MercurySteam MS؜E
MercurySteam MS؜E
2019 年 1 月 24 日
关于 MercurySteam

Mercury Steam Entertainment

MercurySteam is the award-winning independent development studio behind the multi-million selling Castlevania: Lords of Shadow series and the critically acclaimed Metroid: Samus Returns. Their latest title is their first self-published game, Spacelords. Based in Madrid, Spain, MercurySteam’s mission is to create the best possible game experiences in partnership with players around the world.


MercurySteam es el galardonado estudio de desarrollo independiente responsable de la saga Castlevania: Lords of Shadow y el aclamado por la crítica Metroid: Samus Returns. Su último título es su primer proyecto autopublicado, Spacelords. Con sede en Madrid, España, la misión de MercurySteam es crear las mejores experiencias de juego para usuarios de todo el mundo.

Official Website[]
A triumph of the community: Aneska now available!
  • SpaceGuilds (Available Now!)
    The first major Spacelords’ milestone will allow players to create and customize their own Space Guilds within the game, with full cross platform implementation* and expanded communication options. Aspiring Spacelords can team up, design their own Guild banner with the new in game editor and coordinate their games together in preparation for the conflict to come.
  • Spacelords Identity (Spring 2019)
    With the arrival of the new in-game store, players will now have countless more options for customizing their characters, with new outfits, exclusive weapon customizations, emotes to express in game and even new fighting styles, melee weapons and finishing moves.
  • The Great Clash (T.B.A)
    With the Space Guilds now fighting to control the Aleph resources, the stakes will be raised much higher when they compete to show who’s the best! Guilds will endeavor to leave their mark on the Broken Planet, obtaining the best scores and literally planting their banner on the missions they master for all to see. This isn’t a battle anymore, but a War!
  • The Aurora Specters (T.B.A)
    Spacelords thrilling 4 v 1 gameplay will be further boosted with the arrival of the Aurora Specters, daemonic entities whose eldritch powers are only rivalled by their thirst for the Raiders’ blood. Something wicked this way comes…

16 条留言
Veci 3 月 12 日 上午 2:38 
We'll have to wait for "Blades of Fire" to hit Steam for now , it looks like it'll be exclusive to Epic Games .

I don't want to buy or own my games on Epic Games, and i don't care how cheap they are or how much they're discounted on that store .

The only games I own on Epic Games are the ones they give away, otherwise i wouldn't own any .

I'm interested in the game, but only if it's on Steam .
PersianDragn 3 月 2 日 上午 11:38 
BLADES OF FIRE - May 22, 2025.

MercurySteam esta de vuelta. MercurySteam is back!
Toxic Player 2022 年 5 月 4 日 上午 4:39 
Any News on Spacelords?
TheQueen 2021 年 1 月 19 日 下午 2:00 
Will the game have new levels and will the story be continued?
LeoRgz 2019 年 11 月 12 日 下午 6:11 
C'mon Mercury, update the art header for the new steam library format! Bring us the clean box art for the Castlevanias sou the library can be as sharp and beautiful as ever! ;D
Pixcom 2019 年 8 月 13 日 上午 1:57 
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2019 年 1 月 24 日