Choice and Consequence consequences
Choice and Consequence consequences
22 September, 2014
Lunar 8 Mar, 2022 @ 1:19pm 
robsonsiebel 14 Aug, 2021 @ 3:03am 
My game coming out next week fits perfect with the goal of this group, would love to see some opinions on it =)

Blackout is a non-linear interactive fiction game set in a dark modern universe, influenced by White Wolf’s World of Darkness, H.P. Lovecraft and weird shows like Twin Peaks.
Koobazaur 8 Oct, 2017 @ 2:42pm 
Hey guys, I would like to share my latest release HEADLINER, short adventure where YOU control national news and its effects on your career, society and family. Numerous choices and consequences lead to unique endings you can share with the community, and see what the HEADLINER before you did. Choices and Consequences are pretty much the bread and butter :)

Thank you for your consideration!
CRAZYDIAMOND 7 Jun, 2017 @ 2:12am 
Hello, Curator Choice and Consequence.

I would like to introduce you a rhythm game called "LoveBeat".

LoveBeat is a F2P Casual Rhythm game that
1. You can interact with players around the world through Fam, Couple, and other community system.
2. You can customize own character by thousands of fashion items.
3. New events are updated in every 2 weeks.
and 4. Contains various genres of indie music

It would be very grateful if you give a trial on our game and give feedback through reviews.

Here is the link to LoveBeat:

Thank you for your time, and hope you have a nice day!

Tyroder 15 Mar, 2017 @ 4:37pm 
Eon Altar

A Mobile-Enhanced Local Co-op RPG for 1-4 Players - Your smartphone is your character!

Branching player to player dialog, branching player to NPC dialog, group vote moments, player choice moments.
313232369 6 Mar, 2017 @ 3:31am 
Our game have started the beta. You can download on and enjoy the play.
Any issue in the game, hope to get your feedback.
Your feedback and suggestions will make the game much better.
Our mailbox:
redblackspade 23 Feb, 2017 @ 4:25am 
If we speak about story-driven games I want to suggest Reflection of Mine - you will find a lot about multiple personality disorder through many cut-scenes and good dialogs! Fill free to ask a key - I'll send in immediately!
raistlin 15 Dec, 2016 @ 7:44pm 
Hi, friends!
Recommend my game, please support us!

"3D, Multi-Player, Real-Time hunting BOSS, Real-Time fighting PVP" - Yes, you see are real!
"Legend Hunter: Monster Quest" is such a very unique 3D MMO ACT game!!!
If you like this game, please vote for us!

"ODYSSEY" is a science-fiction VR action game created by OXON, a famous Taiwan-based game studio.

“Future War: Reborn”is a post-apocalyptic Sci/Fi third person shooter game developed by Good Games.
Tuttifrutti Interactive 11 Dec, 2016 @ 6:27am 
For the past 4 years we have been working on our adventure hidden object game "Darkarta: A Broken Heart's Quest" CE.
Found many premium quality games steam curated by you, Wish for your evaluation.
Pls evaluate the trailer, Vote. If you like it pls tell friends.

Alawar Premium 11 Oct, 2016 @ 1:33am 
Dear Upper Dave,
Please check
I think our game fit the main theme of your group. It has Free Demo now.
Thank you.
Mia 28 Aug, 2016 @ 1:40pm 
The devs of The Deed had made another game in this series : The Deed Dynasty.

Also, how about Corpse Party? That game got plenty of consequences and endings.
Atoulm 5 Aug, 2016 @ 6:21pm 
As melhores recomendações de jogo Choice and Consequence consegui aqui. Não entendo como ainda tem poucos membros
hotmess.exe 17 Jul, 2016 @ 12:00pm 
So Steam just suggested Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy Remastered to me (thank god, because otherwise who knows how long I would have gone without it)--it definitely belongs in the recommendations for this group! This was definitely the first title to get me into this particular genre of gaming and it has extremely high replay value.
January 29 Apr, 2016 @ 1:06pm 
Hi guys! :mug:

I’ve released my game, Ping Ping, on Greenlight! It’s a game like the Choose Your Adventure books, following the story of a girl called Minako, lost in a world of her own denial. The game has 777 choices to make and many paths to follow! Puzzle / Horror / Casual / Simulation!

Please take a look! Vote! Comment! Fall in love, haha!

There’s also a Steam group for Ping Ping!

Thank you! :LIS_star:
Zaltys 21 Feb, 2016 @ 2:34am 
Here's an another missing game:
80 Days -

It's one of those choose your own adventure kind of games, except you also have manage storage, finances and plan the route around the world. With multi-choice events (with some randomization) at every city.
grody_antagonic 22 Jan, 2016 @ 5:24pm 
Hey there. I just wanted to make a suggestion for a possible curator-review:
The Deed. It's entirely build around your choices. It's short, but with very high replayability, because every decision, every word you say etc etc will fully change the ending. Maybe worth a look?

And no, I'm in no way involved in this game's development or simliar. Just wanted to suggest it, because it's cool.^^
Upper Dave 31 Dec, 2015 @ 5:07am 
@melancholic_countess, we were actually the first curator group to recommend Life is Strange. Thanks though :)
ducats-games 29 Dec, 2015 @ 3:40am 
May you make a review on our game - Swordbreaker The Game? You can become our curator?
We will give key for you (if need). In our game you try many choice))
Steam page:
unitedfan619 21 Nov, 2015 @ 9:25am 
unitedfan619 21 Nov, 2015 @ 9:24am 
Can anyone here give any recommendations for Steam (or non-Steam) games based off certain games that i have already purchases and/or like? Would be much appreciated.
melancholic_countess 21 Nov, 2015 @ 8:54am 
"Life is strange" ! :D you guys should check it out!
Hanako Games 30 Oct, 2015 @ 10:59am 
Is it okay to post our own games to look at? I wanted to draw your eye to Black Closet. Primary gameplay is mystery-solving, but there are frequent cutscenes with RPG dialog choices (everything the protagonist says is your choice, there are about a thousand decision points in the script), you do get to choose a romance option which affects your story path, and there are a handful of Big Decisions that will affect the gameplay and the endings. I can go into more detail elsewhere if you want, don't want to spam up your front page! :) There is a free demo on my site.
Upper Dave 25 Oct, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
Not off topic at all. I'd love to have threads on this group where we list choice games on other platforms. Unfortunately I don't know of any.
Puggalo 25 Oct, 2015 @ 4:37pm 
Does anyone have any suggestions for mobile games that fit the bill for the Choice and Consequence group? It's a little off-topic, I know, but I'm mostly on my Android phone these days rather than on my PC when it comes to gaming.
Upper Dave 16 Oct, 2015 @ 11:28am 
@HoboForEternity, I've already recommended that game. I like it a lot, yes.
HoboForEternity 15 Oct, 2015 @ 7:13pm 
this group should do this game next:

excellent story with multi path solutions, even total pacifist playtrough
Upper Dave 3 Oct, 2015 @ 12:09pm 
DLimaBR, how often do you make choices in the game?
dibellasubs 19 Aug, 2015 @ 6:01am 
Didnt Viking Conquest get a lot of ♥♥♥♥ becuase it was really just a paid version of the free mod brytenwalda?
Upper Dave 7 Aug, 2015 @ 3:15pm 
President, how often do you get story-related choices in the game?
President Evil 4 Aug, 2015 @ 12:50pm 
How's about Mount&Blade Warband's latest DLC, Viking Conqest?
It had a rough start in December, but they made a huge content-update recently
and since then new reviews are nearly only positive and old negatives changed to positive a lot.
While Warband didn't offer any storyline, Viking Conquest introduces two interesting questlines with choices and consequences! You have the main storyline in storymode, where you hunt down an infamous viking, for killing your mother and you'll either side with the Great Heathen Army, or defend england from these raiding Norse.
Besides the storymode you can also play in Sandbox (or 2 additional sandbox-modes where you already start as lord, or even king!) and in every game-mode there is another, new storyline available - The last of the Tuatha De Danann, setting place in mysterious Ireland.
737✈Garrus 28 Jul, 2015 @ 3:23am 
anastasia 18 Jun, 2015 @ 8:56pm 
Red, fallout new vegas actually had a pretty good amount of games with varying choices that could inpact the ending, but skyrim isn't exactly huge on the system :P
Upper Dave 5 Jun, 2015 @ 4:35pm 
Yeah I agree they aren't great at it, Red. But it's better than nothing. I enjoyed making those black and white decisions sometimes, and I enjoyed choosing who my character would become and what they would say to people.
Crazy Alchemy 5 Jun, 2015 @ 7:50am 
Choice and Consequence, something Bethesda is really bad at.

Want a rich world full of fetch quests that's an ocean wide and an inch deep? Bethesda has you covered. Want an EXTREMELY black and white decision where you only get two options, sure Bethesda can do that.

Want to make nuanced decisions with meaningful impacts that get brought up in the ending? Nope Bethesda can't do that.
Upper Dave 17 May, 2015 @ 10:25am 
On another note, I just wrote the curator group's first full review, based on an unorthodox scoring system (judging works as interactive fiction rather than games). It's for The Walking Dead:
Upper Dave 17 May, 2015 @ 10:24am 
Thanks guys! I'll check those out right now.
7 4 17 0 17 _twelvetwenty-one 16 May, 2015 @ 11:44pm 
Branching dialogue paths. First-person story-driven ((")exploration(")(of the story)) game with some shooting and at least one (not much time logged (YET :caster_wink:)) minigame.
There is a lot of standing around, just listening to the story (and sometimes dialogue overlaps or interrupts itself (also NPC's sometimes get in or push you out of the way) - just, once you hear something in progress, do nothing until it's over lol)... all the more suitable for the curation.
Incredibly immersive, interesting parallel universe(s) story.
Usually at least three choices in dialogue (sometimes two, sometimes six) - events you allow to transpire affect both your relationship with people (adding or subtracting of points from someone's opinion of you after making a choice) and subsequent events (dem consecrations).
Zaltys 8 May, 2015 @ 1:09am 
Another one: Hollywood Visionary --
If you've played anything from Choice of Games, you know what to expect. This one's set in 1950s Hollywood.
Upper Dave 3 Apr, 2015 @ 1:33pm 
Eandaen, is it pretty heavily story-driven? I haven't played many rougelikes or space RTSes that have the story as one of the main focuses.
Eandaen 3 Apr, 2015 @ 5:37am 
Hi, would it be possible to add our game to your list? Story events are randomly generated and have a number of win / lose options that affect the outcome: Thanks!
Alexander (Aterdux) 16 Mar, 2015 @ 7:33am 
Hi Upper Dave, our game is also quite a lot about choices and consequences - would you consider including it in your list? When the game will be fully released (date will be announced soon), the main campaign will be a big example of that. Now it's there too but on a smaller scale.
Upper Dave 12 Mar, 2015 @ 10:52am 
Thanks for the tip. Added to the list.
Xaelvik 11 Mar, 2015 @ 11:53pm 
When you have time, you might want to look at Starship Traveller, a CYOA/RPG book that seems fairly polished and just released a few hours ago:
PlasmaGoat 4 Feb, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
you should check out Barter Empire, it is a non-linear sandbox game with branching dialogue and plenty of choices
Vince 28 Sep, 2014 @ 5:18pm 
Thank you.
Upper Dave 28 Sep, 2014 @ 1:24pm 
Adding it to the list now, Vince. And also my wishlist :D
Vince 27 Sep, 2014 @ 5:04pm 
Hi guys,

Is there any chance to get our game on your list? It's called The Age of Decadence and choices & consequences (as well as multiple solutions, dialogue trees, etc) are its main feature.

There is a fairly large demo that gives you 3 locations and over 30 quests.

cyphen 27 Sep, 2014 @ 1:59am 
Thank again.