KF TSC Tournament TSC-Tourney
KF TSC Tournament TSC-Tourney
17 July, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Tournament Feedback
Please tell us what you think about the tournament: what rocks, what sucks, what you want to be improved etc.
Everybody is welcome to post their feedback: captains, team members, eliminated teams, livestream viewers and even KFG :tank:

Feedback format:

[Optional] :louie: Personal Info
Sex/Age/County. What do you do for living?
This chapter is optional. If you don't want linking real life with steam account, then we won't insist.

:F1time: Killing Floor Experience
Gameplay hours.
What kind of KF are you are playing the most? Vanilla / ScrnBalance / Other custom servers (name them).
Have you played ScrnBalance / TSC before the Tournament?
When you started to play KF?

:UT2004health: What do you like in this Tournament?

:poo: What do you dislike?
Constructive criticism and improvement ideas are welcome.

:crystaltrophy: Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?
Last edited by [ScrN]PooSH; 6 Oct, 2014 @ 4:24am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
[ScrN]PooSH 6 Oct, 2014 @ 3:38am 
I'll start first :)

:louie: Personal Info
30 / Male / Latvia, EU.
I'm running a small IT company. When I'm not playing/modding KF, I'm usually developing and supporting boring business applications, SQL databases and administrating servers.

:F1time: Killing Floor Experience
ScrnBalance only.
I'm playing ScrnBalance and TSC since the very beginning :D:
I have played KFMod a long time ago (2007 maybe, hard to remember). But didn't played it a lot.
Started playing retail KF since LevelUp update.

:UT2004health: What do you like in this Tournament?
I'm very pleased seeing people enjoying TSC mod: even those who hate ScrnBalance or who haven't played it before. Every Tournament day I'm learning something new: new strategies, camp places and even weapon combos (e.g. Shotgun+M99 to instantly kill Jason).
This is truly KF that I've never seen before :tank:

:poo: What do you dislike?
I dislike current ranking system. Survival Value should have greater impact on sorting tournament table. Experience showed that using custom zeds has more cons for both teams than pros. Deaths and playtime don't affect tournament table at all.
It is too late to change rankings in the current tournament. But if we'll host another ones, then win counter will be removed, but death counter will be integrated inside Survival Value, i.e. each player death lowers SV. Ranking system should consist only from two values: Tourney Points and Survival Value. Maybe even add +1 tourney point per 100 SV or something like that.

:crystaltrophy: Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?
I started this project as "final contribution to KF community". But the Tournament is going so well and we all having so much fun of it... I don't know. Maybe :summersun:
Last edited by [ScrN]PooSH; 6 Oct, 2014 @ 4:25am
nmmblez 6 Oct, 2014 @ 8:37am 
Personal Info
29 / Male / Canada
I manage a computer repair shop and do some contractual system administration on the side. Heavy free software advocate, Killing Floor is the reason I've installed windows in the first place.

Killing Floor Experience

I found out about KF when Steam was released for linux, not sure when that is exactly but not too long ago. I quickly got addicted because it displays something I fail to see happening in real life too often, human beings collaborating, shining at being altruistic and selfless team members.

Got bored of Vanilla pubs at ~300hrs, started hosting servers, then got irritated by the whitelist system, went on the forums and found that magnificient thread about Scrnbalance.
I've been interested in and hosting TSC since it came out, couldn't find anyone to play it with before the Tournament :(

What do you like in this Tournament?
Having people to play TSC with and against but really, the whole thing. It's very nice to have the makers of the mod I've been playing for more than 2k hours comment on my gameplay.

As for TSC itself, I discovered KF so late that everybody already knew a good camp spot on every map, TSC made me explore. I think it gave a whole new value to all maps.

What do you dislike?
The absence of Baron in the stream narration

Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?
Yes, actually I'd be willing to be the next TA, but I sure hope PooSH isn't done :P
Last edited by nmmblez; 6 Oct, 2014 @ 1:51pm
ZombiKon 6 Oct, 2014 @ 11:05am 
Personal Info
20 / Male / Hungary, EU
I'm studying as computer administrator.

Killing Floor Experience
About 1000 hour.
I started playing two years ago and found a Hungarian team which later became admin and I do it (add about one year ago) the servers. And yes, i use ScrN Balance for begining:)

What do you like in this Tournament?
The challenge and difficulty.

What do you dislike

Would you like to see more TSC Tournament in the future?
Yes of course. I also want to get one organized in the future :)
Last edited by ZombiKon; 6 Oct, 2014 @ 11:08am
heyalright 6 Oct, 2014 @ 5:25pm 
Personal Info
8 / Male / Canada
I want to be an astronaut.

Killing Floor Experience
3,200 hours from 1 main and 3 alt accounts.
Vanilla only.
I've played since the 2011 Christmas event.

What do you like in this Tournament?
Focuses on aggressive tactics.

What do you dislike?

Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?
Last edited by heyalright; 6 Oct, 2014 @ 5:26pm
ToeKneeAy 8 Oct, 2014 @ 4:50pm 
Personal Info
28 / Male / USA

Killing Floor Experience
~3,400 hours from 1 main and 3 alt accounts.
Vanilla almost exclusively.
I tried out ScrN a while ago and it wasn't really for me. I played TSC when it first came out with Bertie and some other friends but played only a few (< 3 games).
I've played KF since day 1.

What do you like in this Tournament?
I just like TSC mode in general. It's fun to be able to get 6 v 6 games going in TSC and prepare and how it requires not only KF skills to do well but almost a chess like strategy. That is, you have to be able to predict the moves your opponents will make before they even make them and have a counter to each and every possibility.

I actually like the way it is set up now and I think the tournament would be worse off forcing custom zeds on teams (see below). I like that it's not KFG (tehehehe) and it's fair because both teams play the same map at the same time. I also like that PooSH makes changes a community decision. I'd love to be involved with tweaks to the point system if there were ever another tournament to add an opinion/debate for an opinion I'm sure not many of the other players of TSC share but provide logical counter arguments as to why it would be preferred.

What do you dislike?
I have to kind of agree with Skell* and say I'm not the biggest fan of ScrN and custom zeds but I'll elaborate further.

ScrN balance:
Don't get me wrong, there are many things done well and improvements made over vanilla. However, some of the changes just seem extra "nerfy" or extra "buffy" and don't make sense to me. Part of the reason I like vanilla KF is that on HoE it isn't team spam2win. With the right skill sets, pretty much any perk can take out any zed. This just isn't the case on ScrN balance. For example: the nerfing of both support grenades (the damage and rate at which they can be thrown) and being able to cancel the reload animation. Nerfing either one of these would be sufficient in making it more difficult for a support to solo fleshpounds but still make it potentially possible. However this isn't the case. This leads to many people (anecdotal evidence) going support, buying AA12 and just spamming everything as a team scrakes and FP included which are terrible tactics. This leads to what I view as the lower skill ceiling of ScrN players and PooSH had even commented on this in the chat during our last game in the live stream. An example of a weapon that was improved too much was the M14. This gun has a high learning curve but when practiced becomes pretty does not need the ability to OHKO sirens and husks. (These are just one example each of things I find not well done within ScrN; feel free to message me about the things I think are done well and other things I think are not.)

Custom Zeds:
This is another thing I feel leads to team spam2win or certain "lower skill" weapons being favored over others and is not what I find enjoyable about KF as a whole and therefore, makes me not want to see these forced upon teams in future tournaments. Some examples:

I've never been a fan of this zed. I think a zed that requires you to pull out a pistol and shoot it so that it acts a certain way so you can kill it is kind of stupid. I'd be much more willing to play with this zed if this was solely timing based rather than having to "prime" the zed in order to be able to shoot it. I get what it is going for (teamwork) but as described above, this goes against what I find enjoyable about KF. Also, it sort of forces crossbow or hunting shotgun use as these are two of the better weapons I've seen against this zed for a quick, easy takedown.

Essentially just a scrake that forces use of crossbow/m99 or spam2win since it isn't stunned by other weapons (see above points). If it didn't use the mechanics of the scrake stun (need to hit above threshold damage which is based on total available health) to stun and allowed more weapons to stun it (e.g. LAR) so therefore was just a scrake that required more shots and a negative consequence for missing, I'd be more into this zed.

Tesla husk:
This one I sort of like. It adds a challenge and forces a bit of teamwork (don't run off on your own and get the whole team chained) and can be taken out by a multitude of weapons. Why that skin though? One of the worst hitboxes in the game IMO.

Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?
Yes. I'm having tons of fun showing normal ScrN players what vanilla players are made of! :MrFoster:
Agent Orange 29 Oct, 2014 @ 1:51pm 
Personal Info

Male / >30 / Germany / Medical Technology

Killing Floor Experience

1500 h
I like to play classic Old-School-KF with the ScrNBalance or even the Vanilla game but without op-weapons. Haven`t played TSC before the tournament but I like it very much now. I also did not test the custom zeds before the tournament except for the brute but now I really love all of them, especially the Tesla Husk.

What do you like in this Tournament?

I had a lot of fun playing in the tournament. Made a lot of new friends and it was very nice to have good rounds of KF after a very long time. TSC is a great way to discover new spots and see the maps in a different perspective. It offers a new level of tactics, teamplay and interaction to KF and should definitely be played more often.

Also, the point system was very well thought through and worked as intended in my opinion.

What do you dislike?

There should not have been made any changes to gameplay or balance during the tournament without a community vote. Administration promised in their daily news of September 17th that there will be no changes to gameplay or balance during the tournament!

But there were quite a few huge changes including zed paths which had a huge impact on tactics and should never have been changed while the tournament is running! Also, making balance changes like the flamer-ammo without a community vote but start a vote on other weapon balances like the zed gun is not neutral tournament administration.

Would you like to see more TSC Tournaments in the future?

It would be great to see tournaments or even leagues / ladders of TSC. TSC offers a whole new KF experience and should be offered to a larger group of players in the future.

Last edited by Agent Orange; 29 Oct, 2014 @ 1:53pm
[ScrN]PooSH 17 Nov, 2014 @ 4:33am 
Your feedback is still welcome! Please Don't hesitate to post it.
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