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busting acorns
something I just realized about acorns that I thought I wouls share. if you bust the cap. you are not likely to get a cap. better to bust towards the meat. any other tips on resources ?
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pcdeltalink 31 May, 2023 @ 9:18pm 
Interesting. What I always felt from farming acorns is that specific ones seemed to always give caps while other specific ones never did. I would have to do a lot of testing to confirm it though.

As for some other resource tips I can think of.

Black widowlings are insanely good source of web fiber. Especially since after you clear out the initial widowlings and the adult black widow breaking the egg sacs around the area will usually spawn more black widowlings to kill. Think I walked away with dang near 200 fiber last time I did this. As a bonus, the web sacs in black widow lair can contain things like black ox parts (including horns) and other higher lvl materials.

I would be interested in other people's ideas here but for me antlion parts seem to be the easiest item to get en masse to turn into repair glue. A quick run of the sandbox (usually skipping most of the pit antlions) yields I want to say around 50 - 70 antlion parts. Enough for quite a bit of repair glue. And that was before stuffed antlion buff existed along with dissection perk. If needed this can easily be supplemented with other extra creature parts you have lying around.

If you have a large farm planted somewhere far from your base (muscle sprouts for example) leave 1 planted at your main base that you planted at the same time as all the others. That way when it is grown you know it's time to go check your main farm.

I'm sure I could think of more and if I do I'll come back and mention it.
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