Team Skranj -SKJ-
Team Skranj -SKJ-
6 October, 2015
South Africa 
Kabbs 26 Nov, 2018 @ 2:08am 
I found the Facebook group and I see the updates now. Thanks a lot! Hopefully there's a fix soon because I can't find a fresh battery for my flashlight XD
Toasty. 25 Nov, 2018 @ 6:37pm 
As posted on the 23 Novemeber in the DayZ South Africa Group:

After yesterdays patch they have broken the Day Night cycle on the servers. Our Server is set to start at 11AM after every restart however its constantly stuck on Night Time. We are waiting on a fix for this
Kabbs 25 Nov, 2018 @ 10:19am 
Hi guys, I just want to find out on the cycle for the DayZ server - I assume most guys can only play at night and that is when I see it at its highest population but the server is pitch black when most guys want to play when they get home from work or whatever the case may be - maybe look at moving the night cycle of the server to start early in the morning? That way we can actually play at night when the sever is on its daytime cycle.
Toasty. 6 Aug, 2018 @ 3:43am 
At this moment in time we cannot comfirm nor deny any talk or rumours about an Altis Life Server coming back! 4 Aug, 2018 @ 3:11am 
altis life coming back!
nik 4 Aug, 2018 @ 2:00am 
wut is dis logo? nice! y u no server?:insfist:
Jokes aside, anyone been looking at Rend gameplay? Looks interesting so far..
Dita-Veloci 8 Apr, 2018 @ 8:10am 
Ark server coming back?
Daryn 16 Apr, 2017 @ 1:25am 
What Should SKRANJ Do ?
Hi There,

My Name Is Daryn 'Noob' van Vreden. I Am One Of The Developers For Skranj And I Have Worked On A Few Servers.

I Have Noticed That We Have 399 Members With Us In This Amazing Community, But Only A Handful Play On Our Servers.

I Feel That Skranj May Not Be Fulfilling To Your Needs And So I Urge You To Speak Up And Tell Us What YOU Want.

Skranj Has Always Done Life Servers, But With Only A Handful Of Players, I Feel Some Of You Want More Than Just Life Servers. We Need To Know. We Can't Do Something We Don't Know About.

Please, Speak Out And Tell us What YOU, The COMMUNITY, Wants.

Kind Regards,
Toasty. 28 Jan, 2017 @ 9:12am 
@JDKH cause on our Arma 3 Server we use a Mod that requires TeamSpeak as it uses a special channel. So there is no point in us to split our communities VOIP Communication over 2 platforms. Its easier to monitor 1. We only use Discord for our community to chat in with one another via text about servers etc.
Walking, Talking Stephen Hawking 26 Jan, 2017 @ 11:33am 
Why not make the switch to discord?
Walking, Talking Stephen Hawking 23 Jan, 2017 @ 4:02am 
i remember the first time i ran into skranj, i was shooting someone , they were shooting the same guy. Love at first fight
Bear 8 Dec, 2016 @ 2:35am 
I hope everyone is hyped for the new server!
Toasty. 31 Jul, 2016 @ 4:28am 
@Samurai Pizza Cat - Currently we are only running our TeamSpeak Server, but will be running game servers again in a month or so.
Kitty_Cat™ 30 Jul, 2016 @ 11:41am 
Hi, what servers are you guys running?
Caz 8 Mar, 2016 @ 6:34am 
Toasty. 14 Jan, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
There is only one place to download our mod and it requires FTP links and installation of Teamspeak plugins. So its easier to explain over Teamspeak.

But glad to hear you are sorted. Enjoy
Toasty. 13 Jan, 2016 @ 8:15am 
Join us on TeamSpeak and we will guide you through the installation
Toasty. 3 Jan, 2016 @ 7:43am 
we have never hosted one so dont have server files but if you are looking for them you can get them off the internet
Toasty. 6 Dec, 2015 @ 4:13am 
@KiTtY-ZA no we dont sorry