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Immortal pos 5/4 4 Nov, 2024 @ 3:54pm
Doom but worse in every way
I don't understand why Prodeus is what it is. The game looks beautiful, even though I'm not really sure why the game applies all these pixelated shaders when clearly an enormous amount of effort went into first rendering them in 3d anyway. It kind of feels like a game that approaches just using 3d models so closely the difference is just a technical novelty. The game is clearly heavily inspired by Doom, with it's comparatively straightforward level design and enemies.

A non-exhaustive list of problems I have with Prodeus - a lot of which I did not have with the original Doom:

  • Frame to frame visual clarity is atrocious, and there are no options to modify this. Excessive use of particle effects and emission shaders (the Prodeus enemies are by far the worst: the imps shoot blue blobs almost entirely obscured by their own sprite). When using the minigun I can't even see what I am shooting at half the time
  • Constantly taking damage without proper feedback. I almost never feel like I made a mistake; I just randomly take damage. Never had this problem with Doom or Quake. Part of the reason is because audio cues are very muddy
  • The game loves the "open door and immediate take damage"-trope. Definitely inspired by Doom there. This happens almost every map multiple times over
  • Reloading serves zero purpose in this game besides being a cool animation. I strongly suspect it's the reason why it exists too. I mean even three decade old games realized this
  • Most of my deaths were near instant, while I take almost zero damage in other places (hardest difficulty). Those deaths are often some form of "I could not see what that over there is" - particularly the minigun guys just kill you instantly when they appear on the screen
  • Lots of enemies that deal near-hitscan damage, but without a proper cue when it comes out. They also seem to be immune to staggering. The shotgun grunts are the worst offender by far, and they look no different than regular grunts either making the damage frequently feel extremely cheap
  • Half the weapons feel completely pointless and fill overlapping niches. Enemies being very samey contributes to this
  • Very annoying animation buffering system. Prime example being the rocket launcher: after using it I instinctively swap to another weapon. This buffers the weird cocking animation to when you next bring it out
  • Reloading a checkpoint does not respawn enemies (???)

For a lot of these things I just don't understand why they exist. Why is reloading part of Prodeus? In games reloading usually plays into a tactical element. Prodeus is unapologetically just Doom. Doom has no tactical elements besides resource routes. Do you expect me to take cover in the 10 by 10 foot arena this game is so fond of to reload all my weapons?
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
Lu2 4 Nov, 2024 @ 7:28pm 
you need a understand this game is inspired by brutal doom rather then original doom . checkpoint system is issue since early aplha . its like pinball game with infinite balls . proper save feature will be added soon . it was realy hard for devs to implement without braking game

i honestly was in impresion devs add some sort of lifes system like doom 2016 arcade mode does when i broufght it in alpha stage
Immortal pos 5/4 5 Nov, 2024 @ 9:25am 
Originally posted by Lu2:
you need a understand this game is inspired by brutal doom rather then original doom . checkpoint system is issue since early aplha . its like pinball game with infinite balls . proper save feature will be added soon . it was realy hard for devs to implement without braking game

i honestly was in impresion devs add some sort of lifes system like doom 2016 arcade mode does when i broufght it in alpha stage

I did not know that. I have never played Brutal Doom. Does it add things like weapon reloading? If so I don't think I would be a big fan.

The analogy of the pinball machine is fitting. It indeed makes zero sense to not respawn enemy and takes away the entire challenge.
Lu2 5 Nov, 2024 @ 11:12am 
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
Originally posted by Lu2:
you need a understand this game is inspired by brutal doom rather then original doom . checkpoint system is issue since early aplha . its like pinball game with infinite balls . proper save feature will be added soon . it was realy hard for devs to implement without braking game

i honestly was in impresion devs add some sort of lifes system like doom 2016 arcade mode does when i broufght it in alpha stage

I did not know that. I have never played Brutal Doom. Does it add things like weapon reloading? If so I don't think I would be a big fan.

The analogy of the pinball machine is fitting. It indeed makes zero sense to not respawn enemy and takes away the entire challenge.
visualy is similar to brutal doom as far gore go. brutal doom added ♥♥♥♥ ton of new ,diferent weapons with reloading , you zoom ,snipe , do gorekills ,fatalities and stuff like that . iam not fan since it changes doom to completly diferent game and it acts seriously within gore while providing call of duty like gunplay rather .you keep reloading all time like idiot .

prodeus feel similar but level design is more like quake 2 . cant realy tell i dont even beat game .got bored due to infinite lifes cheat
Last edited by Lu2; 5 Nov, 2024 @ 11:17am
alien_tickler 5 Nov, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
how are you? 10? i've been playing fps games for 35 years and prodeus is a great old school shooter get outa here boy.
597 6 Nov, 2024 @ 7:43am 
Prodeus feels to me like Doom 2016/Eternal had everything I hate removed from them, and everything I thought was good about them was lovingly polished.
Ender Zayne 7 Nov, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
You're kidding, right? It's literally better than Doom, especially Eternal.
Lu2 10 Nov, 2024 @ 10:28pm 
Originally posted by Ender Zayne:
You're kidding, right? It's literally better than Doom, especially Eternal.
i dont like eternal eighter . its more like plaformer QTE fest then actual arena shooter but that doesnt change fact prodeus have invicibilty mode build in . which drags to game to bore fest . infinite lifes cheat is annoying
alien_tickler 11 Nov, 2024 @ 8:01am 
Originally posted by Lu2:
Originally posted by Ender Zayne:
You're kidding, right? It's literally better than Doom, especially Eternal.
i dont like eternal eighter . its more like plaformer QTE fest then actual arena shooter but that doesnt change fact prodeus have invicibilty mode build in . which drags to game to bore fest . infinite lifes cheat is annoying

eternal was good but it was fatiguing especially the DLC was nothing but HORDE's of enemies i am hoping the new doom is in between doom 2016 and eternal.
Sir Edward 14 Nov, 2024 @ 8:27am 
So as far as boomer shooters go, this is king. This is most definitely a doom1/2/final and doom modern hybrid.

Reloading IS important, but not as important as most modern shooters.

Guns absolutely have their uses. i agree though the pistol and the normal shotgun kind of stink for every use after you get the smg's and the quad shotgun. actually, even the ripper kind of nullifies that.

youll be using the plamsa and the chaos rifles the most often

Damage is about awareness. this game DOESN'T hold your hand, and i appreciate that aspect.

The game is hard enough without respawning enemies! nightmare in doom was... a nightmare.

I think the game is very beautiful, and clear graphics. i only wished i could do 3d enemies AND guns, not just enemies. i usually keep it in 2d for that reason.

The hardest difficulties are intentionally unforgiving and playing on hard is good enough for most people, even veteran fps players. I usually don't die if i am careful and use the guns as they're intended.

This game does sometimes overuse spawning enemies as opposed to static enemies, which i appreciated much more in doom as you can memorize placements and think about what you want to do.

I think you might enjoy AMID EVIL more from what i can tell, as a spiritual successor to quake. This game is definitely more for doomers.
Immortal pos 5/4 15 Nov, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
Originally posted by Sir Edward:
So as far as boomer shooters go, this is king. This is most definitely a doom1/2/final and doom modern hybrid.

Reloading IS important, but not as important as most modern shooters.

Guns absolutely have their uses. i agree though the pistol and the normal shotgun kind of stink for every use after you get the smg's and the quad shotgun. actually, even the ripper kind of nullifies that.

youll be using the plamsa and the chaos rifles the most often

Damage is about awareness. this game DOESN'T hold your hand, and i appreciate that aspect.

The game is hard enough without respawning enemies! nightmare in doom was... a nightmare.

I think the game is very beautiful, and clear graphics. i only wished i could do 3d enemies AND guns, not just enemies. i usually keep it in 2d for that reason.

The hardest difficulties are intentionally unforgiving and playing on hard is good enough for most people, even veteran fps players. I usually don't die if i am careful and use the guns as they're intended.

This game does sometimes overuse spawning enemies as opposed to static enemies, which i appreciated much more in doom as you can memorize placements and think about what you want to do.

I think you might enjoy AMID EVIL more from what i can tell, as a spiritual successor to quake. This game is definitely more for doomers.

"Guns have their uses" -> "Here are some examples where that is not true though, and you will mostly be using these two" (???)

Difficulty in games has to be earned. Visual communication isn't "hand holding"; it is the responsibility of the game. When I tell you will we have a boxing match and I suddenly hit you in the back of the head as you walk away I would assume you wouldn't get up to shake my hand and tell me "that was a good match sport", now would you?

The game is nowhere near hard enough for me to not have enemies respawn. So I can only disagree there. I feel like I need to manually restart the level every time I die just so I can feel any amount of satisfaction for clearing a level. I already played on the highest difficulty.

I did play AMID EVIL but frankly don't really understand the recommendation. I found AMIL EVIL to be very similar to Prodeus in how anachronic and outdated the design principles at play are. The issue with AMID EVIL for me was mainly how bland the game felt gameplay wise. I expect BETTER than Quake this day and age. We should have advanced since three decades ago.
Immortal pos 5/4 15 Nov, 2024 @ 1:03pm 
Originally posted by Lu2:
Originally posted by Ender Zayne:
You're kidding, right? It's literally better than Doom, especially Eternal.
i dont like eternal eighter . its more like plaformer QTE fest then actual arena shooter but that doesnt change fact prodeus have invicibilty mode build in . which drags to game to bore fest . infinite lifes cheat is annoying

I can agree with that from the standpoint of expecting something else, but you can't deny Eternal is a game that executes extremely well on the vision set forth. Both from a visual presentation as well the design of any gameplay mechanics Eternal caters to the overarching intent.

I truly wish more games were to be designed after a specific goal and have the rest of the facets reflect that. Prodeus is almost the opposite to me. Especially the frame-by-frame visual clarity is so bad it's just outright unacceptable imo.
Lu2 15 Nov, 2024 @ 4:39pm 
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
Originally posted by Lu2:
i dont like eternal eighter . its more like plaformer QTE fest then actual arena shooter but that doesnt change fact prodeus have invicibilty mode build in . which drags to game to bore fest . infinite lifes cheat is annoying

I can agree with that from the standpoint of expecting something else, but you can't deny Eternal is a game that executes extremely well on the vision set forth. Both from a visual presentation as well the design of any gameplay mechanics Eternal caters to the overarching intent.

I truly wish more games were to be designed after a specific goal and have the rest of the facets reflect that. Prodeus is almost the opposite to me. Especially the frame-by-frame visual clarity is so bad it's just outright unacceptable imo.
i mean there is nothing wrong with game itself . its rather well made but i think its bad arena shooter . you are simply too op with jumps alow you play slopy . jumping sections puzzles killed game for me . feeled like some sort of 3rd platformer adventure
Immortal pos 5/4 15 Nov, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
Originally posted by Lu2:
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:

I can agree with that from the standpoint of expecting something else, but you can't deny Eternal is a game that executes extremely well on the vision set forth. Both from a visual presentation as well the design of any gameplay mechanics Eternal caters to the overarching intent.

I truly wish more games were to be designed after a specific goal and have the rest of the facets reflect that. Prodeus is almost the opposite to me. Especially the frame-by-frame visual clarity is so bad it's just outright unacceptable imo.
i mean there is nothing wrong with game itself . its rather well made but i think its bad arena shooter . you are simply too op with jumps alow you play slopy . jumping sections puzzles killed game for me . feeled like some sort of 3rd platformer adventure

I don't personally agree, but I can respect that. It is a matter of what you go in wanting from the game.

I do however hope we will one day see the return of arena shooters. That story ended much too abruptly when the console shooter era started.
Lu2 15 Nov, 2024 @ 10:35pm 
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
Originally posted by Lu2:
i mean there is nothing wrong with game itself . its rather well made but i think its bad arena shooter . you are simply too op with jumps alow you play slopy . jumping sections puzzles killed game for me . feeled like some sort of 3rd platformer adventure

I don't personally agree, but I can respect that. It is a matter of what you go in wanting from the game.

I do however hope we will one day see the return of arena shooters. That story ended much too abruptly when the console shooter era started.
yeah . i personaly kinda like first rage and woflnstein reboot was not that bad . i actualy liked doom 2016. does give me pankiller - quake 2, 3 gameplay rather then this platforming rpg advanture . gameplay force me do gory kills . it was optional in doom 2016. eternal feels more scripted but maybe i judge game harsh. i didnt realy completed . but i got bored fast . i dont realy like colorfull palete design in both games . monsters looks cute not scary aside of monsters treat level
i completed the game on normal difficulty (sometimes i'm in mood to play boomer shooters on max difficulty, but only sometimes). i do agree that issues you described exist, but disagree on your interpretation. hear me out: everything in the game is GOOD at base, but terribly BALANCED.

1) visual clarity is sometimes awful. which seems to be in favor of visual prettines. you do agree that game looks beautifull, right? especially gore aspect. so, there is no balance between "looks pretty and cool" and "looks comprehensible"
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
The game loves the "open door and immediate take damage"-trope. Definitely inspired by Doom there. This happens almost every map multiple times over
that's not a trope, i noticed that enemies get alerted on your presence behind walls and doors (which is sort of ok). but the issue on opening doors is that enemy is already alerted on you and sees you as soon as door start moving. so, let's say, imp starts his attack animation when he sees a pixel of you behind the opening door, and when it's finally opened - his projectile is already flying at your face. again, no balance between "alerted enemy" and "enemy tries to hit you through the barely opened door"
3) reloading. i have no issues with it. every shooting game makes a decision whether it has a reloading or not. prodeus decided to have it. so be it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. about animation buffering - for me it seems ok-ish too. if you shoot a rocket launcher and switch it immediately - it won't reload itself, right?
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
Lots of enemies that deal near-hitscan damage, but without a proper cue when it comes out.
tbh, makes sense to me, and almost seems like a design choise. hitscan enemies are not-deadly (shotgunners are innacurate) or manageble (chaingunners are a proper threat, deal with it, and snipers have a wind up time).
what does not make sense to me is all projectile enemies have aimbot. they all lead your movement, starting from imp and ending with that thing that shoots waves through walls.
it's manageble on 1-3 enemies, but when there is a big arena with ~20 imps all predicting your movement - your only option is having big hp pool and eating every health pickup available. no balance between "rare strong enemies are hard to deal with" and "every projectile enemy is pain in the ass"
Originally posted by Immortal pos 5/4:
Half the weapons feel completely pointless and fill overlapping niches. Enemies being very samey contributes to this
This is the biggest flaw of the game. Guns are fun to use but not balanced AT ALL. I noticed that hitting a common grunt in the head I needed 3 shots from pistol, 3 shots from smg, 3 shots from plasma rifle (???), or 3 normal shots from chaos rifle (??????). why the hell these weapons have same TTK. these leads to decision of using only plasma gun because it has huge magazine and ammo limit. same thing with shotguns, to kill an imp I needed 2 headshots from shotgun or 2 headshots from quad-barrel (???). you of course can right click with quad-barrel and melt anything in front of you, but it takes 4 ammo, and basic shotgun charged shot deals comparable damage using only 1 ammo. when I unlocked swarmer, I forgot about rocket and grenade launcher, swarmer is simply superior (at least it's obtainable closer to the end of the game).
6) all these checkpoint-life-nosaving thing seems to be a consequence of changing game design direction. seems like devs wanted to have some arcade-style scores, lifes and leaderboards. you can see some leftovers of it in challenge levels, where starting door has a gun icon and stars with it. these stars were from that arcade ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. at some point they scrapped it and quickly changed to more classic shooter approach. or at least they tried to, with little success.

to summarize, most issues of this game are balance issues and theoretically can be tweaked back and forth without changing fundamentals. but devs didn't do this tweaking, which is another story.
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