Resident Apocalypse ResApoc
Resident Apocalypse ResApoc
2016 年 5 月 1 日
United States 
關於 Resident Apocalypse

Resident Apocalypse Server

>> Resident Apocalyplse RP Factions - Whitelisted Only <<
Our passion is to be the best immersive and engaging gameplay RP server for Miscreated. We possess a strong staff team dedicated to RA that help develop, manage and monetization of RA. We have structured role playing games and events to help implement RP scenarios that offer diversity and excitement to our player base.

RA has now released its main lore. The internal structure of RA, that includes laws, organizations, factions, etc., is an ongoing in-game development that allows for diverse RP. Our lore has a growing political system, traders, hunters, party goers, builders, local bandits, law men, factions and a lot more. If you are interested in joining, please read our lore in our Official Lore Discord[].. Once familiar with the lore and rules, you can post in the Whitelisting channel that you are ready for an interview. Once approved, you can immerse your character into the diverse and developing community of RA.

Please see links below on how to join our whitelisted server. You can also check out RA information in our group discussions

Requirements for Joining:
Have a sound understanding of RP and have 50 hours+ in Miscreated
No current VAC bans, 18 yrs or older and pass voice interview.
You must be able to access RESAPOC on Discord > RA Discord[]
You must accept the concept of our lore and RP in game > RA Lore[]
Once done go to our #whitelist[] and post up your URL or any of the Steam IDs.

Resident Apocalypse Discord[]
Resident Apocalypse You Tube
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Resident Apocalypse RP 'The Purge'
Resident Apocalypse transition underway from RA to RA3
429 則留言
cybergrinder 2018 年 7 月 20 日 下午 9:28 
Is RA still alive?
DarkAngel 2018 年 1 月 1 日 下午 2:11 
If your looking for a great RP community to play Miscreated in that is whitelisted and ran by Admins that have to go by thee same rules as you just join read thee lore and put in an application.
Dick Johnson 2017 年 9 月 24 日 上午 6:53 
Hey SnakesBlood.

I have answer for you and it's not the kind you are looking for.
Unfortunately Resident Apocalypse has been perished with no solid chance to come back in near future allthough there have been plans to bring back the server.
We're all hoping the best but..It's offline from the start of the summer.

This page has been inactive for a while before the shutdown though. Server's informational side moved to the Discord.
SnakesBlood 2017 年 9 月 24 日 上午 5:20 
Any progression? All my time played was during the first "whitelist me please" period. Then spring/summer work hours slowed game time down. Now along with the purge & new whitelisting, this page going from very, very active now "seems" slowed to a stand still? Is anyone still playing besides the early after "the purge/discord" whitelisted/select few? This was the only server worth playing on! Miss the just be whitelisted, always people on helping each other, can't imagine how fun it'd be with the updates over the past few months.
SnakesBlood 2017 年 9 月 2 日 下午 6:36 
:\ :mis_health:
Philosophy 2017 年 8 月 14 日 上午 3:14 
Hi guys how can i log in on this server?
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2016 年 5 月 1 日
United States 