Voice Acting Club VAC
Voice Acting Club VAC
12. lokakuuta 2007
[SFM] Voice-Actors needed for 2 short films A.S.A.P.(Horror)
Okay, so heres the synopsis, I need 1 person to voice a middle aged adult and 1 to voice an average adult S.W.A.T. officer. The middle aged man is for a short film project and the swat officer for a short web project, both of these are 3D animated within Source Filmmaker (SFM) and are the horror genre. I need these two actors as soon as I can, so if you think you've got what it takes, comment and send me an audition.



1. - No More Room in Hell: Last Escape // Description: When an outbreak of a mutated strain of Encephalitis Lethargica starts sweeping the world, turning Whoever that is infected into reanimated killers. Humanity is in desperation to seek safety from the infected. During these events, in a city that is located on the North American East Coast, A detective and an investigative reporter travel to the eastern side of the city to investigate the chaos that has ensued there.

Other information:
"No More Room in Hell - The Last Escape" is a non-canon short film.

Link to the trailer (Rough draft trailer, its not the real trailer of the current story, more of a short test to show off what I can do. Its private so watch who you share the link to.)

Rough Draft Trailer:

2. - The Tribulation // Description: Set in the aftermath of humanity's end, the leftover survivors of Earth must face their deepest fears and overcome their past hardships in order to move on into the afterlife.

Other Information: The Tribulation is planned to be a live action series, but if the audience likes the animated representation better, then it will be converted to an animated series.

- Characters that are needed/Other Information:

1 Middle Aged Man.

1 Average Adult S.W.A.T. Officer.

Microphone Quality: The Middle aged man and the Swat officer's voice needs to be as clear as audibly possible, although the officer's voice is mostly going to be heard over a scratchy Walkie-Talkie.

Number of certain voices needed: Two Male (2)

Character Occupations:

Middle Aged Man = Chief of Police

Average Adult = Squad Leader of a S.W.A.T. Team but also the father of a young man.

Characters Ages:

Middle Aged Man (Sounding roughly 50 to 60 years of age)

S.W.A.T. Officer/Father (Sounding roughly 30 to 42 years of age)

Characters Voice types:

1. - Deep Male

1. - Average Adult Male

Characters Accents:

1 old but stable male.

1 Young but semi-panicky squad leader.


Character Sample Voice Lines:

Middle Aged Man: "About time you showed up to the party." <---- (This is said in sarcastic but calm and serious tone of voice.)

"A little grumpy detective?... Anyway, the blockades we've set up are all around the Eastern side of the city, and we have orders from both the F.E.M.A. and the president himself to kill anyone that moans or growls." <---- (This is said in a serious tone, but not too serious. F.E.M.A. is pronounced "Fee-muh")

S.W.A.T. Officer: "This is Beta team 9 requesting immediate assistance, I repeat, immediate assist-" <---- (This entire sentence is yelled in panicked tone)

"This is happening everywhere, everywhere around the world... Oh God, please, help us..." <---- (This is said in a regular but panicked tone.)

"Paul?! Son, is that you?! Where are you?!" <---- (This is said in a yelled and serious tone, like if someone was worried about their son.)

"We're being attacked by Monsters!" <---- (This is said in a yelled tone.)


Deadline: April 1st, 2015 (I may raise the deadline to a later date if I have to.)


My Personal Youtube Channel:

My Public Relations Channel:
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I realize it is past the deadline... but I would like to audition for the SWAT officer, please
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