. if you are away from your spawn point you can choose to spawn at the nearest field station(as long as you have discovered it.)
Last edited by FoamySlobbers; 11 Mar, 2023 @ 1:49pm
stephcwilson 11 Mar, 2023 @ 3:14pm 
Grey Dragon 11 Mar, 2023 @ 4:10pm 
Originally posted by atheist:
Orb Weaver spiders have 4 different patterns mostly an 1) Attack, pause or next and more common 2): Attack, pause. Attack, Attack. then you do a three hit combo. then they can block with a shield, or with your weapon. if you wear armor you can last longer, and use cooked food & bandages to get your health back up. if you are away from your spawn point you can choose to spawn at the nearest field station(as long as you have discovered it.)
Thanks, this actually helps. I've also discovered that I can do a lot more damage with thrown spears. All other weapons I've crafted can barely scratch a soldier ant, let alone a spider.
Last edited by Grey Dragon; 11 Mar, 2023 @ 4:11pm
pcdeltalink 11 Mar, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
Perfect blocking is the key to the combat system in this game. Practice that on different enemies.

Find one, save, practice perfect blocking, reload if killed.

Other factor is to peep the different enemies and see what their weaknesses and resistances are. Killing a ladybug with a spear is way different than killing one with a hammer for example.

Thrown weapons I actually do not recommend. Especially with how many threads I've seen about people losing their weapons after throwing them. Yes, they do more damage but they also take up more inventory slots (if carrying multiple "shots") and you are left momentarily defenseless after throwing one.
Progje 13 Mar, 2023 @ 10:41am 
And if that all didn't helped ya, then just cheesekill them with wearing just a clover armor and having some bandages with me.
They can't get ya from above or behind something, just watch your back xD
This game isn't that hard.
So far I killed 95% of all the bugs with just my clover armor on and the regular arrows on WHOA difficulty.
So the other modes pretty much is to laugh at
Grey Dragon 14 Mar, 2023 @ 5:55am 
Thanks for the tips. I was not really prepared for how easily you can die in this game and things got a lot easier after I crafted a weevil shield and started making good use of it. Now that I've got used to how combat works, even wolf spiders aren't giving me much trouble.
WeelieTired 8 Apr, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
Nice. I JUST crafted a weevil shield, after finally finding a path towards the pond/tree to get acorns that wasn't right into a spider's face. Got a whole bunch of spikes for future arrows too. Now to get some webs and make a bow.
Got the ant-club via a lot of deaths near the anthill, and it hits hard but its Soooo Slooowww.
Although I've seen a lot of threads people say the knives are generally better due to speed?
YMMV will jump back in there this eve...
pcdeltalink 8 Apr, 2023 @ 10:24pm 
Originally posted by WeelieTired:
Nice. I JUST crafted a weevil shield, after finally finding a path towards the pond/tree to get acorns that wasn't right into a spider's face. Got a whole bunch of spikes for future arrows too. Now to get some webs and make a bow.
Got the ant-club via a lot of deaths near the anthill, and it hits hard but its Soooo Slooowww.
Although I've seen a lot of threads people say the knives are generally better due to speed?
YMMV will jump back in there this eve...

The problem with the knives/daggers is their durability. It hits faster but you're doing so many hits rapidly for not as much damage per hit you will destroy the durability of it quickly. Ant club may be slow but is far more durability efficient per hit.
spiekertI 7 Jul, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
learn how to be good at parrying you need to block in at the perfect timing
CRABSQUID 13 Apr, 2024 @ 10:55pm 
parry, smack the creature till they die, use rescources for upgrades
JustASheep4Christ 17 Apr, 2024 @ 8:50am 
Originally posted by Grey Dragon:
If the enemy I'm facing isn't a mite or a worker ant, I am guaranteed to lose. Is there any advice you can offer? I can't get any stronger gear until I can beat stronger enemies.

EDIT: After overcoming the my initial problems and improving my gear and combat tactics, I'm finding the game a lot easier. Thanks to the people who offered advice.
Sent friend request
Grey Dragon 17 Apr, 2024 @ 8:51am 
Originally posted by JustASheep4Christ:
Sent friend request
Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to play alone.
JustASheep4Christ 17 Apr, 2024 @ 12:52pm 
You can add me as a friend we can help each other. Also if anyone else would like assistance and could be of assistance add me as a friend. Click on name on this thread add as friend.
JustASheep4Christ 17 Apr, 2024 @ 12:53pm 
Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to play alone. [/quote
Ok I got ya
Y u mad 11 Sep, 2024 @ 8:30am 
Just Get good
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