Fans of Marek .PhP Kádek KadekM
Fans of Marek .PhP Kádek KadekM
게임 중
2009년 11월 21일
Fans of Marek .PhP Kádek 정보

Best Aim skill in the WORLD

Founder of this group: Lock3T
Real Name: Marek Kádek
To all Fans guys understand Him not spam his pm, just ask what u need at guestbook at

Mouse: microsoft IE 1.1
Mousepad: qck+
Keyboard: Razer Tarantula
Headset:Sennheiser PC350
#3d @ Cadred Top10 September Rankings
#4nd @ Cadred Top10 September Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 August Rankings
#4nd @ Cadred Top10 July Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 June Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 May Rankings
#2nd-3rd @ Cadred Top10 April Rankings
#5th @ Cadred Top10 March Rankings
#3d @ Cadred Top10 February Rankings
#3d @ EMS (Season III)
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 January Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 December Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 November Rankings
#2nd @ Cadred Top10 October Rankings
#3d @ Cadred Top10 August Rankings
#1st @ FGL
#7th-8th @ EnemyDown Spring Invite Cup
#3d @ EMS Season II
#1st @ Enemydown Packard Bell
#6th @ Cadred Top10 January Rankings
#1st @ Christmas FFA DM Tournament (82players)
#1st @ Christmas Rapid Night Cup
#1st @ Creative SD Cup
#top8 @ EuroCup XVI
#1st @ Qpad Cup (clanbase)
#2nd @ Insignia Cadre Cup
#Picked to Slovakia Allstars 2005/2006
#3d @ CAL-Main S2
#1st @ Gamepark OneBullet Tournament
#1st @ Opencup div5
#2nd @ AMD League
#1st @ BiA tournament
#1st @ summer tournament

#2nd IEM Katowice (January)
#joined MyDGB (January)
#1st @ MCR : cz/svk championship 23.4-24.4
#1st @ MH lan event (27.3)

#1st @ BECUP2010 (August)
#5-6th @ DSRack Lan (July)
#1st @ SVK-CZE Championship (June)
#2nd @ Copenhagen Games (April)
#1st @ Alpcon (May)


#1st @ Dreamhack(November)
#1st @ i38(November)
#1st @ ASUS WGT 2009 (October)
#1st @ BECUP2009
#1st @ i37(7.8-9.8)
#5th-6th @ TeX(30.7-1.8)
#3d @ OOF(19.7-22.7) with MIX
#1st @ UKeSA(19.6-21.6, voted as MVP)
#2nd @ Lan79(1.5-3.5)
#1st @ i36(10.4-13.4)
#2nd @ IcyBox Series(16.1-18.1)
#2nd @ i35(31.10-3.11)
#2nd @ PCGamers(26.9-28.9)
#3d @ ESL European Nations Championship(2008)
#2nd @ i34(8.8-10.8)
#7-8th @ TeX(24.7-27.7)
#1st @ CREATIVE Lan (22.6.2008)
#1st @ TLR LAN (14.6.2008-16.6.2008)
#1st @ LAN79 (2.4.2008-4.4.2008)
#1st @ Intel Tournament (29.3)
#1st @ MH lan event (23.2)
#1st @ CREATIVE Lan
#1st @ INVEX2007 Czech Championship event
#5-6th @ Pro-Lan2007
#1st @ BECUP (31.8.2007-2.9)
#1st @ MH lan event (28.7)
#1st @ MH lan event (13.5)
#1st @ MH lan event (17.3)

#1st @ INVEX2006 Czech Championship event
#1st @ MH lan event
- .PhP voted as Worlds Best Rifler (January 2009)
- .PhP voted as Worlds 3rd Best Player (January 2009)
- .PhP wins UKeSA MVP (July 2009)
- .PhP nominated for Best Eastern Europe Player in eSports Award 2009 (July 2009)
Total Lans are 30

Offical site of .PhP there all Settings!!![]
[R].PhP - Profile[]
[R]. PhP config here[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Cheap game >>>
댓글 60
dlz 2015년 8월 30일 오후 12시 46분 
Hey, I collect cases and cheap skins. Want to give me something? :P Can be for +rep. Thx a lot
Верну 2013년 8월 15일 오전 11시 05분 
crx // premium paste 2013년 2월 11일 오전 6시 52분 
Best AIM in WORLD <3
I want CS 1.6 BACK. Or BB :). 2013년 1월 18일 오전 8시 02분 
Sennheiser PC350 nejlepší sluchátka :)
binz 2012년 12월 28일 오전 9시 08분 
cya on next lan PhP
Banned 2012년 6월 25일 오전 9시 16분 
Ahojte vznikla nová skupina na steame z menom SOLO GAMERS viac info tam v profile :)
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게임 중
4 채팅 중
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2009년 11월 21일