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Let's Play with DiplexHeated! DiplexHeated
STEAM グループ
Let's Play with DiplexHeated! DiplexHeated
1,195 件のコメント
ttv/BalynceLIVE 2024年6月5日 13時58分 
Hey, I was wondering how to get a birds eye view of a map in editor, and how to move around
[2ndKGL] Ascential 2024年3月16日 10時31分 
Alright randomly throwing this up here instead of starting up a discussion - first of all I lead the 2ndKGL in Mount and Blade Warband events, specifically NW and sometimes mods - we're a bit of a mad bunch but always welcome invites-though you are required to be a tad mad :D. I also wanted to state that as someone who recently started up on twitch - I am trying to build up a community of like minded people and those with mutual interests and passions, I've only been on little over a week but already do a variety of content and sort of looking to maybe start doing some chat sessions whilst making men of war scenarios in the background hehe :P.

The channel name is tharroncier-it was going to be ascential but to be honest, there were so many ascentials that it needed to be different :D.
Wuzze 2022年4月13日 5時19分 
diplex jag behöver hlälp på mowas2 lmao
Tumble Trash᠌ ⁧⁧ Official 2021年9月18日 21時08分 
7001st member boi
RedVaron93 2021年8月5日 23時15分 
hi there 'm new here..I've been following Diplex since I first saw my frist MoWAS game...does anybody know how to get the star wars mod for missions or maps?
Jurgen 2021年5月19日 17時00分 
Anybody know where I can find the mod for the experimental tanks Diplex used in that German Prototype Factory defense video from 4 years ago?
The Barbaric Viking 2021年5月13日 23時26分 

Thanks for the support so far :) so close to hitting 100 please share and follow 🙏
☠Krieg☠ 2020年11月19日 13時23分 
Anyone know or wanna help do glider assaults and unit I have 3d model ready
mound779 2020年7月13日 16時52分 
how is he able to choose what units he want to put down for men of war
YoStoneY 2020年2月13日 22時06分 
DiegoGM 2019年10月21日 15時03分 
we know where I can get the halo mod to call arms
Bravo20 2019年8月3日 4時16分 
@DiplexHeated i was flicking through your videos and i discovered your video on robz huge map. you said that if it was more detailed it would be amazing. i have started work on a fairly decently detailed map that is 2500 by 2500. i wandering if you would want to take a look when it is done.
Shabran Darr UK 2019年5月7日 7時37分 
@DiplexHeated, in your you tube video with the Blood Raven terminators and space marines with Imperial Guard against chaos, the one where you go on about an energy drink. The chaos forces had 2 predator tanks and a big gun that took out huge amounts of troops, it's called the Earth Shaker cannon when its vehicle mounted it's the Basilisk.
imcommandercody 2019年4月7日 14時06分 
anyone want to play mowas2 with me?
Mr.BloodMoon 2019年3月12日 23時28分 
It’s my’s now or never.....i just wanna live forever :D
whip_me_grandma 2019年3月11日 19時47分 
add me on steam if you wanna play some men of war
darksoul101101 2019年3月9日 11時00分 
Is the battle of berlin map that diplex did a while back available for download?
[77y]Dusel 2019年2月27日 4時35分 
Hello everyone1 Glad to join this group!
DirtySTARX 2018年11月29日 19時42分 
hey peeps just joined glad to be here
loki 2018年10月24日 6時29分 
How do u find the mod dat lets u battle the Uss iowa and yamato
SolusGaming (Alphonse12) 2018年10月23日 20時13分 
Hello Everybody!
loki 2018年7月15日 4時58分 
how do i get the mod on yamato vs iowa ??
Plumpotato 2018年7月12日 7時35分 
I am the 7,777th member.
dangeroustoy97 2018年7月4日 0時08分 
hey Diplex build a super ultra mega fortress
SlapAndSpit 2018年4月15日 12時14分 
Hey, New to join :) How do I dowload maps like "Mont Saint-Michel Last Stand" exc..?
Tiz84 2018年4月6日 4時31分 
Diplex... is your bastonge map ready yet? i need it stat? <3

Also, id love a Gates Of Hell key too pretty please :) Love from Australia
Parus Major 2018年2月19日 0時08分 
animes are a good
ParalyzedTortoise 2018年1月31日 13時23分 
Hey Diplex, you or somebody should totally host a Discord for your channel, so that people can meet, talk, send you requests or queries easily, and so we can further your Warhammer knowledge ;^]
Dogs 2018年1月29日 14時30分 
Franciszek Latinik 2018年1月26日 21時46分 
Hey Diplex, if you hadn't saw my comment on Youtube, but would you like to make videos set during the Russian Civil War?
totenkohpf 2018年1月16日 17時54分 
where can i find the Galaxy at War mod for MOWAS 2?
DiplexHeated 2018年1月10日 7時47分 
Try deleting editor_desktop in your Documents/My Games/Men of War Assault Squad 2/profiles or holding down Alt (on keyboard) in combination with other letters (not X, X closes down the game).
BOBBERS TC/BB 2018年1月7日 18時50分 
and i can not get the green away
BOBBERS TC/BB 2018年1月7日 18時49分 
i need help and if u look on the pic it bad and can some one tell me how to fix it plz on men of war 2
fire fox 2018年1月7日 16時22分 
I put a sad in the wrong place
fire fox 2018年1月7日 16時20分 
so Diplex my men of war assault squad is not working right I have tried all the fix vids but they did not work I:steamsad: cant control the men or switch their teams I don't know what to do can you help me :steamsad:
mariposa 2018年1月6日 20時39分 
Hey Diplex, do you ever think you'll make an editor tutorial?
Zilver04 2018年1月6日 17時27分 
your awesome:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
17WheelBus 2018年1月2日 2時38分 
wow just wow
I didn't know there was a steam group until now
Tip 2018年1月1日 15時59分 
hey i just got into Born in Fire and was wondering how to make units stay in the formation they were spawned in while going to a waypoints
tax evader 2017年12月15日 18時02分 
can some teach me how to make a defense mission im new to editer can someone pls help me
Holborn 2017年12月8日 11時43分 
Hi Diplex i luv ur vids plz ad me. i want to play with u on Moon of War and Heldfost regimont. plz notice and replii.
Focke-Pilled 2017年12月8日 4時33分 
hi diplex.finaly joined your steam group.
Jere 2017年10月23日 9時59分 
DiplexHeated I don't mean to be a bother I don't know how to pm you but I need your help for some reason I cant get the clone wars mod to work for my men of war assault squad 2 could you pm me and help me cause id like to play with the mod by the way love your vids
CostcoJesus 2017年10月16日 20時03分 
can i8 plau
J.Bennett 2017年10月16日 11時58分 
Altis Life Server TS:
J.Bennett 2017年10月16日 11時58分 
Altis Life Server TS:
J.Bennett 2017年10月16日 11時58分 
Altis Life Server TS:
AnvilElf 2017年9月28日 9時20分 
Hey I'm Expired Yogurt. I’m a new YouTuber making FUNNY (hopefully) gameplay videos. Whenever I go online to watch others play games I always feel discouraged to play the games myself because all of the YouTubers who make this kind of videos are very good at gaming in general. That’s why I decided to make this channel of me playing games which I hope to portray a more realistic pov for the most of us gamers while hopefully have a laugh together with the viewers :) Please support by watching my videos! And if you’d like, you could also subscribe to my channel/follow my blog for future contents! :) Thank You!!

My Latest Video: