Reviewers' Guild ReviewGuild
Reviewers' Guild ReviewGuild
5 January, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Reviewers' Guild: Rules and Forum Index
The Reviewers' Guild is a laid-back place to discuss among reviews our best practices, comment on the state of things on Steam, share concerns and experiences. Most importantly, it is a neutral location for Steam reviewers and curators to network with each other, void of competing interest or drama.

The rules are few, straightforward, and pretty much go without saying. While Guildmembers moderate themselves into acceptable behavior, here are a few, so that no one can say we didn't have them in writing somewhere!
  1. Be polite: This goes without saying, but people will have different opinions, sometimes opposing opinions. When debating, people will counter your arguments with their own, and you have to accept that. If someone gets out of line, multiple members will likely intervene, and they are perfectly allowed to do so regardless of whether they have moderator authority.
  2. Don't attack other members: While somewhat of an extension of being polite, don't attack the integrity of other members without proof that the Guild Rules were broken. Avoid playing "passive-agressive" just because you disagree with someone else. Stay calm, keep your cool, or simply drop it if the issue at hand feels too personal.
  3. Don't spam: You want to share your reviews? You want to advertise your curator or review group? You have openings in your review group or gaming website? You're giving away Steam Keys on behalf of a developer? Yes, there are places for this in these forums. If you're unsure, check with a Staff member.
  4. Stay on topic: At least when it comes to which forum you're posting new discussions in. It is inevitable that discussions will diverge into various ways, and a comment thread may end up being off-topic. Sometimes, the person that made the original post will be the one to push the topic in a new direction, and that's ok. But if you're commenting on someone else's post and wish to pursue the discussion on a parallel topic, consider starting a brand new discussion.
  5. You are responsible for what you choose to share: More precisely, when it comes to sharing your reviews. The Guild will never claim your reviews as its own, but to give members additional visibility, we do pick some of your shared reviews to be features on the Guild's Curator. If you don't want your reviews to end up on the curator (perhaps you have an arrangement where your reviews are exclusive to another curator), then it is your responsibility to say so when sharing your reviews.
  6. We don't care about fake reviews: While this should be obvious, some people will write up reviews without actually having played the game, hiding behind fake playtime and fake achievements using an achievement cheat. Others, even worst, will steal other people's reviews and post them as their own. Such individuals aren't welcomed here, and we have no interest in giving them visibility.
There is one more unofficial rule: What happens outside the Guild stays outside the Guild. This is a neutral place for all Steam reviewers. You will come across people you don't like, curators with whom you're not in the best of terms, people you "suspect" of questionable review practice, or with whom you've had troubles in other forums on Steam. The Guild is a drama-free zone that doesn't pick sides. It is not the place to duke it out. So just keep Rules #1 and #2 in mind.

Forum Index
There are places where your posts belong. Here's a guide to navigating the forum and its various pinned threads.
  • Review Discussions: The main forum of the group, this is where you post anything related to reviews, the Steam platform and client, decisions by Valve, etc.
  • Share your Steam Reviews: This is where you can share your reviews. Make sure to read the rules and required format, as indicated in the main post. You are also encouraged to upvote other people's reviews, just as yours will probably be upvoted by other members.
  • Share your Steam Curator and Review Group: This is where you can advertise your Steam Review Group or Curator, telling us about it, posting links for other members to join.
  • Other Reviews: Perhaps you would like to share some of your reviews posted in a gaming website or YouTube channel. If it isn't on Steam, then this is the place to share it.
  • New Members: Welcome: This is where you can introduce yourself, tell us of your gaming experience, and how you've come to write reviews on Steam.
  • Review My Review: This is where you can ask for constructive criticism on your reviews. Share the link to your review, and get ready to have people dissect it, find typos, telling you what they liked or disliked, or making suggestions on what they think could improve it.
  • Giveaways (members' eyes only): Some guildmembers may have Steam keys they don't need from a bundle purchase. Some may have been given a bunch of keys by a developer. Perhaps you have keys you don't need. This is a place to find games to review and enjoy. Don't abuse it!
  • Game Discussions: Perhaps you just want to talk about video games within no ties to reviews. We're all gamers, after all! This is the place to do so.
  • Support Discussions: Have a problem with Steam forums, the Steam Client, with your computer, with a game's bug? This is the place to discuss it with like-minded individuals.
  • Developers Seeking Reviews: Every once in a while, a developer may be looking to have people review their game. They want constructive criticism only reviewers will give them, but can't get bites when blindly sending Curator Connect offers. This is where they are allowed to advertise their games and give their contact information for reviewers to get in touch with them.
  • Curators Seeking Reviewers: Are you part of a Steam Curator, Review Group or Gaming Website that's actively looking for new reviewers? This is the place to openly post recruitment ads for your group!
  • Open Forum (non-members welcomed): Anything that is off-topic goes here: people looking for people to join your curator group or website as a reviewer, non-members who wish to address a question to the Reviewers' Guild, etc.
  • Feedback Thread: Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. The Reviewers' Guild is a member-driven group, and everyone has the right to a say in what we could do, or what we should do. Don't ever hesitate to have your voice heard.

  • Review Discussions: Through the years, there's been all sorts of discussions where other reviewers asked their guildmember colleagues about various challenges plaguing them when writing reviews. A great place to find knowledge and opinions by a multitude of members. If you can't find what you're looking for in here, or if the archived discussions are too outdated to feel relevant, you may, of course, feel free to create a new discussion on similar topics.
  • Share your Steam Reviews: People have been sharing their reviews for years. We have thousands of contributions from hundreds of members, past and present. Every once in a while, we'll archive the main thread and start a new one from scratch. Old reviews are still here, to be read at your leisure, see what people had to say about games back then.
Last edited by Cracktus Jack; 21 Apr, 2022 @ 6:13pm