Adult Elite Gamers A E Gamers
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Adult Elite Gamers A E Gamers
Creat la
30 martie 2014
DESPRE Adult Elite Gamers

The Original since 2014.


   Welcome to Adult Elite Gamers, the original mature gamers group since 2014! AEG is a place to socialize with like-minded adults from all over the world.

Please adhere to the following requirements if you consider joining:

· Your account must own a minimum of 250 games unless the applicant is a mod's/admin's friend.applies to new members only

· Must be age 25 or older

AEG is about connecting with other adults without the drama that can come with those who are not yet adults. We do this through a network of creative discussions, games and contests to encourage all members to participate.

We also invest time in safeguarding our members from malicious users/groups found here at Steam. Our goal is to maintain a respectful, civilized environment for people to enjoy.
VEZI TOT (1499)
September Screenshot Competition Results
Happy Birthday, 🔥UKIE!!
VEZI TOT (2000)
Adult Elite Gamers recenzii
"A great selection of games, from indie to AAA!"
Aici sunt câteva recenzii noi de Adult Elite Gamers
7.401 comentarii
wasabi™ 30 sept. la 21:12 
Yeah, Intel should’ve owned up instead of shifting blame to the motherboard manufacturers, but honestly, it’s not surprising they'd try something like that. Hopefully, this microcode update finally fixes the voltage issue, it’s long overdue.
RPG Gamer Man 26 sept. la 15:16 
Still, everytime i admit my mistakes, my dad always talks about blowing up a 10 million dollar train engine. It shows anyone can make mistakes, even people very good at their jobs. We are after all only human.
RPG Gamer Man 26 sept. la 15:14 
Whenver i make a mistake, i admit my mistakes. MY dad always tells me this funny story about blowing up a 10 million dollar train engine. He admitted fault to his company and they respected him for it. They did not give him a raise that year, but they did not fire him.
RPG Gamer Man 26 sept. la 15:13 
Intel released those faulty chips and knew about it, then tried to blame motherboard manufacturer's. Shows there a bit dumb for trying to shift the blame to someone else. They should of admitted their mistake and moved on. The customers would trust them more.
RPG Gamer Man 26 sept. la 15:12 
Do you think that third time is the charm for intel to fix the 13 and 14 gen chips? They just released a new Micro code, which will take another week from now to install in the BIOS. Do you think this will fix the voltage issue with them?
Eric 5 sept. la 5:51 
Awesome will check it out
VEZI TOT (1,139)
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