Banner of the Maid

Banner of the Maid

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Wave Guy 8 Feb, 2024 @ 6:08pm
Does it get less puzzle-y?
I was forewarned about this going into the game, but it does seem to have the problem of a lot of modern turn based strategy/tactics games, where there seems to be a pattern of where most of your units are supposed to go each turn. This game design flaw often seems to be the result of over use of unknowable scripted events throughout a given battle, as well as the AIs randomly being very specific in what they do, regardless of what you are doing. This game further aggrivates the issue by (at least within the firs two hours of gameplay I have done) having your units be very easy to kill in a single turn if they don't go into the enemies threat zone just right.

Anyway, this, along with the obnoxious Japanese video game tropes (yes I know its Chinese), and the bloat of exposition and cheap, broad themes with bad dialogue smothering out the actual gameplay, is making me want to refund the game.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
GreySage2010 2 Aug, 2024 @ 5:10am 
So I guess you're not a fan of Fire Emblem?
Wave Guy 2 Aug, 2024 @ 11:53am 
I only ever played the one on the gamecube around when it came out. I seem to recall enjoying it. I have played these kinds of game before, and enjoyed them, but the ones that are extremely puzzle-y frustrating. Alot of that comes from the fact that they will have a lot of mechanics and presentation and make you excited for strategic and RPG flavors and the like, but then after a whole lot of railroaded tutorials and set-up, the real game and gameplay loop turns out to still be railroading.
Raymond 29 Sep, 2024 @ 2:02am 
Cyconf1 25 Nov, 2024 @ 2:11pm 
I sure hope so, I love the idea of the game but it absolutely comes across as a puzzle game pretending to be a strategy game.
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