St​eam Inventory Service S​teamINV
St​eam Inventory Service S​teamINV
23 May, 2015
There were some programs that did this like TF2 back in the day and had one that used to simulate Payday and a few others but all so dead after not being updated.
As far as I know SAM was never able to get item drops as you needed to be in the game.
Rongey420 4 Jan @ 11:30am 
S.A.M. (Steam Achievement Manager) or A.S.F. (Archie Steam Farm)
Great for card gathering but may or may not work for item drops.
RedbrickCobra 4 Jan @ 10:44am 
Is there a program that will runs the games without really opening them
like register it as them being open but theyre not actually
so it doesnt use so much computer resources
heroflaval 8 Dec, 2024 @ 12:29am 
Check out GibblePETS! A cozy monster collection game I'm working on inspired by tamagotchi where you find pets that you can also have somewhere around your screen at all time!

If you're interested in trying the game out early, hit me up in DMs!
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 19 Oct, 2024 @ 10:06pm 
A lot of the games I found after you have the 32 games running you won't get any drops, but there are plenty that can still drop after the max games are on too.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 19 Oct, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
Depending how good your computer is at running many games at the same time you can run many of these games and just leave them to idle, the max that Steam sees running is 32 but you probably won't run that many because it start to bog down machines (more so since a lot of these games are poorly optimized).

There use to be a few ways to bot them for certain games but have been "patched" or the maker no longer keeps it updated and don't work anymore, some people run scripts to run a game when they know the drop rates to games to maximize their time at collecting,
uniQ 4 Sep, 2024 @ 4:01pm 
Seal: WHAT the FUN has implemented a use for their items, so you can now get them ingame or just buy them off the market page
Lee @ Phat Phrog Studio 25 Jul, 2024 @ 2:59am 
Phat Phrog Clicker has just launched with tons of collectable skins and accessories that you can buy, sell and trade on the Steam Marketplace

Check it out here:
󠁳⁧⁧ globabee² 17 May, 2024 @ 11:56am 
steam delete and moved a few games recently to "inventories only visible to you" :

- Young Archaeologist (1467240)
- Wind Love (2519670)
- Club Girl (1509350)
- OLEG MONGOL (1531840)
- Bikini Girls (1708210)

will probably be deleted too :

- Stellar Fight (2154190)

rip bald russian streamer
Vervaticus 10 Jan, 2024 @ 6:57am 
these games from BJGameInd got banned of steam
uniQ 10 Jan, 2024 @ 6:38am 
Steam recently moved a bunch of old games to the "inventories only visible to you" section:
- NeoBoom (696400)
- NeoBoom2 (718220)
- NeoSticks (833890)
- Aquarium Simulator (876910)
- NeoGeometry (989560)
and maybe some more that I didn't catch
uniQ 9 Nov, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
Don't know if I'm the only one, but if you can't purchase items without an error message showing up (403) try it in a browser. Maybe other stuff like deleting cookies could also fix it, haven't tried it.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 10 Sep, 2023 @ 9:35am 
Well, you didn't specify what items were not going. So I guess I'll be the proud new owner of the AWP | Asiimov. I'll be waiting for my trade. :marten_sip:
robert the robber 21 Aug, 2023 @ 8:58pm 
hi i like your community i’m gonna read some stuff in here given the chance <3
Thijminecraft02 16 Dec, 2022 @ 4:25pm 
Free items for starting up or playing a match/claiming gift ingame in Upgun, Redmatch 2, Witch It, !Anyway! . Also Unturned has temporary drops while in a map.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 22 Dec, 2021 @ 5:50am 
Just a sidenote on Redmatch 2, you can make a private game and sit there and wait for the time to end to get the item.
󠁳⁧⁧XitraQ 22 Dec, 2021 @ 1:31am 
Playing Redmatch 2 now will drop you a Santa Hat
Rongey420 7 Nov, 2021 @ 2:26pm 
Hey guys/gals...anyone know if HOUSE FLIPPER still drops items and if so, any estimate on playtime required?
Lechungus 3 Jul, 2021 @ 2:59am 
İ am going to play all the games that have inventory support. Then i am gonna send a trade offer link that says "free items take one". And i, piggi will be very popular
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 3 Apr, 2021 @ 1:12pm 
The inventory was messed up for many since last Tuesday's maintenance but the inventory was "fixed and changed" yesterday around 1:00 PM EST. It's a pretty bad update that does a lot wrong that no one wanted and completely overlooked what the actual community wanted to be added.

Now we have to do more work than needed, as of now we cannot see the "private inventory" even tho plenty of games can and do still have drops and can still trade so that means we now have to start a trade to see all inventories just to trade instead of looking through one's inventory. But I'll assume that Valve will fix that later.
ilya515 3 Apr, 2021 @ 1:07pm 
Hello everyone :Terebilo:
I haven't been here for a long time
Sorry that there was no information from me for a long time
There were a lot of problems (There are still problems)
And there was no free time at all (There is no time now either)
I understand that the era of a large number of vlkadok is over
Since there is a new tab "INVENTORY VISIBLE ONLY TO YOU"
I now have 84 inventory in this tab
It is a pity that Valve did so
P.s. If this new vision has been around for a long time, then I'm sorry, I just found out about it
P.p.s. Thank you very much for the fact that you still continue to work over the group
You are all great! :vottak:
Jackhammer (Wholf) 31 Mar, 2021 @ 10:57am 
Any news?
Vervaticus 29 Dec, 2020 @ 4:34pm 
heyo, does anyone have a list of games where you get daily steam items from by opening the game, like don't starve together?
uniQ 12 Aug, 2020 @ 4:05pm 
Not sure where else to post this:
Some, but not all people lost the tab for X Wars Deluxe.
The only itemdefinition is for this item, but I haven't checked yet if it works:
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 6 Aug, 2020 @ 4:11am 
Already been posted in the New inventory-supported games discussion , thanks.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:41am 
Oh that's uncool, I have an alpha chest in my inventory and it's hidden. :sadpolice:
uniQ 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:40am 
Agree a broken tab would be neat, but as of now it still is visible though?
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:35am 
The game had some items to get but the tab has been hidden for a while. Had an alpha chest for a while but hopefully it will turn into a broken tab to get.
uniQ 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:10am 
Not sure how useful it is, since items apparently don't drop ingame, but just as a heads-up:
Do or Die is being removed from Steam:
Nephrite 5 Jul, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
@Gr3ylok, It depends on which button on the "printer" you press.
Of course I use custom software to trigger item drop. I definitely won't launch the game to check drops. But I think it still counts as a "printer".
Gr3ylok 5 Jul, 2020 @ 9:00am 
Snood stacks for me so it counts as 1 pretty much, carrumble required me to play a few matches and 100% i think i might have hit my limit on the first go then, will give that another shot in a week.

Lewd & Newd anime collector you just click open and you receive the item, anything else like that?
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 5 Jul, 2020 @ 8:39am 
100% OJ is a few drops a week but you can get more buy playingto turn Exchange Coupon into more Arcade Token to use.

CARRUMBLE I have yet to really get into but I assume you can get a bunch of items from seeing others.

Snood you can get 1 item a day unless you cheat them.
Gr3ylok 5 Jul, 2020 @ 3:00am 
@Nephrite, none of these are itemprinters sadly, you gotta invest a substantial amount of time to get said drops.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 1 Jul, 2020 @ 12:29pm 
Hello inventory collectors, if you could please go over to this World of Warships announcement and add in your opinion to Steam inventory items and what you'd like to see or how they can implement new items or a system where we can keep items instead of just getting boxes that will disappear and not stay would help immensely.
Gr3ylok 1 Jul, 2020 @ 2:19am 
Thanks Nephrite
happy 5 Jun, 2020 @ 3:25pm 
Also, i dont think anyone mentioned it yet, a couple Weeks, Payday 2 changed its skin system, you now get one skin every single day after completing a heist. This will stay forever!
Nephrite 5 Jun, 2020 @ 11:47am 
Gr3ylok, I know at least 3:
100% Orange Juice (282800)
CARRUMBLE (743580)
Snood (964040)
Gr3ylok 5 Jun, 2020 @ 4:45am any other "item printers" like this one currently working?
Rongey420 20 Feb, 2020 @ 5:19am 
Odd. My World of Warships boats have disappeared and now I have some gift box instead of any ships. This (WoW) inventory is bonkers.
Rongey420 29 Jan, 2020 @ 9:28am 
Same. I've gotten 2 drops since the original announcement. Weird since I didnt get the drop for creating/launching from Steam. Cool either way. Got my slot for it finally.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 29 Jan, 2020 @ 8:58am 
I just received mine too.
uniQ 29 Jan, 2020 @ 8:56am 
I did not have the game installed and it dropped for me as soon as the announcement went live, so I assume it will be the same again in a month.
Apart from that, launching the game might even be risky if you already have items. Perhaps they might be consumed (one time use), but I did not check if that happens.
B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t 29 Jan, 2020 @ 8:52am 
Yeah same, especially since I uninstalled the game, don't want to waste time to download and keep a game I'm not playing.
Psy0ch 29 Jan, 2020 @ 8:51am 
hopefully it autodrops to followers, dont want to launch this game :D
uniQ 29 Jan, 2020 @ 8:45am 
World of Warships grants an item when you follows their game (once a month):
Probably more useful for those who didn't get one of the random drops.
uniQ 28 Jan, 2020 @ 3:30pm 
Color Defense has purchasable items now. Not sure if they were before, but I believe last time I check it wasn't possible. They were already mentioned in the new-inventories thread though:
Bebo❥ 24 Jan, 2020 @ 1:04pm 
Is there a bot who have steam games items to trade for keys ?