CS2 Trade🤝 TOPG_Trading
CS2 Trade🤝 TOPG_Trading
30 May, 2024
alves123123 6 hours ago 
-Falchion knife ★ | Black Laminate
-Broken Fang Gloves ★ | Unhinged
-Cmdr. Mae "Dead Cold" Jamison | SWAT
-AK-47 | Asiimov
-MP7 | Bloodsport
-Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
-Autocolante | Enemy Spotted (Holo)
-Autocolante | Battle Scarred
-PP-Bizon | High Roller
-USP-S | Cyrex
-MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart
-AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe
-Autograph Capsule - Competitors | Antwerp 2022 -FAMAS | Valence Trade link:
Eddooo 6 hours ago 
[H] Knives, Gloves, Playskins

- Karambit Doppler P3 Fn
- Stiletto Doppler P3 0.009
- St Butterfly Stained Mw
- Butterfly Boreal Forest Ft
- M9 Bayonet Night Ft
- Huntsman Doppler P2 Fn
- Kukri Fade 87% 0.001
- Kukri Slaughter Mw
- Huntsman Marble Fade 0.009
- Flip Ch Blue Gem 0.17 #429

- Gloves Black Tie Ft
- Gloves POW! FT
- Wraps Overprint Ft

More Skins on my inv, Some can be on Tradehold, check what you like and send me your Offer or Add me to discuss Trade.

[W] All Offers are Welcome
[W] Fracture Cases

12xjanuar 8 hours ago

[TRADING] 100+ knives & gloves, 450+ playskins

Butterfly Knife | Crimson Web
Talon Knife | Fade, Stained
Bayonet | Crimson Web, Autotronic, Case Hardened, Boreal Forest, Scorched
Broken Fang Gloves | Jade
Skeleton Knife | Crimson Web, Safari Mesh
Stiletto Knife | Tiger Tooth
Ursus Knife | Fade, 2x Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth, Ultraviolet
Flip Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, Damascus Steel
Sport Gloves | Amphibious
AWP | Oni Taiji
Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler, Slaughter
Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, Tiger Tooth, Lore, 3x Bright Water
Bowie Knife | Fade, Autotronic
Falchion Knife | Tiger Tooth, Lore, CH, BS
Specialist Gloves | 3x Crimson Web, 2x Lt. Commander, Marble Fade
Nomad Knife | Blue Steel, Stained
Navaja Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, 2x TT
Survival Knife | Slaughter, 2x Crimson Web
Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth
❤️❤️❤️ [H]100+ Knives and gloves, 60000$+ Inventory All For Trade ❤️❤️❤️


⭐️You will find something you like!⭐️
Butterfly, Karambit, M9, Talon, Bayonet, Huntsman, Sport gloves, Specialist gloves, Dopplers, Fade, Printstreams, Agents, Wraps, Moto gloves, ETC...

🔥🔥🔥[W] ANY OFFERS🔥🔥🔥
alves123123 10 hours ago 
-Falchion knife ★ | Black Laminate
-Broken Fang Gloves ★ | Unhinged
-Cmdr. Mae "Dead Cold" Jamison | SWAT
-AK-47 | Asiimov
-MP7 | Bloodsport
-Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
-Autocolante | Enemy Spotted (Holo)
-Autocolante | Battle Scarred
-PP-Bizon | High Roller
-USP-S | Cyrex
-MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart
-AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe
-Autograph Capsule - Competitors | Antwerp 2022 -FAMAS | Valence Trade link:
alves123123 11 hours ago 
-Falchion knife ★ | Black Laminate
-Broken Fang Gloves ★ | Unhinged
-Cmdr. Mae "Dead Cold" Jamison | SWAT
-AK-47 | Asiimov
-MP7 | Bloodsport
-Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
-Autocolante | Enemy Spotted (Holo)
-Autocolante | Battle Scarred
-PP-Bizon | High Roller
-USP-S | Cyrex
-MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart
-AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe
-Autograph Capsule - Competitors | Antwerp 2022 -FAMAS | Valence Trade link:
alves123123 12 hours ago 
-Falchion knife ★ | Black Laminate
-Broken Fang Gloves ★ | Unhinged
-Cmdr. Mae "Dead Cold" Jamison | SWAT
-AK-47 | Asiimov
-MP7 | Bloodsport
-Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
-Autocolante | Enemy Spotted (Holo)
-Autocolante | Battle Scarred
-PP-Bizon | High Roller
-USP-S | Cyrex
-MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart
-AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe
-Autograph Capsule - Competitors | Antwerp 2022 -FAMAS | Valence Trade link:
Eddooo 13 hours ago 
[H] Knives, Gloves, Playskins

- Karambit Doppler P3 Fn
- Stiletto Doppler P3 0.009
- St Butterfly Stained Mw
- Butterfly Boreal Forest Ft
- M9 Bayonet Night Ft
- Huntsman Doppler P2 Fn
- Kukri Fade 87% 0.001
- Kukri Slaughter Mw
- Huntsman Marble Fade 0.009
- Flip Ch Blue Gem 0.17 #429

- Gloves Black Tie Ft
- Gloves POW! FT
- Wraps Overprint Ft

More Skins on my inv, Some can be on Tradehold, check what you like and send me your Offer or Add me to discuss Trade.

[W] All Offers are Welcome
[W] Fracture Cases

R_syndicate 13 hours ago 
💛★ Karambit | Safari Mesh MW 0.13

💛★ Hand Wraps | CAUTION! FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Inheritance FT 0.31

💛AK-47 | Inheritance BS 0.72

💛AWP | Crakow! BS 0.66

💛AWP | Wildfire BS 0.69

💛AK-47 | Neon Rider FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge BS 0.64

💛AK-47 | The Empress FT 0.25

💛AK-47 | The Empress BS 0.52

💛USP-S | Printstream FT 0.30

💛Desert Eagle | Printstream FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Hyper Beast FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire BS 0.58

💛M4A1-S | Player Two BS 0.68

💛M4A4 | The Emperor FT 0.23

💛AWP | Neo-Noir FT 0.32

💛Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive FT 0.27

💛A lot of agents!
MAD TING 15 hours ago 
[H]Knives🔪, Gloves🧤, Play Skins

★ Butterfly Knife | Autotronic
★ Survival Knife | Fade 92%
M4A1-S | Printstream
AK-47 | Neon Rider
AK-47 | Bloodsport
AWP | Asiimov
M4A4 | Asiimov

[W] Fair offers
selected. REDIRECT 15 hours ago 
🟢💰🟢250'000+ Inv🟢💰🟢 [900+ Knives🔪Gloves🧤Playskins🔴]


AK CH (#670,#4,#265,#969,#627) | AK Case Hard(w/iBP Holo Kato14)
Kara Fire&Ice | Bowie&Huntsman SAPPHIRE | Kara&BFK Lore
Emerald Web & Crimson Web & Nocts & Slingshot & Cool Mint & Vice
Scarlet & Spearmint & Fade & Tiger Strike & CAUTION! & Omega
Butterfly Doppler | Karambit Fade | Deagle Heat Treated BLUE GEM
Kara&M9&BFK Autotronic | AK Fire Serpent | Butterfly Fade |
AWP Fade&Oni Taiji&Lightning | BFK Tiger | Karambit Doppler
Karambit Gamma | BFK Night | Kara&BFK Freehand | Nomad Fade
Bayonet Case Hardened | Vanilla Knives | Bayo Gamma
Printstreams | Deagle Sunset | Ursus RUBY | Vulcan | Bowie Doppler
Bayonet Doppler&Fade | Stiletto Fade | M9 Doppler | Asiimovs
Skeleton Fade&Crimson | Flip Doppler | Bayo&Flip Gamma | Bloodsport
🟢 Many Mid/Low-Tier Skins 🟢
🔥🔥🔥 Send me an offer ! 🔥🔥🔥
12xjanuar 19 hours ago

[TRADING] 100+ knives & gloves, 450+ playskins

Butterfly Knife | Crimson Web
Talon Knife | Fade, Stained
Bayonet | Crimson Web, Autotronic, Case Hardened, Boreal Forest, Scorched
Broken Fang Gloves | Jade
Skeleton Knife | Crimson Web, Safari Mesh
Stiletto Knife | Tiger Tooth
Ursus Knife | Fade, 2x Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth, Ultraviolet
Flip Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, Damascus Steel
Sport Gloves | Amphibious
AWP | Oni Taiji
Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler, Slaughter
Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, Tiger Tooth, Lore, 3x Bright Water
Bowie Knife | Fade, Autotronic
Falchion Knife | Tiger Tooth, Lore, CH, BS
Specialist Gloves | 3x Crimson Web, 2x Lt. Commander, Marble Fade
Nomad Knife | Blue Steel, Stained
Navaja Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, 2x TT
Survival Knife | Slaughter, 2x Crimson Web
Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth
❤️❤️❤️ [H]100+ Knives and gloves, 60000$+ Inventory All For Trade ❤️❤️❤️


⭐️You will find something you like!⭐️
Butterfly, Karambit, M9, Talon, Bayonet, Huntsman, Sport gloves, Specialist gloves, Dopplers, Fade, Printstreams, Agents, Wraps, Moto gloves, ETC...

🔥🔥🔥[W] ANY OFFERS🔥🔥🔥
R_syndicate 20 hours ago 
💛★ Karambit | Safari Mesh MW 0.13

💛★ Hand Wraps | CAUTION! FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Inheritance FT 0.31

💛AK-47 | Inheritance BS 0.72

💛AWP | Crakow! BS 0.66

💛AWP | Wildfire BS 0.69

💛AK-47 | Neon Rider FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge BS 0.64

💛AK-47 | The Empress FT 0.25

💛AK-47 | The Empress BS 0.52

💛USP-S | Printstream FT 0.30

💛Desert Eagle | Printstream FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Hyper Beast FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire BS 0.58

💛M4A1-S | Player Two BS 0.68

💛M4A4 | The Emperor FT 0.23

💛AWP | Neo-Noir FT 0.32

💛Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive FT 0.27

💛A lot of agents!
deux 20 hours ago 
★ Sport Gloves | Scarlet Shamagh (Field-Tested)

[W] - Fair Trade offers , Downgrading with atleast 2-7%+ overpay

[TL] -
MAD TING 20 hours ago 
[H]Knives🔪, Gloves🧤, Play Skins

★ Butterfly Knife | Autotronic
★ Survival Knife | Fade 92%
M4A1-S | Printstream
AK-47 | Neon Rider
AK-47 | Bloodsport
AWP | Asiimov
M4A4 | Asiimov

[W] Fair offers
Br1th ⇄ Trade 20 hours ago 
✅✅✅ [H] Desert Eagle | Heat Treated (FT) 0.17 148 Pattern Tier 1 Bluegem

[W] Offers
ntduke 22 hours ago 
MAD TING 15 Mar @ 10:56pm 
[H]Knives🔪, Gloves🧤, Play Skins

★ Butterfly Knife | Autotronic
★ Survival Knife | Fade 92%
M4A1-S | Printstream
AK-47 | Neon Rider
AK-47 | Bloodsport
AWP | Asiimov
M4A4 | Asiimov
Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler
And more!

[W] Fair offers
Va1Ri 15 Mar @ 10:10pm 
:redjewel: ONLY TRADE :redjewel:


:ns_red::Glove:Broken Fang Gloves | Needle Point
:ns_red::Glove:Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded
:ns_red:AK-47 | The Outsiders
:ns_red:Maximus | Sabre
:ns_red:Blackwolf | Sabre
:ns_red:Aspirant | Gendarmerie Nationale
:ns_red:M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire
:ns_red:AK-47 | Frontside Misty
:ns_red:AWP | BOOM
:ns_red:AK-47 | Blue Laminate (kato 2014)
:ns_red:AUG | Chameleon
:ns_red:Desert Eagle | Conspiracy
:ns_red:P2000 | Corticera
:ns_red:AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor

Ca$h↹Trading REDIRECT❤ 15 Mar @ 10:01pm 
❤️❤️❤️ [H]100+ Knives and gloves, 60000$+ Inventory All For Trade ❤️❤️❤️


⭐️You will find something you like!⭐️
Butterfly, Karambit, M9, Talon, Bayonet, Huntsman, Sport gloves, Specialist gloves, Dopplers, Fade, Printstreams, Agents, Wraps, Moto gloves, ETC...

🔥🔥🔥[W] ANY OFFERS🔥🔥🔥
oformi spokuhu 15 Mar @ 5:20pm 
AK-47 | Blue Laminate (FN) (Team | Katowice 2014; Vox Eminor | Katowice 2014)
StatTrak™ Galil AR | Blue Titanium (FN) (iBUYPOWER | DreamHack 2014)
Glock-18 | Candy Apple (FN) (MLG (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016; Team | DreamHack 2014)
Send me your offer
Trade link:
12xjanuar 15 Mar @ 2:58pm

[TRADING] 100+ knives & gloves, 450+ playskins

Butterfly Knife | Crimson Web
Talon Knife | Fade, Stained
Bayonet | Crimson Web, Autotronic, Case Hardened, Boreal Forest, Scorched
Broken Fang Gloves | Jade
Skeleton Knife | Crimson Web, Safari Mesh
Stiletto Knife | Tiger Tooth
Ursus Knife | Fade, 2x Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth, Ultraviolet
Flip Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, Damascus Steel
Sport Gloves | Amphibious
AWP | Oni Taiji
Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler, Slaughter
Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, Tiger Tooth, Lore, 3x Bright Water
Bowie Knife | Fade, Autotronic
Falchion Knife | Tiger Tooth, Lore, CH, BS
Specialist Gloves | 3x Crimson Web, 2x Lt. Commander, Marble Fade
Nomad Knife | Blue Steel, Stained
Navaja Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, 2x TT
Survival Knife | Slaughter, 2x Crimson Web
Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth
R_syndicate 15 Mar @ 8:43am 
💛★ Karambit | Safari Mesh MW 0.13

💛★ Sport Gloves | Scarlet Shamagh BS 0.63

💛★ Hand Wraps | CAUTION! FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Inheritance FT 0.31

💛AK-47 | Inheritance BS 0.72

💛AWP | Crakow! BS 0.66

💛AWP | Wildfire BS 0.69

💛AK-47 | Neon Rider FT 0.26

💛AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge BS 0.64

💛AK-47 | The Empress FT 0.25

💛AK-47 | The Empress BS 0.52

💛USP-S | Printstream FT 0.30

💛Desert Eagle | Printstream FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Hyper Beast FT 0.28

💛M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire BS 0.58

💛M4A1-S | Player Two BS 0.68

💛M4A4 | The Emperor FT 0.23

💛AWP | Neo-Noir FT 0.32

💛Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive FT 0.27

💛A lot of agents!
12xjanuar 15 Mar @ 5:50am

[TRADING] 100+ knives & gloves, 450+ playskins

Butterfly Knife | Crimson Web
Talon Knife | Fade, Stained
Bayonet | Crimson Web, Autotronic, Case Hardened, Boreal Forest, Scorched
Broken Fang Gloves | Jade
Skeleton Knife | Crimson Web, Safari Mesh
Stiletto Knife | Tiger Tooth
Ursus Knife | Fade, 2x Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth, Ultraviolet
Flip Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, Damascus Steel
Sport Gloves | Amphibious
AWP | Oni Taiji
Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler, Slaughter
Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, Tiger Tooth, Lore, 3x Bright Water
Bowie Knife | Fade, Autotronic
Falchion Knife | Tiger Tooth, Lore, CH, BS
Specialist Gloves | 3x Crimson Web, 2x Lt. Commander, Marble Fade
Nomad Knife | Blue Steel, Stained
Navaja Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, 2x TT
Survival Knife | Slaughter, 2x Crimson Web
Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth
★ AK-47 | Frontside Misty FT 4x craft
★ Trapper Aggressor | Guerrilla Warfare
★ M4A1-S | Black Lotus FT
★ USP-S | Cyrex MW
★ AK-47 | Elite Build MW
★ Music Kit | Scarlxrd: King, Scar some lower tier skins id be down to trade for, send an offer and ill respond quick (:
✪ Sakuragi Hanamichi 15 Mar @ 3:27am 

Stattrak Talon knife | Slaughter MW
M9 Bayonet | Damascus steel FT
Driver Gloves | Snow leopard BS
MAD TING 15 Mar @ 2:35am 
[H]Knives🔪, Gloves🧤, Play Skins

★ Butterfly Knife | Autotronic
★ Survival Knife | Fade 92%
M4A1-S | Printstream
AK-47 | Neon Rider
AK-47 | Bloodsport
AWP | Asiimov
M4A4 | Asiimov

[W] Fair offers
Va1Ri 15 Mar @ 1:52am 
:redjewel: ONLY TRADE :redjewel:


:ns_red::Glove:Broken Fang Gloves | Needle Point
:ns_red::Glove:Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded
:ns_red:AK-47 | The Outsiders
:ns_red:Maximus | Sabre
:ns_red:Blackwolf | Sabre
:ns_red:Aspirant | Gendarmerie Nationale
:ns_red:M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire
:ns_red:AK-47 | Frontside Misty
:ns_red:AWP | BOOM
:ns_red:AK-47 | Blue Laminate (kato 2014)
:ns_red:AUG | Chameleon
:ns_red:Desert Eagle | Conspiracy
:ns_red:P2000 | Corticera
:ns_red:AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor

Ca$h↹Trading REDIRECT❤ 15 Mar @ 12:41am 
❤️❤️❤️ [H]100+ Knives and gloves, 60000$+ Inventory All For Trade ❤️❤️❤️


⭐️You will find something you like!⭐️
Butterfly, Karambit, M9, Talon, Bayonet, Huntsman, Sport gloves, Specialist gloves, Dopplers, Fade, Printstreams, Agents, Wraps, Moto gloves, ETC...

🔥🔥🔥[W] ANY OFFERS🔥🔥🔥
12xjanuar 14 Mar @ 6:23pm

[TRADING] 100+ knives & gloves, 450+ playskins

Butterfly Knife | Crimson Web
Talon Knife | Fade, Stained
Bayonet | Crimson Web, Autotronic, Case Hardened, Boreal Forest, Scorched
Broken Fang Gloves | Jade
Skeleton Knife | Crimson Web, Safari Mesh
Stiletto Knife | Tiger Tooth
Ursus Knife | Fade, 2x Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth, Ultraviolet
Flip Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, Damascus Steel
Sport Gloves | Amphibious
AWP | Oni Taiji
Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler, Slaughter
Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, Tiger Tooth, Lore, 3x Bright Water
Bowie Knife | Fade, Autotronic
Falchion Knife | Tiger Tooth, Lore, CH, BS
Specialist Gloves | 3x Crimson Web, 2x Lt. Commander, Marble Fade
Nomad Knife | Blue Steel, Stained
Navaja Knife | 2x Doppler, Marble Fade, 2x TT
Survival Knife | Slaughter, 2x Crimson Web
Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler, 2x Tiger Tooth
ech000 :3⇄ 14 Mar @ 5:41pm 
:csgoglobe:𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙳𝙴 𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝙼𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚃𝙾𝚁𝚈:csgoglobe:
:csgostar:M4A1-S | Atomic Alloy x4 Natus Vincere | DreamHack 2014
:csgostar: AWP | Sun in Leo x3 Cloud9 | Cluj-Napoca 2015 on scope Skadoodle | Cologne 2015