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How much do I have to pay for this game now?
(This post contains sarcasm)
I mean, potentially this game has infinite longevity so it's impossible that I'm getting such a good game for a couple of Euros. How much am I in debt now?
(sarcasm end)

By the way, thank you devs for delivering such an amazing game. It's been long since I genuinely managed to have fun with a multiplayer shooter with a friend of mine without being bothered by the live service model and other stupid stuff.

And I'm not someone appreciating the game out of nostalgy, I'm far from it considering that I'm 26 I truly started with fps games with battlefield 4 and titanfall 2.

I literally developed hatred toward the live service models, the constant manipulations, the time limited stuff... and when Baldur's Gate 3 came out I got frustrated... because the only game doing thigs right and how I wanted them it's a game which I'm not able to enjoy the gameplay even with friends.

so... thanks for this game
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live service games are cancer, boomer-shooters are the old school legends that we had back in the 90s.
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