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Rikimoro 9 Jan @ 2:15pm
this game is horshe shait
You can't flash the players eyes costantly - it is not danger for epilepsy people alone. It is harmful for peoples eyes. Educate yourself and dont ply this shait
Last edited by Rikimoro; 9 Jan @ 2:15pm
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
exojjl2 11 Jan @ 4:34am 
Well what about the fact you are posting about this on a computer screen? I mean the only natural light that is truly good for the human eyes is natural sun light and natural moonlight. Seems you don't care to much about the subject you could offer solutions for minimizing blue light, or minimizing screens altogether that could entirely reduce epilepsy.
But you are a hypocrite. Vote blue and don't reduce the blue (light.)
Last edited by exojjl2; 11 Jan @ 4:36am
o-O™ 12 Mar @ 5:08am 
Yes, and it also has a dithering setting that can't be turned off. I didn't know why my eyes get so tired only when I play this game.
$2 Hero 14 Mar @ 3:21pm 
Just played the game and don't notice any flashing. It's just all blood and guts which is dark red color. At the very beginning of game it does have a warning about flashing though. Maybe it's you settings or monitor. I see some options to change colors etc in the game options.
Originally posted by Rikimoro:
You can't flash the players eyes costantly - it is not danger for epilepsy people alone. It is harmful for peoples eyes. Educate yourself and dont ply this shait
I've 100% of (current) achievements. I guess that's too late for me? :ujel:
Rikimoro 19 Mar @ 12:58pm 
it is not about the blue light. it is about the constatnt flashes which make your retina expand and contract non stop - this is unnatural for the retina - it is like being in a discoteque . But worse because you are trying to focus, but your retrina refl;ex is being raped . it isnot just this game - they make the games like this . these days

and also the handheld devices - another OLED hazard.
Last edited by Rikimoro; 19 Mar @ 1:00pm
Lu2 21 Mar @ 9:33pm 
Originally posted by Rikimoro:
it is not about the blue light. it is about the constatnt flashes which make your retina expand and contract non stop - this is unnatural for the retina - it is like being in a discoteque . But worse because you are trying to focus, but your retrina refl;ex is being raped . it isnot just this game - they make the games like this . these days

and also the handheld devices - another OLED hazard.
what do you mean by oled hazard ? iam honestly buy crt or plasma screen next time . iam done with leds even if i will be forced to play 720p
$2 Hero 22 Mar @ 2:01pm 
Originally posted by Lu2:
Originally posted by Rikimoro:
it is not about the blue light. it is about the constatnt flashes which make your retina expand and contract non stop - this is unnatural for the retina - it is like being in a discoteque . But worse because you are trying to focus, but your retrina refl;ex is being raped . it isnot just this game - they make the games like this . these days

and also the handheld devices - another OLED hazard.
what do you mean by oled hazard ? iam honestly buy crt or plasma screen next time . iam done with leds even if i will be forced to play 720p
Wait why are led bad lol
Lu2 22 hours ago 
Originally posted by $2 Hero:
Originally posted by Lu2:
what do you mean by oled hazard ? iam honestly buy crt or plasma screen next time . iam done with leds even if i will be forced to play 720p
Wait why are led bad lol
colors , contrats , realistic lighning all sucks . i played elden ring on lamp projector recently and it was godlike when it comes light and colors . reshade is just poor emulation
Originally posted by Rikimoro:
You can't flash the players eyes costantly - it is not danger for epilepsy people alone. It is harmful for peoples eyes. Educate yourself and dont ply this shait

no body is forcing you to play it you know ... just go play another game and be happy
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