Open-Source Community OSCom
Open-Source Community OSCom
11 June, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Open-Source Licenses
If you're creating your own original programs, you automatically own the copyright to all of the source code that you have written. To make your program "open source" and let other people freely use your own code, it's not enough to just publish it. You have to give the people specific permissions under which they can use your code, and the easiest way to achieve this is by using one of these popular open source licenses to license your code.

What these licenses all have in common is that they adhere to the "Open Source Definition[]" as published by the Open Source Initiative. They have been reviewed by experienced lawyers multiple times throughout their lifetime, and are used by many big, popular, widely-used open source projects. Some of these licenses employ the practice of Copyleft[] to make sure derivatives of works can only be licensed under the same license. They are also called Copyleft Licenses; licenses not including this are usually called permissive licenses, because they permit the user to create proprietary derivative works.

Licenses emplyoing a form of copyleft:
GNU General Public License (GPL)[]: This is the most popular copyleft license, which gained popularity because it is used by the GNU project for all of their works. It's especially pervasive in the GNU/Linux community, with even the Linux kernel being licensed under GPL. It is using a strong form of copyleft to ensure that the freedoms that users of GPL software have are preserved even for derivative works.

GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)[]: The little brother of the GPL uses a weaker form of copyleft, that permits integrating software licensed under LGPL into a proprietary program, but only if the LGPL-licensed part is still separately editable and exchangeable by the user. This is usually achieved by using the LGPL-licensed program as a shared library, hence the former name of the license.

Permissive licenses:
MIT license[]: The MIT uses many different licenses for their software, but the most popular ones are called the "Expat License" and the "X11 License", named after popular software packages which are using them. MIT licensed code can be used in any program as long as copyright notices are preserved in the distribution.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license[]: There are many different BSD licenses, with the so-called 3-clause BSD license being one of the most popular. In this edition it is very similar to the Expat License, with only requiring preservation of copyright notices and warranty disclaimers. It also prohibits using the name of the copyright holder used in promotional material of derivated software.

Apache License 2.0[]: This license, seemingly similar to the Expat and 3-clause BSD license, includes certain patent termination and indemnification provisions. This can be useful especially for software packages describing methods and algorithms that could be patented.

More information available here:
TL;DRlegal[] has descriptions for all popular software licenses.
The GNU project[] has informations about the GPL family of licenses and many more.
The Open Source Initiative[] maintains an FAQ on licenses. is a website by GitHub which aim is to help developers to choose a license. Note: GitHub, Inc. is a distributor of proprietary software.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice.
Last edited by SQUID N TROLL OCTOPUS; 13 Feb, 2016 @ 9:37am
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
noa 11 Feb, 2016 @ 9:38pm 
Good effort on the list, but it seems to me that you're not using the word "copyright" in the correct way. If someone creates a work, including software, that person will automatically own the copyright for that specific work. Licenses are a way to allow other persons certain rights over your own work, but it doesn't mean that you're not still in full ownership of it. Using a so-called "copyleft" license doesn't mean that your work isn't copyrighted anymore. In fact, it has to be, or else the license couldn't apply. "Copyleft" just describes a concept of using existing copyright law in a way to allow for freedom. It couldn't (and wouldn't have to) exist without copyright. The sentence "instead of being copyleft, users who use LGPL may make their programs copyright" therefore does not make any sense, and there are a few other similar errors in the above text. I recommend visiting and reading up on these topics to gain maybe a more educated understanding about licensing in general. While the opinions on there are of course biased, the stated facts are all correct and their texts tend to not be confusing, that's why I'd recommend it.

Aside from that, I'd add the AGPL as an option, and maybe the MPL and ISC.

For the MIT license, it's important to always differentiate between Expat and X11 license, because they're both slightly different. In a similar way with the BSD license you should always state if you're talking about the modified/3-clause BSD license, the original/4-clause BSD license, or the FreeBSD/2-clause BSD license.
Last edited by noa; 11 Feb, 2016 @ 9:39pm
Hello Jei. I tried to "put into my own words" what was said of each on wikipedia. A user also linked me to a site that gave a brief description of each license. Since I didn't want to copy what others are saying, I tried to put it in my own words. Perhaps I made a few mistakes (usually do), but as stated in the annoucement, this is still a work in progress.

Would you be willing to edited this on our GitHub page here:
Last edited by SQUID N TROLL OCTOPUS; 11 Feb, 2016 @ 9:43pm
noa 11 Feb, 2016 @ 9:49pm 
Sure, I definitely mean no harm to you. It's great there are people interesting in licensing. It's one of my favorite topics. I'll send you a pull request soon-ish with some corrections that I'd propose.
Thank you. Remember any contributions will be given credit. Aside from that, I am about to sign off for the night, so I will look at the changes that you are about to do tomorrow.
Many of my customers believe "Copyright" and "Software Licence" are "the same thing" to make sharing software illegal. I tell them that copyright law not only tells you what can't do, it tells you what you _can_ do. Fair use. Copyright already applies to software. A Software Licence is not redundant to copyright law. It lists all the things copyright law says you *can* do but the copyright holder would rather you didn't. You have to agree to use the software under these _additional_ restrictions to your rights. A Free Software License is the same thing. They make you agree not restrict your rights nor anyone else's. You have the right to learn about, improve, share the software, share your improvements, and share what you've learned, and nor to curtail anyone's rights to do these things. A Software License is an agreement to hate your
neighbor. A Free Software License is an agreement not to.

Last edited by c704710 [🐧 #LinuxOnly]; 20 Feb, 2017 @ 8:39am
Very nice. Yes, one should not confuse software license and copyright, especially when the GPL license is very copyleft.
Herbivorous Cyborg 25 Mar, 2017 @ 11:36am 
I generally try to avoid licenses which are too permissive (ie. MIT, BSD) since they allow corporations to use and modify your code without contributing anything back to the open source community in return. For this reason, I always prefer either GPL or LGPL (depending on the project). Since these licenses force contributors to give back to the community, they are the best options if we want to see an open source future. Even LGPL should be used with care. So far the only project I am using LGPL for is an open source game engine I am writing, because I want people to be able to use my engine in commercial games without having to open source their own code. In that case, they would only need to open source changes made to the core engine code itself.
Last edited by Herbivorous Cyborg; 25 Mar, 2017 @ 11:37am
Macenn 3 Apr, 2017 @ 12:11pm 
That is your opinion and you have all the rights to believe so. Reality on the other hand is that restrictive copileft licenses are actually harmful to software development. Let me try to explain this.

First of all people should know more about the history of Gnu and Gnu Public License. Basically Richard Stallman wanted to have his own Operating System and started to modify UNIX code he had absolutely no right to modify. Since he could not do this on hisown even with acces to original source code, he invented the idea of "free software". Not only was he a freeloader but he wanted to take credit for others work as well. No wonder he got upset when Linus didn't want his kernel to be associated with Gnu. The license benefited only him and he didn't give a f**k wether it benefited anyone else or not. "Free as in freedom" is a marketing slogan because freedom should be the opposite of restrictions. Because he corrupted the word "freedom" we have to use the word "permissive" for something actually liberating. Thanks dude.

The idea that companies are evil and code needs to be protected from them is totally im*******cal. Gnu license does not protect open source code to be used by corporations - they actually can. All they have to do is to rewrite the code. It does quite the opposite - it restricts companies to contribute their code to open source projects with GPL. With peprmissive licenses they are free to contribute and continue using their own code without any fear that someone from the project they contributed to would sue them. Obviously all of this is caused by misconceptions that are spread by ignorant GPL fanboys.

There are several companies who have already released their source code for various projects. There would be many more if they would know more about permissive licenses. But no, you have to promote restrictive licenses.

By law, copyright is not held by GPL holder/project manager but by the actual contributor/developer. If any contributor would want to revoke the license they could and jeopardize the whole open source project. That is if they want to do something commercial with their own code. Again, with permissive license there would be no such problem.

Before i learned the difference between copyleft and permissive licenses i contributed to several GPL projects but now i prefer not to stagnate software development.
Last edited by Macenn; 3 Apr, 2017 @ 12:13pm
I could understand why people would pick a license like GPL for their projects. Cooperates/businesses always have the habbit of taking what they can get out of it and never really giving anything in return, so people go to GPL so they get somethings in return. Cooperates can buy there way into anything. They will get their user base through markets and wide advertisments, while the free projects always stuggle with scraps.

Don't let the history of how GPL may have been adopted suddenly cloud your judgment on the projects that now use GPL as their license. They didn't adopt the license. It was their choice to use it and I am sure they all have theirs reasons for why they picked their license.
Macenn 3 Apr, 2017 @ 10:43pm 
The history is very important since it was designed to be hostile to developers from the start. People who want something in return go to MITL and not to GPL.

Businesses don't write code but programmers and it has negative impact if you have to keep your commercial and hobby codes separate. Removing that barrier makes it more convenient to actually share your code, be it even snippets. You could do that even anonymously without mentioning where you come from or what other product uses that same code.

If businesses would be so evil then there would be no Gnu or Linux since Stallmann not only broke the law but even his own license terms when "developing" his Gnu. There would have been big lawsuits and they would have been shut down. Not only that, but even Microsoft have started to open up his codebase.

No project is free. GPL isn't exactly a business hostile either, it only forces you certain business model on you.

For exampe to illustrate my point why being permissive makes your code more successful:

Take Blender for example. It's opens source and it's free. People use it for 3D modelling and animations and it's great. But did you know that there comes a game engine with it? Most people don't know that and no one uses it for making games.

Then there is Godot game engine. It's open source and it's free. It's evolving rapidly and more people get involved with it all the time. People have developed all sort of games with it and more games are coming.

So why is that? Well, the main reason is actually that Blender uses GPL and Godot uses MITL. Because if you really want to give something then you are permissive, if you are into marketing then you use GPL. There are actually other game engines that use GPL as well and they are all dying. Not because of evil corporations but rather for lack of freedom that come with restrictive licenses.
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