Bundlelicious v2.0 BundlelishHD
초대된 회원만 가입 가능
Bundlelicious v2.0 BundlelishHD
게임 중
2015년 12월 29일
Bundlelicious v2.0 정보

Welcome to Bundlelicious v2.0!

Welcome to Bundlelicious v2.0!
A Steam Group Focused on Gifting Bundle Games!


Bundlelicious is a Steam group that focuses on gifting bundle games.
We are a community of friends from all over the world that share a passion in playing, trading, and collecting steam games, particularly bundles! We are always making improvements and adding new features for our members, as we focus on being the best Bundle Group on Steam!

Membership Rules

Members must:

- follow all Steamgift Rules[]! (A suspension from Steamgifts may result in an autokick)
- Read and adhere to the Group Rules.
- Keep a GA / Win ratio of .50 or higher.

As a Member, you also agree:

- To be polite and respectful towards each other!
- Respect the decisions made by the Admins/Mods!
- Not to beg for keys/games!
- Not to post referral links, spam, or other group links!

We believe in the overall tendency for people to do what is good and what is right! So please let your best side shine as a member! If you have a situation that could use the help of an Admin, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Members can view the full

Group Membership Rules HERE



Post your Giveaways HERE!

Make sure your GA's are:

- Bundle Games ONLY -
- for a minimum of 48 hours or more
- for Bundlelicious v2.0 Steam Group -
- no level requirements, or blacklisting of fellow members please -
- If you would like to make a GA for a non-bundle game, please DO NOT put it in the normal
giveaway thread. Instead contact an Admin/Mod for assistance -

Good Luck! and Have Fun at Bundlelicious v2.0!!!


Check Group Stats on SG HERE[]

Group Game Checker
Group Ratio Spreadsheet 2017
Group Giveaway Thread 2018
인기 토론글
최근 공지
CAUTION!!! *** Steam Accounts being Hacked via Virus being Spread via messages ****
Don't Click the link its a virus!! It hacks your steam account !!

You can go to steamgifts for more info, look in the general discussions

Thx Lima for the PSA!

and you can read more details on Steamgifts forum[]Steamgifts forum

Ticket to Ride - Complete Bundle & Unofficial Gaming Event
댓글 148
1000mg_Ginseng 2021년 11월 5일 오후 10시 07분 

Out There Somewhere

She Sees Red
1000mg_Ginseng 2021년 10월 17일 오후 6시 16분 
WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship
1000mg_Ginseng 2021년 8월 28일 오전 12시 02분 
Verlet Swing
1000mg_Ginseng 2021년 7월 1일 오전 9시 39분 
Axis Football 2020
tallpaul02 2021년 6월 21일 오후 8시 15분 
All nabbed up. Thanks very much for sharing all the same :D
1000mg_Ginseng 2021년 6월 21일 오전 9시 13분 
ok.. deleted that one Lima!
게임 중
11 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2015년 12월 29일