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I Hear New Saves But Does This Fix Checkpoint System?
So now when I see mention of the problematic checkpoint system, I'm often seeing replies referencing the new save system that will apparently be implemented when the new DLC releases. I initially assumed that this implied the system mentioned was a replacement/overhaul of the current checkpoint system, but then I realized I've never seen a description that outright says this or explains what exactly the new save system entails.
I'm desperately hoping the new system isn't just in-reference to a save-state kind of thing and actually is the fix for the current system that I initially assumed it was.

I do feel compelled to say again, about four years later, that the checkpoint system is a bizarre combination of the biggest problem with the game as well as one the most easily fixable problems in the game. I don't want to go on too long a tangent about this, but it has been frustrating to return years later and see conversation regarding this issue still waved aside with comments such as

"The devs have been working on "X"."
"This is going to be fixed when the DLC comes out."
"This is not a simple feature to implement."

While the third example is just outright false unless something is catastrophically wrong with the base game's coding, the other two are also unacceptable as well. It has been over four years since Prodeus released and no adjustments to the checkpoint system have been made. Even if the developers like playing with the current save system, they could simply have an option for which checkpoint system the player prefers to use. So many people have mentioned that this is a near deal-breaker for them because of how negatively it impacts their experience, so even if the developers did not initially view this as a problem (or even if they still don't?), it should be clear from how many people have mentioned this that at the very least, an option to play without this bizarre system should be implemented.

I don't want this to come off as just a "complainy" post, but I do feel the need to reiterate the importance of these complaints to make clear why I feel this question is so important. I love the look, feel, and sound of Prodeus; I played a bunch of it when I first got my hands on it, but the insane feeling checkpoint system trivialized so much of the game and had a massive impact on how much I felt I was able to get out of the experience as a whole. I hope that myself and others who have "complained" about this in the past have not been overlooked as just wanting to complain about something, as I know for me, I am taking the time to make a post because of how awesome I think Prodeus could be if not for the current checkpoint system. I don't want this to be taken as any kind of "bashing" on the developers or anyone else, as I only want to communicate what a critical issue this is for so many players and for it to be handled as such, not handled as something that can be delayed for five-or-so years before addressing.

I will absolutely be playing through the campaign again once this has been resolved because I love the core game, but this really is a serious issue.

Sorry for the wall-o'-text! Thanks for reading!
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I think another problem is that the levels are very short, and quick saves will make it very easy to save scum as well. But I agree there should be an option to pick inbetween the nexus system and a regular save system. The nexus system DOES has its use for going deathless and stats etc and I am even willing to defend some aspects of it. It is absolutely bizare to the majority player tho and should absolutely be a secondary option. In my opinion we actually need BOTH modes because only having quicksaves is also problematic in levels that are this short. The reason monsters dont respawn when you die is because you already got a death on your score, and for that reason they do not want you to risk get yet ANOTHER death on the stats once you already died once and killed those monsters. So in that (bizare) sense, it is actually FAIR that the monsters do not respawn. Do you see where im coming from? It seems that for these developers, death is not actually dying in the game, but having a death on your stats. That is why it is so bizarely designed currently.
I dont think this is as easy for the developers as it seems on the surface. They made a game designed around death affecting your stats... Not around actually dying in the level itself XD.
Originally posted by ShotgunDemon:
I dont think this is as easy for the developers as it seems on the surface. They made a game designed around death affecting your stats... Not around actually dying in the level itself XD.

It's been a while since I finished it, but I actually don't remember anything about death affecting my stats; what all does it have an effect on? o_O

On the levels being short front, it should still just take a quick glance from the devs to identify the different bridges between set-pieces and large confrontations for them to be able to choose fitting points to use as checkpoints. If they feel certain levels are too short for a checkpoint, then that's short enough that I'd be fine with restarting from the beginning since that won't be it's an insanely long slog.

My confusion with the new save system is that I can't at all tell if it's going to be just a manual save and load or if it will be used to implement the standard checkpoint system that is very much needed. It's possible they plan to implement both the manual and a new checkpoint system, and that would be fine, as I wouldn't mind at all if someone wanted to use the save and load option to make something easier for them, but I really don't want to have to be stuck in the opposite boat of not having a normal checkpoint system and having to make things up to circumvent how easy the current checkpoint system makes the game.

Hopefully they're on it; we'll see! :D
Just randomly checked-in and figured I'd keep this thread/question fresh, as it's definitely my top question with regards to the DLC, far more so than even its release date or the like. It's just way too tantalizing when the fix I'd given up hope on suddenly looks so possible!

To condense things:

Is the teased quick-save system solely for players to manually use (hopefully not!), or is it going to also be used to implement a checkpoint system akin to what one would expect to see in other titles? (Please!)

If normal checkpoints are going to be implemented upon the DLC's release, will they be implemented in the base game's levels as well as the DLC's? (Again, please!)

The moment I hear a normal checkpoint system (one involving time and space, rather than simply being placed back at a certain location with all killed enemies still dead), I'm gonna have a hard time not immediately launching and playing through the whole game again!

Ultimately New saves wont fix anything in this game if the Nexus system remains the same Thing, so I get Where you Are coming from. Whats the point of saving if you cant die anyways? All that will do is to be able to savescum if going for deathless runs. It will actually ruin the game Even more.
Its kinda amusing to me how this otherwise excellent game managed to mess itself up so badly with such a small little Thing. Just add a way to actually die in the game for starters!!!!!I get why they made it this way. Its not just the Nexus system its the combination of that and them wanting u to be able to see stats, but there is little reward for going deathless except some leaderboard stuff that only a handfull of people care about. I have another idea also to how it could be fixed: Add a 1 life only mode that is OPTIONAL upon starting a level. You cant save. If you DIE, then you DIE.

Then for the regular game without this mode enabled you just fix the Nexus system to make the enemies respawn!!!! You dont Even need to add regular saves then as that will just be used to scum the short levels anyways. You just need a mode specifically for going deathless that does not affect the regular mode in Any way. I really think what I am suggesting here would completely fix the game while maintaining what the devs intended with the 1 life mode!
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