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Difficult to progress when it feels the game's been 'abandoned' by Youutubers
So, I'm a new player that bought the game during the autumn sale. I remember watching gameplay of the game a year or two ago, and it had my interest.
Now, ever since getting to the first lab (and being told to go to the Hedge Maze), I feel quite lost. Well, not really 'lost' (as the game is telling me where to go), but lost as in how the hell I acquire items for Tier II/III tools/weapons (to give me more of an edge against the bugs). I was hoping the ingame notes would actually be helpful, but not always.

Trying to look for "Grounded how to find X" on Youtube, keeps giving me videos from a year ago. Now this typically wouldn't really be a problem, but the game world/what is needed to craft) has been clearly, substantially changed from when it was finally released to the current update. And this, is obviously NOT useful to me.

For example, I want the Fire Ant Club as I hear it's good for dealing with Orb Weavers. I have everything but Red Ant Mandibles. The unofficial wiki, doesn't tell me where to look for these (only that they are in 'biome here'). Not exactly useful with how massive the biomes are (and it's easy to miss if you're not really paying attention).
IGN however, says they can be found from Red Soldier Ants. And it has a video... but said video shows the Fire Ant Club with a completely different set of materials than what it shows ingame! So which is it, IGN?! Because killing the standard Red Soldier Ants aren't dropping it, and there's nothing that says if the mandibles have a really low spawn rate.
Read something about they're in Anthills. So I ask Google "where do I find anthills?", and again... videos from almost a year ago. These are useless to me as they have the old map design.

It feels like Youtubers have pretty much 'abandoned' this game and moved on to more relevant titles, which is screwing over people like myself that rather not 'enjoy' looking for hours for a needle in a haystack. I get most people actually prefer to find things on their own, but I'm not one of them when I need to find very specific things in order to progress the damn story.
Ah... buyer's remorse. So much buyer's remorse.
Last edited by BenieTheDragon; 28 Nov, 2023 @ 12:16am
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Tame 28 Nov, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
The wiki is mostly up to date. You just need to be a little more resourceful with your searching if you don't intend to play the game itself for discovery.
Red Anthill is here:
pcdeltalink 13 Dec, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
Fire ants and red ants are two different things with fire ants being a late game enemy in the upper yard. You will not have access to them until later on. Both types of ants have their own version of the ant club with the fire ant club obviously being more powerful.

Grounded 1.0 hit around a year ago so it makes sense that most videos you are finding are from back then. For those who are able to move through the game more quickly there hasn't been a ton of updates since then to draw them back.
The Queen Salis 8 Jan, 2024 @ 6:17am 
What you need is patience. You're not getting the top gear right now, no matter how convenient that would feel for you. You need to work with what you have and master the biomes and creatures one by one.
You're not going to be casually dueling spiders anytime soon, they're meant to be a threat.

The wiki is solid with crosslinks, IDK what to tell you.
󠀡󠀡 11 Jan, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
dang, you let your enjoyment get killed because not enough youtubers cover it?
This game is a slow burn. Also, if you sort your videos by upload date, you will see there are enough that cover the new stuff.
Talk about making a mountain out of an ant hill...
The Queen Salis 12 Jan, 2024 @ 7:01pm 
of course the youtubers would move on to fresher and more relevant games, they're youtubers! their ecosystem relies on covering the newest thing people want to check out but can't buy yet
What did I just read...

So... you rely completely on Youtubers to tell you where to go / because you need to para-socially enjoy the game through them?
Okay.... you do you I guess.....

In regards to it dying off- yeah- it's more than a year old.


They just released their biggest update- where you get the ability to make your own custom worlds in a sandbox separate to the backyard.

They plan on releasing more updates.

If you want this game to get back into the public eye- all you can do is support the devs, play the game, and maybe nudge them in the direction of public and privately owned servers.

I'm telling you now- random world joining in Don't Starve is super fun and interesting- to see what every other player does.
You get to connect a bit, see how they play, help them out for a bit, all before leaving and never coming back; and that's okay.

I would love to see that come to this game- Or even the private server style of minecraft- where a company/website will purchase a constant live server and customize it. Allowing it to run and collect players while you are offline. Even allowing for mods to help resolve issues within the game.

Point is- this game has room for growth- growth sells copies of the game- sold copies of the game allows more room for growth- and so on.
(The word Growth is vague- but connectivity option growth to play with others easier would be an absolute joy- and that's what I'm mainly referring to)

You can add a million things to do- but I still have no friends to play with me in my shoeprint basketball court :(
- this clearly holds most people back from having silly lobbies where they setup a big stadium in creative and set it to open- pitting people against each other on the b-ball court- and sending the losers to the Claw-Plach battle dome to regain favor via a Wolf Spider fight.
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