Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

It is impossible to upgrade your camp just playing normally on hardest difficulty
A) i have already completed the game twice before this playthrough
b)I collected literally everything on the map, fought every battle, there was no interesting places to open with scouts, got the "gold after battle" structures as soon as i could
c) i played the game normally, without googling what events will result in what outcome
d) at the end of the game i was left with 10k gold and like 800 wood, i did not craft that much units
e) my queen was kind and merciful for most events(roleplaying)
i think i spent like 3-5k wood and 10-15k(really rough estimetes) gold on outside the camp events (bridges, merchants, accidents, etc.)
f) i crafted quite a number of units, (i don't know the names in english but 5 drummers, 5 messengers, 5 horsies that spawn infantry, 5 mages, 5 blacksmiths, 3 armour aoe siege engines, 5 crossbowmen, 5 "summon all copies from deck" guys, 5 foragers, 5 strays cavalry, 2 bombers, and maybe 3-4 other strays, do not remember
g) I have not been able to build like half of the structures (i lacked like 30k in gold and like 15k-25k in wood before the last battle)

i think it is possible to upgrade the camp if you make like the most calculated decisions, and can see into future, and know every reward, every event by heart, and every time make the decisions, bringing you the most profit, maybee skipping some card parts and all morale events, but i came for a really cool card game, not for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ detective puzzle

it is also possible that i was cursed with bad rng, because i feel like these small piles of loot have random rewards (and these rng numbers are tweaket to be more gold in ch3 and more wood in ch4 and sir a-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-lot in ch5) and i just got unlucky.

I recently had a game of DnD (itwas 3-ish hours) where the average 20d roll of mine was 6, i got 4 1s in a row, i rolled all 1s on my all spells with every die, i got hit by all attacks with armout level 20, and succeeded in only 1 throw throughout the whole campaign(i rolled 9).

The gm said that we almost became the second group in the history of the clup to fail this oneshot, however we were 3, becaus 1 player left (she had an urgency or smth) and this oneshot is for like 4-6.
the only group who failed had similar luck to mine, except there were 5 people
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Not0rdinary 6 月 6 日 上午 5:57 
I think its possible on lowest difficulty, based on how many % of people got the achievement for that
Not0rdinary 6 月 6 日 上午 6:02 
sometimes you get up to x10 gold&wood on lowest difficulty for the same events.

On hardest difficulty it gets absurd how little money is given. For example I invested money into the dwarf bank, and got less at the end of the game (2500 invested and they gave me back 1500 on last location, whereas in the walk-through it said that they will return 25000)
o-trushin 6 月 7 日 下午 8:48 
引用自 Not0rdinary
I think its possible on lowest difficulty, based on how many % of people got the achievement for that
i know about lowest difficulty, i have an achievment too, i just don't like that you miss on cards on highest difficulty
Its pretty common in games with resources that the hardest difficulty makes you choose more and having everything is far less likely. You also crafted quite a bit of units.

Not sure what DnD rolls have to do with this. These events aren't connected and I fail to see why it matters, but my condolences, I hope you had fun either way.
Wait, you could upgrade everything on lower difficulties? I completed it on Hard and just like you i've done everything and found everything and couldn't get most of the upgrades.
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