Civ 5 MP Without Timer CivVMPwoT
Civ 5 MP Without Timer CivVMPwoT
2013. július 9.
United States 
A(Z) Civ 5 MP Without Timer CSOPORTRÓL

A community of Civ 5 & 6 players who need adequate time to THINK.

If your primary reason for preferring single-player games over multi-player games is that most human players insist on having a timer which ends your turn before you've had a chance to move all of your units and check on cities' statuses, then you understand my frustration and reason for creating this group. However, playing without the timer works ONLY IF every human player has enough consideration for others to not go AFK early in a game and also has reserved enough time to be able to play continuously for at least 3 hours. As a game progresses, turns naturally will take longer, so going AFK briefly while other players take their turns will gradually get more reasonable later...
...but please don't forget about us and leave everyone hanging!

Anyone applying to join for the first time will be automatically accepted if they have Sid Meier's Civilization V with both expansions OR Civilization VI with both expansions & New Frontier Pass, OR Beyond Earth (Rising Tide expansion & Exoplanets map pack optional). We're trying to grow this group by adding more active members, so please tell your friends who play Civilization about this group & that our aim is to make playing vs humans as fun and "chill" as playing vs Ai!
Game Tonight - 6PM PST (8PM CST)
Game tonight - 8 PM EST/5 PM PST
6 megjegyzés
Mundi ex Mentis 2023. ápr. 18., 17:05 
If anyone is interested in Red Death BR (Civ 6), hit me up. I've been playing vs computer recently to get all of the Steam achievements for it, but i'd welcome a human player in the mix.
Please reply here in the comments, not as an announcement.
Mundi ex Mentis 2019. jún. 14., 7:40 
Another Civ joke: What is the Scout's dog's favorite part of exploration?

emBARKing of course!
Mundi ex Mentis 2019. febr. 19., 22:00 
Hey people! I appreciate all of you who stayed in this group despite the long periods of inactivity. I updated the description to include Civ 6, so if any of you have Civ 6 and want to play it with humans (without a timer of course), feel free to post your interest and available hours here. If you're willing to host, you may make an announcement in the section above but please follow the format provided by Staryn & me. Exception: please specify whether you want to play 5 or 6, which isn't shown in prior announcements because it wasn't necessary then.
Staryn 2014. febr. 23., 2:37 
Yeah, I know how it is. I've been getting some unexpected Civ invites, and Civ's the kind of game you have to clear an evening if you're going to play MP. Not exactly a casual kind of thing. I might be up for tomorrow though, don't have anything going on.
Mundi ex Mentis 2014. febr. 19., 5:26 
I know i was inactive for a while, and then i resumed play-testing my new maps (which made me unavailable despite appearing to be active), but i'm done with that project now. The newest one that i just finished is "Terra Nova" which is My Earth re-fitted for BNW civs; but more importantly, i am now free to join your games or host one on request! Please don't surprise me with a last-second invite though. Always SEND A MESSAGE FIRST to ask me if i have time for a game. In most cases, i only need 5 or fewer mins to get ready.
Mundi ex Mentis 2013. dec. 6., 12:50 
A Civ-related joke: What do settlers use to make fire?

A-settling torch! (read as "acetylene", a fuel used by welders)
2013. július 9.
United States