BreakingPoint Mod BP Mod
BreakingPoint Mod BP Mod
11. April 2014
1.623 Kommentare
Zed 13. Feb. um 15:26 
It will be a PERM BAN here for any rep or comment spam replies.
Prayerz 4. Jan. um 16:08 
Do any of you OGs remember me? I ran The Bunker back when Breaking point was first released. I to this day miss this game-mode and with the mods of the server still think it could be as popular as regular dayz/pubg etc. I understand when it was released it was in alpha/beta testing and heard rumours one of the original devs going on to help create H1Z1? Anyhow.. if anyone from the original group would be willing to bring this server back to life, doesn't need to be fully working, bugs happen.. but if we could recreate the community/atmopshere and proper advertising i think this style of game mode could blow up again.
thrilloichi 25. März 2024 um 5:51 
So ♥♥♥ happy, thx for bringing back BP
Zed 9. März 2024 um 16:37 
The Chernarus map from BreakingPoint has been released as it's own map on steam workshop. The map has been heavily revised and improved upon.
Alexander The Great 25. Juli 2023 um 2:12 
man, this mod was lovely
Bakedheadhunter 6. Juli 2023 um 16:28 
Our other Projects
All the work that is going into Path of Titans will directly benefit Breaking Point, and it was one of the reasons why we as a team decided to diverge slightly and put work into this smaller game. Tech and tools built for Path of Titans will be able to be implemented into Breaking Point, and many technologies can be proven and ironed out before being integrated as well. Path of Titans gives us an excellent avenue to test our platforms and our utilities, and revenue earned from the game will allow us to better fund Breaking Point’s development in the future. Path of Titans is expected to be released at the end of 2019. Edit: Im not a dev just Copy pasted this from their website.
MarcoDXB 23. Feb. 2023 um 5:39 
Is there any EU server ?
FevFlash45s ⛟ 23. Okt. 2022 um 14:55 
Still nothing like you :(
Bayır Domuzu 8. März 2022 um 14:07 
i hope someone hypes this mode one day and we'll be able to play it with full servers as it was used to be.:steamsad:
Solar_Warden 15. Feb. 2022 um 16:24 
Bring breaking point back!
Walouuuu 23. Jan. 2022 um 9:04 
Bakedheadhunter 5. Dez. 2021 um 20:01 
When is Breaking Point Standalone being released?
Zed 23. Sep. 2021 um 16:03 
Experience a Hunter Town Invasion in BreakingPoint Aftermath.

Zed 6. Sep. 2021 um 18:08 
@John Cena look up BreakingPoint Aftermath. We have a server that's maxing at 30 players every day and a solid 10-20 playing at any one time. I have added a ton of things into the experience as well.
John Cena 4. Sep. 2021 um 10:50 
Breaking Point in Arma 3 was the best game ever... Shame they do not play it anymore... Ppl prefer the altis life and other stupid mods :(
[CRAP]adrenalinpur 24. Juli 2021 um 13:47 
BreakingPoint i miss you so much :steamsad:
Renegard-6 25. Juni 2021 um 12:39 
1 server is still active
Toasty 20. Feb. 2021 um 3:20 
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo :)
xxx ChiggY xxx 9. Feb. 2020 um 2:02 
Join Thirsk Winter BP server

server name : New Pulse on Breaking Point Thirsk
Ronniebaby 1. Feb. 2020 um 9:16 
make stratis great again
JayRebirth 24. Jan. 2020 um 22:22 
I been offline for since 2014 This mod still a thing?
_ 23. Jan. 2020 um 17:24 
bom dia !
Jå¥Kïllå 8. Okt. 2019 um 3:11 
Had some great experiences in this game, it was great while it lasted. Though it was campy at times I had my moments. Its amazing how many hours i fed into a game which was technically free. Hope their standalone game is good because I loved the concept. RIP Breaking Point, you'll never be forgotten by those who endured and thrived in your game. GG
CRISP STONE 27. Juli 2019 um 19:00 
Русские отзовитесь, пора идти в новый Breaking point
Conan 16. Juli 2019 um 10:45 
How do I download the mod?
SeregaMP 11. Juli 2019 um 9:43 
[RU] RV666 BreakingPoint [New Spawns][Left Behind][Chernarus]

Ip Address

- сервер на 60 человек
- ванильный мод Breaking Point
- только первое лицо
- Стабильный онлайн 20 человек
[TNC] Frewsta 31. Mai 2019 um 12:51 
Is it still happening ?,i hope so
♛ Aces High 6. Mai 2019 um 14:05 
Any news about the standalone?
Melli ツ 19. Apr. 2019 um 6:19 
adden erwünscht für gute Spiele :) Rank: Supreme :heart:
METIZ 9. Apr. 2019 um 10:53 
online come back again!!!!
go peopels!!!!
󠁳⁧#бабапёрнула 13. März 2019 um 6:27 
have a nice day :heartblue:
(congratulate me, my bday today:lunar2019coolpig:)
Sobociak 16. Feb. 2019 um 10:24 
SLADE 16. Jan. 2019 um 2:19 
I thought this mod was dead and up creek, hella surprised there's an update.
Loopy_Loopッ 9. Jan. 2019 um 14:04 
hellp peeps
Messi10NS 2. Jan. 2019 um 13:19 
alguien que hable español que agregue para jugar breaking point soy belenmessi10
Mv.mL16* 10. Dez. 2018 um 4:03 
Phils󠁳⁧⁧ᴳᵒᵒᵈ 29. Sep. 2018 um 5:50 
hey guys please try out our new breaking point server its got high loot 20sec respawntime 3rd person on chernarus i´ll se u there ;D IP: PORT: 2312
WarMachine 28. Sep. 2018 um 12:28 
Malcain 28. Sep. 2018 um 7:36 
[BOP] BreakingPoint Left Behind | Tembelan | FPP
Tembelan map was released this year and currently among the top in steam workshop, has perfect size and was adopted for BP.
A lot of fixes and new features. Improved zombies. First person. Stable hosted EU server.
If that is not what you need, then I don't know;)
Endspire 2. Aug. 2018 um 15:15 
What map would you guys like to see a Breaking Point server run? 1pp or 3pp?
phlps 31. Juli 2018 um 10:15 
Is Bp servers alive?
Mimouz 28. Juli 2018 um 4:15 
You have to launch the game from arma 3 (double click on arma 3 on steam), then search "breakingpoint" in the filter "mission".

Then, click on the server, and you will get the option to automatically configure the mods and it will launch the game. :)
Mimouz 28. Juli 2018 um 2:48 
We are back on it, and always searching for people playing on BOP Malden server. It was full during the week.
OneFapMan 21. Juli 2018 um 22:43 
this still active like game and server wise?
NeoNatural 29. Juni 2018 um 14:35 
Народ. У кого остался аккаунт от breaking point??
Не привязаный к стиму. Можете в лс отписаться??
GRIFO 25. Juni 2018 um 20:11 
Juego diario Breakingpoint, agregame si hablas español :D
Rid ^-^ 25. Juni 2018 um 8:49 
R2D2 24. Mai 2018 um 21:38 
Zed 24. Apr. 2018 um 18:20 
A Breaking Point SP mission for workshop... this is just a survival sandbox. Hope you guys have fun!