The Total War Protest Committee [TWPC]
The Total War Protest Committee [TWPC]
11 января 2014 г.
О The Total War Protest Committee

What are we here to say?

The Total War Protest Committee was formed to fight against Creative Assembly and SEGA. As long time fans of the Total War series, we expect CA to produce games that we can rely upon. CA changed the RTS genre forever when Rome Total War was created. Most of us (including myself) fell in love with the franchise after its release. Now however, We are tired of being cheated and have been pushed to our limits. The fact that we spend over 60$ for your continuously buggy and broken games is... pathetic. We continue to do so because we have (or had) faith in you. For me, the experience has been ruined. I have easily over 2000 hours dedicated to this franchise and im sure others do as well. CA needs to learn to keep promises, or stop making them. Did you really have a 40% higher budget for Rome 2? Did that all go to the trailers? Yes, we realize how difficult it is to design video games. But did you put as much effort as you could have into the game?. We EXPECT you to stop making the series so basic, we need to see something unique. It's dumbed down and not entertaining anymore. Shogun 2 was a step forward, Rome 2 was 2 steps back. We lost the realistic battle mechanics and replaced them with god knows what. The AI is at its worst and the core elements that make a total war game a total war game are BROKEN! I've seen flash games with better gameplay then Rome 2. I'm sick of having to mod my games to make them fun. And I bet your thinking that we just really really hate Rome 2. That couldn't be any further from the truth! I personally love Rome 2. I wouldnt have almost one-hundred hours on the game if I didn't. This series is just slowly becoming like every other real time strategy. Please prove me wrong CA, can you turn it around? This group was founded because we have decided that we are fed up with this nonsense. For now, I refuse to purchase anything related to the Total War Franchise.

I would like to thank Darth, Radious and the Steam Modding Community for all of there hard work. I would like to thank Steam for allowing me to speak my thoughts. And I would also like to thank my friends who have inspired me to create this group. We also realize that the Total War series belongs to CA/SEGA. We realize that they can do whatever they want with this series. We are just a voice, a group of people ready to explain our opinions. We are entitled to these opinions, these ideas, and we will discuss them Whether CA likes it or not.

And let me say one more thing. I have always and will always love the Total War Series. This group is not trying to get CA shut down, or anyone in trouble. We just want, no NEED CA to know that they are failing us. We expect more from you! Show us that you can make the franchise better then its ever been!
Комментариев: 47
Master Chief Snake 25 янв. 2015 г. в 7:27 
Hello. I am new to this group. Unfortunately, SEGA banned me in their forum. So I'm decided to boycott all of SEGA games including Total War series just like TotalBiscuit boycott SEGA for removing all of Shining Force series videos on YouTube including TotalBiscuit who lost all of his Shining Force III videos along with other YouTubers who lost their Shining Force series videos and sometime get banned on YouTube.
Akillez 27 авг. 2014 г. в 15:08 
Rome 2's epic failure was unacceptable. It took months for me to play the game but by that time all the buzz for it died with all the crashes...
Björn 9 июл. 2014 г. в 9:40 
i know that the next TW-game isn´t going to be bought by me if i do not hear good things from real players, not the players CA introduced and what CA is telling us. They where all lies and got my hopes up that where crushed in the first 30 minutes of gameplay...

My faith in CA is gone forever
JoeyMnemonic 6 июл. 2014 г. в 11:43 
This game is horrifically designed. I don't know how they managed to go so wrong but I think they are beyond saving. I'd lay the blame at the door of the Lead Designer. Bugs can be patched but bad design cannot be repaired.
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11 января 2014 г.