Napoleonic Wars Public NWPublic
Napoleonic Wars Public NWPublic
2 April, 2016
RIC$ 21 Oct, 2024 @ 12:11am 
Téged is érdekelnek a Napóleoni Sorcsaták, és kipróbálnád magad egyben?
Vagy esetleg csak egy baráti és befogadó magyar közösséget keresel?

Van mind két kérdésre válasz.
Mi vagyunk az **Nr32 Eszterházy Ezred** egy Magyar Klán mely új tagokat keres, és hogy mit tudunk ajánlani?
A következőket:
-SZERDA: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Swords & Musket
-VASÁRNAP: Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars
-Tapasztalt Vezetőket
-Heti rendszerességű (nem kötelező) Csatákat
-Több éves tapasztalat Mount & Blade játékokban és más játékokban (pl: Holdfast: Nations at War, Battle Cry of Freedom, War of Rights stb...)
-Hetente változó játékkal megtartott közös játékestek
- Barátságos és befogadó közösség

Hogyha felkeltettük a kiváncsiságodat, csatlakozz hozzánk, Mert az Nr32 Eszterházy Ezrednek szüksége van rád!
Az alábbi Discord Linken megtalálsz minket.
Cherry_Switchblade 8 Apr, 2024 @ 4:23pm 
EU_Commander server is still very active everyday! come play again!
LAST ECNEBI BENDER 19 Sep, 2023 @ 9:51am 
Please unban me from minisiege server :steamsad:
Vengeful One 9 Feb, 2023 @ 5:39pm 
Napoleon Total War :Hi, I'm new with 80 hours, and looking for some one to play a casual competitive campaign with.

But I would Like to play by a set of gentleman rules, Things as Restricting certain gamey mechanics, such as AI Diplomacy, and a few other things as well. I'm in my 20's, with discord looking for a casual competitive game play with insightful conversations. Steam Friend Code 103452852
Bálint™ 8 Feb, 2023 @ 8:14am 
Hello, I'm from the HLI - Hungarian Line Infantry regiment and i would like to introduce you our Tuesday Event on Napoleonic Wars, classic line battle event with all the special classes, if you got nothing to do on tuesday and feel like playin some NW then we got you covered. Still got lots of space, feel free to sign up here:
Tethos 9 Mar, 2022 @ 7:46am 
Thanks for perma banning the trolls I reported on the forums.
The issue still does remain though that Ben was on and took no action (in fact, they replied "Cope"), so I will still be pushing for discipline against him.
Bethrezen 9 Mar, 2022 @ 5:47am 
It's just an illusion though.

We are doing our best on our spare free time not only to improve the community, but also to expand it. We are few and only human.
These past few weeks and days have been more rough for some of us, since we've also expanded to this new game: Battle Cry of Freedom (we have both Minisiege and EU Commander as official servers).

If you want to help, just keep reporting players or behaviours which are against the server rules. Thank you for your understanding!
Tethos 8 Mar, 2022 @ 12:54pm 
Well, seems like admins have given up on these servers.
Constant racist and sexist language in chat. Russian trolls everywhere. Admins (ben is the worst offender) when they are briefly on don't police at all and insult players in chat when they ask for help.
AirportThief 15 Oct, 2021 @ 6:18am 
Is there any way to be pardoned from ban?
[12th] Kubus ‧₊˚✩ 7 Oct, 2021 @ 12:25pm 
:Spirit: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment is recruiting! Add me on steam to get involved :Spirit:
Mask 8 Jul, 2021 @ 6:54am 
@Coco, Hi Coco, if in need of a admin then go to our Discord group and @tag euc admin so we can act on the scene of crime.
You can also open up a ban thread on our website so we can investigate the matter.
EUC admin team
TimderKing 19 May, 2021 @ 9:31am 
Wir sind die 1. Helvetische Legion und suchen aktuell noch nach Rekruten für unsere Infanterie.
Hier ein Link zu unserem Discord Server:
RealNutcase 16 Mar, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
First message of the year!
[RT]_1kstatman_wewar25 12 Dec, 2020 @ 3:56am 
1000 stat man incoming :steamhappy:
Linux 27 Jun, 2020 @ 1:10pm 
Looking for a NA regiment :D
Rio 21 May, 2020 @ 6:05am 
The 1st York's Greek Light Infantry Regiment is looking for people to join their ranks!

The 1st York's Greek Light Infantry Regiment(1stGLI) or how they have been called in history "The Duke's of York" is looking for new recruits. As a regiment that is almost 7 months old and has gained more than 170 members we proud ourselves of being a laid back and relax regiment.
Things that we like to do that most of the other regiments dont:

-we dont do required attendence
-we dont care about relegion/race/country of origin
-we are a global english speaking regiment
-we dont disallow our members from saying certain jokes or words as long as its not said to hurt a person
-we like having fun without being too hardcore or larpy

To join us just add me or enlinst through our regimental website for more information

I wish you a good day and to have fun in your next endevours

Shapour I 5 Apr, 2020 @ 11:45am 
Yes I did more than that, at first I uninstalled it from steam and then redownloaded it from Tale worlds itself and installed it outside of steam but didn't work(using CD key's from steam), and no there is always set "Internet" in searching servers. It also seems to bring up far less servers than before and the searching rate is much slower, the only servers of my favourite ones that I can still play in are:
TP, BBG bot and CB and Zombie survival.
[1stEB]Romulus 5 Apr, 2020 @ 3:06am 
@Shapour If you were banned, you could still see the server in the server list. Have you tried re-installing your game? Or maybe you've selected "favourites" at the top of your server list and the server is no longer there, because we've changed servers since?
Shapour I 5 Apr, 2020 @ 2:50am 
Hello there, it has been a time that Minisiege has been disappeared from my server list and also the NRP server.
Any Ideas why this is happening and how to solve it?
Can it be caused because if being banned? However I was never banned but speculate that I may have been banned by mistake!
tnx in advance!
Loganberrys 23 Feb, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
Recruiting now for 52nd Queen's Royal Guard we are a new regiment, we are looking for members to fill our ranks.

If interested add me on steam and we will go from there, with all questions and etc
Efe Öztürk 17 Jan, 2020 @ 9:13am 
I've been banned from minisiege for a one-time forgive me, please.
My heart 14 Oct, 2019 @ 4:06pm 
The 57e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne are recruiting! We are a primarily NA regiment looking to have fun and participate in multiple linebattles (especially excelling at 1v1s) per week and building a strong, friendly, fun community. If interested shoot me a friend request on steam and join the group:
[1stEB]Romulus 21 Sep, 2019 @ 5:00am 
Please submit Unban requests on our Website here:
Sign in using your Steam login top right and navigate to the appropriate server and unban section.
gilesneoh 21 Sep, 2019 @ 4:57am 
I've been trying to login for months but it says i am banned. Please may i be unbanned.

Mallorn 4 Jun, 2019 @ 12:25pm 
Hello. I have been banned for months (minisiege server), i do not know the reason anymore.
I was very active. I can not register on the site. (Google traduction french-english)
TwinHelm 15 May, 2019 @ 11:41pm 
Hippity hoppity skidaddle skadoodle I'm a wizard and you're a noodle
[1stEB]Romulus 14 Mar, 2019 @ 2:43am 
It's probably because there are no players on the server at this time, I assume you're filtering with "has players" at the top. It wouldn't be in your favourites tab, only in Internet tab if you haven't re-added it to your bookmarks after we moved location
Stickman 14 Mar, 2019 @ 1:22am 
Hey, neither mini siege or commander show up for me, I am on all view and I cannot find them. Could this be caused by the recent server move?
[S&M] Lucon - AWAY 18 Sep, 2018 @ 1:08pm 
[1stEB]Romulus 31 Jul, 2018 @ 2:05am 
I'm not sure what your in-game name is or the exact details of reasoning to be banned, but I assume it was probably a temporary ban. You would be able to play 1 hour after the ban, if not then as Mvh has said, unban requests are done on our website for record keeping. If you'd like to do an admin complaint, they are very welcome to be posted there too as we take them seriously.

Hope you the best!
[1stEB] Mvh222 30 Jul, 2018 @ 9:22pm 
You can write unban request at the forum of
Peacemaker 30 Jul, 2018 @ 6:12pm 
was banned from the Commander server
Peacemaker 30 Jul, 2018 @ 6:10pm 
I killed a few guys before I foudn other cav group to join up with...
Peacemaker 30 Jul, 2018 @ 6:05pm 
So why was I banned?
Because that one guy whined about cowboying when I went and joined the other cavalry group instead of dismounting?
SooNationaL 24 Jul, 2018 @ 12:53pm 
best community 👌
[1stEB]Romulus 21 Jul, 2018 @ 11:15pm 
All admin applications are done on our website - - just sign in at the top right using your Steam log in information, both username and password you use for Steam, and it will auto create an account for you. Then just locate the “admin applications” area and fill in the relevant information.
Happy Banana 21 Jul, 2018 @ 2:10pm 
I would like to sign up as an admin but seem to be having trouble finding a sheet to fill out could someone please help me?
Ladby 5 May, 2018 @ 7:29am 
Fineapple ar racist.
76561198054630739 2 Feb, 2018 @ 1:32pm 
Best server :steamsalty: :steamhappy:
Atlas 13 Dec, 2017 @ 8:56am 
Looking for a Saturday event host with an available arty spot, contact me if available.
Shivgad 11 Aug, 2017 @ 6:06am 
hello eveyone good day to all of you
[S&M] Lucon - AWAY 29 Jun, 2017 @ 4:13am 
You can write it once per round for recruiting.
Futui 28 Jun, 2017 @ 1:46pm 
You can write unban request -
Ren Woasley (BOKAJ) 28 Jun, 2017 @ 3:26am 
i just got perma banned from minisiege yesterday for recruting. can someone fix that pls. the admin was zigs. and all i did was trying to recruit
Syria 27 Aug, 2016 @ 3:12pm 
Server disappears sometimes due to crashes. That's perfectly normal.
Porc Ciné 26 Aug, 2016 @ 8:58am 
Hey boys, why did the server disappeared ? :steamsad:
Das_Überschwein 26 Aug, 2016 @ 6:10am 
WTF! why did the server disappear?
Eddy le Quartier 13 Jun, 2016 @ 12:59am 
Nice group
Cubiie 6 Apr, 2016 @ 4:36am 
All admin applications are currently closed. Sign up and join our forums over at and be sure to follow when applications open. Note that you can sign up on our forums by using Steam.
Big Biceps Butler 6 Apr, 2016 @ 3:24am 
You recruiting admins ?