Project_Awesome ║PA║
Project_Awesome ║PA║
1 de agosto de 2011
108 comentarios
ReBurn 21 JUN 2021 a las 6:37 p. m. 
great servers :steamthumbsup:
gurning 25 DIC 2020 a las 10:02 a. m. 
Lith 30 MAY 2020 a las 6:07 a. m. 
sup guys! been playing on the squad server for the past couple weeks/months and having a great time so decided to come bother you guys here too :P
Smits 20 FEB 2020 a las 6:59 a. m. 
Hey, welcome! Hope you're having a good time. Most of the conversation is happening on Discord, so feel free to join us there :)
evilsonicman 20 FEB 2020 a las 6:08 a. m. 
Hello! I am new here so I thought I would introduce myself! :)
Smits 12 FEB 2020 a las 2:06 a. m. 
We're running a Squad scenario this Saturday @ 20.00 UTC.
Feel free to sign-up at
If you have questions, come find us on Discord @
Smits 1 FEB 2020 a las 2:22 p. m. 
All our events are on saturday @ 20.00 UTC. Feel free to join us
BigAngryDuck 1 FEB 2020 a las 9:58 a. m. 
When is the SquadZ event today?
Wheat 22 ENE 2020 a las 6:10 a. m. 
Check your filters to ensure you've set it to show empty servers. If it's empty and you don't have the right filters set, you won't see it.
Voodoo_S3 21 ENE 2020 a las 12:48 a. m. 
Server #1 not showing up in the in game server browser for me, some other servers are (not all though) just tried all the 'know fixes' for the server browser and made no difference. Server is up as I can find it and join through Steam (View>Servers>Squad) but obviously it's empty because it's not showing up on the in game server browser. Don't know if it's a server or game issue, but thought I'd mention it.
Great server and community BTW
Shalloa 23 NOV 2019 a las 9:01 a. m. 
Very chill staff, good in teaching and always willing to help.

Overall a well organised Community that is here to play, support and enjoy the game with its members.
Smits 15 NOV 2019 a las 4:57 p. m. 
Our rules clearly state we have zero tolerance for racism. If you think we're ridiculous for removing you for racism, you need to get yourself checked out.
Kökkelin Kornelius 12 NOV 2019 a las 12:52 p. m. 
Your behavior is ridiculous. You ban person from squad server and discord who throws one bit racist slur and didnt mean anything about it.
Hoppe 1 NOV 2019 a las 5:28 a. m. 
Hello all! Thanks for your Squad server, its very helpfull and enjoyable to play in! :steamhappy:
TugLife 12 JUL 2019 a las 4:34 a. m. 
hey Wheat, Happy to help out with servers in squad
Toni "Ballhead" Kuusikorpi 2 JUL 2019 a las 12:23 a. m. 
what does it mean
Wheat 17 ABR 2018 a las 1:28 p. m. 
Join us on Discord:
cybberrr 14 ABR 2018 a las 7:25 p. m. 
hello my name is The_Spoken6000 and im looking for friends and i dont have much or i cant find young freinds and i play alot of games and im 9 years old
Foodstamp 9 ABR 2018 a las 5:59 p. m. 
Wheat 17 SEP 2017 a las 5:27 p. m. 
Join us on Discord if you want to play.
Methabo 13 SEP 2017 a las 12:51 p. m. 
Hey, I love this game but now I need to find some actual people to spend hours creeping through a field with! If somebody could let me know any mods I'll need then I'll try join an operation if you'll have me! feel free to friend me :)
Aeronovus 27 AGO 2017 a las 4:36 p. m. 
Hi, new here. Have tried for years to find mature, level-headed people to play games with outside of the deluge of eSports l33t pro 13 year olds, feel free to add me if we have any games we share and you're looking for someone to group up with.
Wheat 11 AGO 2017 a las 11:33 a. m. 
OldDeity 2 AGO 2017 a las 10:15 a. m. 
New to Arma. See you at the next OP.
Wheat 26 JUL 2017 a las 2:36 a. m. 
We are interested in getting people together for any type of team as long as the goal is to have fun playing whatever game it's revolved around.
I'll kick your shins 13 JUL 2017 a las 6:51 a. m. 
You thought about making a csgo team?
Wheat 13 JUN 2017 a las 2:36 a. m. 
That was last Sunday.
[TacBF] Clay 2 JUN 2017 a las 1:46 a. m. 
Operation Eagle Poop this Sunday? :)
One Punch Ace 11 ABR 2017 a las 4:42 p. m. 
Glad to be here!
skrood 6 ABR 2017 a las 3:33 p. m. 
I am looknig for someone that play arma 3 altis life ASYLUM if you are playing sned me a meessge :D
CrzBonKerz 20 ENE 2017 a las 12:42 p. m. 
Anyone play Squad? Add me as a friend if you do! Maybe we could make some kick ass PA squads.
Wheat 25 OCT 2016 a las 11:46 p. m. 
We have Teamspeak (IP: and Discord ( but we only use Teamspeak for voice. Discord is just used for text chat.
Tripp Hazzard 25 OCT 2016 a las 11:01 p. m. 
so just got invited, do we have ts, mum, or dis?
Ulfric 22 MAR 2016 a las 8:48 a. m. 
anyone play squad here from north america?
Gordon Bombay 1 FEB 2016 a las 9:27 a. m. 
Anyone wants to duo rocket league? silver level!
Wheat 11 AGO 2015 a las 3:10 p. m. 
I would suggest making a post on the subreddit ( to introduce yourself and ask any questions that you may have. Very few people see the comments posted here.
StynkFiist 9 AGO 2015 a las 11:45 a. m. 
First time playing tonight, how do I join? :)
Wheat 1 AGO 2015 a las 5:53 p. m. 
Yeah! I wasn't paying attention today but last week we have about 12 people playing.
adenflorian 1 AGO 2015 a las 5:51 p. m. 
yall still do PR events?
Wheat 18 MAY 2015 a las 5:33 p. m. 
Infinity is one of the biggest mod packs. It seems like a lot of people aren't going to be able to handle it so I'll switch to Direwolf possibly.
Swarek 18 MAY 2015 a las 5:21 p. m. 
Hey wheat. I have infinity. Besides vinilla I think all the ftb mods require a decent CPU usage
Wheat 25 ABR 2015 a las 10:50 a. m. 
no problem
Kento 21 ABR 2015 a las 1:36 a. m. 
Thanks weat
Kento 19 ABR 2015 a las 11:48 a. m. 
Where can i get the slick update. Link?
Kento 16 ABR 2015 a las 12:16 a. m. 
@Wheat thanks
Where can i get the slick update?
Wheat 15 ABR 2015 a las 9:44 p. m. 
@VidinstonKelly I wouldn't say I'm epic but I appreciate the nice words.