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Communication Via Steam Needs to Exist/Improve
I wanted to make a quick post to say that communication updates absolutely need to be provided via Steam. I see a lot of mentions that one can go to other sites to see what's going on, but this just isn't an acceptable alternative given the options Steam provides for keeping players up-to-date on what's going on with relation to one's games.

I don't mean to say that this needs to be done just because I want it to be more convenient (even though of course I want it to be more convenient!), but also because I worry that the developers are not aware of the fact that not taking advantage of the media-tools Steam provides means that their game looks completely abandoned to any prospective customer who is looking at the store page to see what activity there has been regarding the title. I know when I don't see any listed recent activity on the Steam store page, I usually just assume that activity regarding the title has ceased.

Just wanted to put this out there in case it hadn't been considered much!

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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Couldn't agree more. I occasionally check-in for updates, and if I didn't know better, it would be easy to assume the game was abandoned.
Originally posted by haydener:
Couldn't agree more. I occasionally check-in for updates, and if I didn't know better, it would be easy to assume the game was abandoned.

It definitely happened to me! After I had pretty well finished what I was gonna do with it, I'd still check back to see if they finally fixed the checkpoint system, but I pretty much just assumed it was dead because the Steam updates/announcement/messages area hadn't had anything in months.
Prodeus  [developer] 3 Feb @ 7:09pm 
We'll post more "new" stuff when we're starting our marketing run up to release. Most likely. Don't want to let all of the air out of tires.
Yeah I agree
I'm not really disagreeing, per se. But at the same time, it used to be that once a game was finished, it technically was "abandoned." And Prodeus as a base game, if not for what the developers themselves have stated, does seem very finished.

If anything, I'd say the DLC was announced a wee bit early. Had it not, Bounding Box could've gotten away with dragging its development out and instead focusing on some post-launch quality of life stuff without getting too pressured by players to ship the DLC.
Originally posted by Astrotaurus:
I'm not really disagreeing, per se. But at the same time, it used to be that once a game was finished, it technically was "abandoned." And Prodeus as a base game, if not for what the developers themselves have stated, does seem very finished.

If anything, I'd say the DLC was announced a wee bit early. Had it not, Bounding Box could've gotten away with dragging its development out and instead focusing on some post-launch quality of life stuff without getting too pressured by players to ship the DLC.

I actually didn't even post this with any consideration toward the DLC; my primary concern has been (since launch), the state of the base game. Of course it is important to see the difference between "finished" and "abandoned", but I don't believe how things used to be is an apt example here, with the game in-question having decided to launch into early-access, which immediately blurs the lines between "finished" and "abandoned" in a way that was not feasible before post-launch development really became a thing.

When first playing Prodeus, way back, I had been shocked by the insane checkpoint system and was always looking for word on when it would be fixed/changed. I was extremely surprised and disappointed when the game was declared as "1.0" despite no change to the checkpoint system and what felt to me like an overall disappointing amount of content when it came to number of levels and especially ending. Because of this, communication has been at the forefront of my mind with Prodeus not only because of the lack of it through Steam channels, but also because I have always been very excited by the potential it has to be something amazing and have been checking every once in a while over the years for any word.

To be clear, I don't want to make this a complaint/defense thread, but I did feel it was important to expand a bit on my motivations in order to better reply to what you mentioned. Hopefully this isn't too much of a word-jumble!
Lu2 13 Feb @ 9:48pm 
Originally posted by sgt johnson:
Originally posted by Astrotaurus:
I'm not really disagreeing, per se. But at the same time, it used to be that once a game was finished, it technically was "abandoned." And Prodeus as a base game, if not for what the developers themselves have stated, does seem very finished.

If anything, I'd say the DLC was announced a wee bit early. Had it not, Bounding Box could've gotten away with dragging its development out and instead focusing on some post-launch quality of life stuff without getting too pressured by players to ship the DLC.

I actually didn't even post this with any consideration toward the DLC; my primary concern has been (since launch), the state of the base game. Of course it is important to see the difference between "finished" and "abandoned", but I don't believe how things used to be is an apt example here, with the game in-question having decided to launch into early-access, which immediately blurs the lines between "finished" and "abandoned" in a way that was not feasible before post-launch development really became a thing.

When first playing Prodeus, way back, I had been shocked by the insane checkpoint system and was always looking for word on when it would be fixed/changed. I was extremely surprised and disappointed when the game was declared as "1.0" despite no change to the checkpoint system and what felt to me like an overall disappointing amount of content when it came to number of levels and especially ending. Because of this, communication has been at the forefront of my mind with Prodeus not only because of the lack of it through Steam channels, but also because I have always been very excited by the potential it has to be something amazing and have been checking every once in a while over the years for any word.

To be clear, I don't want to make this a complaint/defense thread, but I did feel it was important to expand a bit on my motivations in order to better reply to what you mentioned. Hopefully this isn't too much of a word-jumble!
i think only two people working on game. traditional checkpoint and save system must have been development hell and broken . pretty sure it was mentioned multple times in various treads hence why this feature is still postponed until dlc . thats just my ques
Originally posted by Lu2:
Originally posted by sgt johnson:
i think only two people working on game. traditional checkpoint and save system must have been development hell and broken . pretty sure it was mentioned multple times in various treads hence why this feature is still postponed until dlc . thats just my ques

I don't mean to make this a thread about my complaints regarding the game, but I appreciate you offering that thought! I really did make this thread because I believe it is an important tool that isn't currently being utilized.

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