ESDigital Games ESD Games
ESDigital Games ESD Games
2018. június 8.

ESDigital Games - a video games publishing company

In ESDigital Games we love videogames and we strive not only for promoting our titles, but to make sure you’re having a lot of fun playing them!

Our team has already published such indie titles as 9 Monkeys of Shaolin, Darkestville Castle, Deck of Ashes, Redeemer: Enhanced Edition and Ash of Gods: Redemption.
With more than 80 various games under our wing we are now looking forward for the upcoming releases of the classy retro point'n'click adventure Unusual Findings, post-apocalyptic and grim twin-stick shooter Remedium and survival horror FPS Absylon.
Get Ready for the Steam Scream Fest: Halloween Sales and Spooky Savings!
AWAKEN - Astral Blade is Available Now!

In addition to the standard digital PC release, gamers can also add the Deluxe Edition to their collection. This contains the AWAKEN - Astral Blade base game as well as the following additional digital content: a special Golden Scale Set, the original soundtrack by Alexandria Migova, and a Digital Artbook with concept art and illustrations from the game.

The time has come to join Tania on her most perilous mission yet, as she uncovers the ancient, dark secrets of a long-lost civilization on the mysterious Horace Islands. Weave your own story in this dark 2D side-scrolling action game, and use Tania’s speed, skills and weapons to defeat the deadly mutant animals and plants that have infested the island!

If you don't want to miss any news and updates or just chat with us — join the official ESDigital social media accounts[].

We are looking forward to seeing you in Jacha City!

5 megjegyzés
Dark Shadow febr. 14., 9:30 
A Remake From The Entente Gold Game for windows 10-11 etc
Sprite febr. 1., 9:01 
Добавите Тормозилки?
Terje_P 2023. márc. 20., 14:51 
MorphX/Симбион/The Swarm

More than a decade or so ago MorphX got released In Russia/CIS on PC by Buka Entertainment. 505 Games picked up the game and released it on Xbox 360, Digital Bros which is related to 505 Games released the international PC version on a little known site called thefirstclub which is now known as rewardtheworld.

My problem is that the game is Tages protected and can no longer be played. My understanding is that ESdigital is the sucessor of Buka Entertainment that is why I'm posting here.

As for my question, is there any chance of an English release of MorphX on steam by ESdigital? Who even owns the rights to the game?
UrsusMarcius 2022. jan. 22., 13:24 
Уважаемые, Петька и ВИЧ это хорошо, но где Орда Северный Ветер?
David_strim 2020. dec. 16., 10:48 
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста есть ли возможность перенести наипрекраснейшую игрушку страшилка 6 чувство на базу стима, я бы с большим удовольствием приобрел бы ее.