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Ni9hthawk231 22 Mar, 2023 @ 8:17pm
What the F*** is wrong with the mantis
ive tried the mantis fight about a hundred times and i ALWAYS end up getting killed from the unblockable leap attack and ground slam no matter which direction or how far i run how the hell am i supposed to kill this thing?!
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
FoamySlobbers 24 Mar, 2023 @ 12:11am 
smoothies, and a crossbow?
darkscaryforest 28 Mar, 2023 @ 12:00pm 
Yeah what atheist said. I was only on medium, but Ox Crossbow with salty arrows did the trick (bring at least 60). Try to keep the large stem of the plant mostly between you and the mantis as you kite him around it. The pond lab's 30 muscle sprouts regrow ever several days. That's 30 beefy smoothies you can make to heal at about 40 per pop. Also bring tons of bandages and keep that trickle regen going the entire fight. Also also, eat a high tier meal before fight for extra regen.
Last edited by darkscaryforest; 28 Mar, 2023 @ 12:01pm
spiekertI 7 Jul, 2023 @ 1:07pm 
well i just take some heals and hide behind the pillar and shoot the mantis with my spicy staff like a scardy cat it take some time but it will work if you avoid him that is how i do it
FoamySlobbers 10 Jul, 2023 @ 8:54pm 
Originally posted by Ni9hthawk2313:
ive tried the mantis fight about a hundred times and i ALWAYS end up getting killed from the unblockable leap attack and ground slam no matter which direction or how far i run how the hell am i supposed to kill this thing?!
salt morning star, shield, and perfect blocking, & termite chest piece (slim upgraded.) with the new update you can hold the shield up while that combo is being thrown at you. also the
place where you start the fight has a box around it that the mantis can't get past if you are on the opposite side(helps you miss that attack). then run up and hit it.
pcdeltalink 3 Aug, 2023 @ 8:13am 
Been trying to handle this thing on Whoa difficulty...still haven't gotten it down yet. I managed around halfway on my best run in melee so far. Crossbow build is probably my next option though I want to max it out first.
KittyClaire 3 Nov, 2023 @ 6:25pm 
from what ive seen, almost everything the mantis does besides the groundquakes is perfect guardable, including the leap attacks, they're just so insane that it's basically suicidal lol.

i cant stand how slow shooting is, so i go pure melee and rush it, but i make sure the bush trunk thing is nearby specifically to use as a guard vs the groundslams and leaps, since both moves get blocked by the wall. this way at least for me is far faster than spamming arrows, just the threat of actually being killed is far FAR higher too
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