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[SUGGESTION] Loadout management
There's this loadout button on the map screen, but beyond noting what items I have access to, it doesn't really add any interactivity. So how about being able to toggle which, or move the position of, the weapons I have available in my inventory for use?

I find myself mostly sticking to four weapons; auto shotgun, rocket launcher, plasma rifle, and arc rail (and sometimes the minigun and super shotgun), and while they are somewhat close in terms of cycling, it's still a bit of a hassle to quickly cycle them all.

Just a thought.
Last edited by Astrotaurus; 25 Jan @ 12:09am
Originally posted by Prodeus:
The loadout screen is getting viewable weapons.

You can choose to disable guns through the input options menu, just unbind their keys and they won't show up in your cycle.
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A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Prodeus  [developer] 26 Jan @ 10:00am 
The loadout screen is getting viewable weapons.

You can choose to disable guns through the input options menu, just unbind their keys and they won't show up in your cycle.
Originally posted by Prodeus:
The loadout screen is getting viewable weapons.

You can choose to disable guns through the input options menu, just unbind their keys and they won't show up in your cycle.
No way dude. I never even expected it, this is above and beyond. And they say y'all aren't adding stuff. Really cool! Thank you.
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