Realism Gaming Community RGC
Realism Gaming Community RGC
27 marca 2008
O Realism Gaming Community

Bringing Realism Together

Realism Gaming was found in mid 2007 by ChopperX. It mainly specialized is games such as Day of Defeat and Counter Strike and is ran in a Realism type gameplay. Realism Gaming is the Community of the Realism players.

Realism Gaming is also a source or Yellowbook of units that people new to Realism can choose from a variety of Units. Each Unit is ran with a rank structure and has more aspects of a military unit that of a clan. If you want to get close to the military, this is the way to go.

Now in 2011 Realism Gaming is back and better than ever with new tools and unit's that strive to sucess by using Realism Gaming as a center point for the community to communicate with other units and use a tools to help reach out to the public to better their unit.

We are Bringing Realism Together!

Realism Gaming[]
Possible Downtime
Komentarzy: 14
계엄령 25 maja 2017 o 12:48 
looking for V_assassin suggested me 1s. if you find him, let him know pls. i dont know why he dosent add me.
Capt S. Miller [11th MEU(SOC)] 8 sierpnia 2014 o 2:46 
ArmA 2 / OA - Bundeswehr Mod - Ace Mod

We are looking for new soldaten! We are a Arma 2 OA ACE Modern German Unit, We represent Panzerbrigade 21. We will eventually move into Arma 3. Add me for details!
Babar 18 maja 2014 o 14:37

We are Looking for More UNITS to start the frist Season!!!!
I'm looking for 10 active units to start the World Dod:S Realism League

- During regular season all units gonna play 3 match whit all the units of the league.

- All math give to your units a maximum of 3 point. 1 per round you win and 1 for AvA.

- After the regular 30 match season the 8 units whit the best score have a passport to the playoff!

- best of 3 match till you pass to the next opponent and the final whit the 2 best unit.

- The Last Units alive win 100$

- 30 Match on 30 different Map

- The map rotation is random, we will give you the choice 72h before your match

- All Match is 10v10

- Weapon for each match is 2 assault - 1 support - 1 sniper Or mg - 1 rocket
Muad'Dib 2 grudnia 2013 o 10:37 
Continued from below: We do have a DoDS server that is swappable between any HL2 official mod. We also plan to get a BF3/4 server and Insurgency (stand alone) server after new years. Right now, we're just working on swelling the ranks. Monthly events will be held, as well as weekly if amount of online members permit it. We're looking to expand in really any and every game possible, but require the community strength to back each move. We do not hold basic training, only marksman assessment. Training itself consists of practices using squad based tactics and movements. Learning to work as one is our biggest priority, we can't stand the lone wolf mentality. We are also a real life airsoft/paintball tactical team based in Kansas City, Missouri and are looking for active members for that as well.
Muad'Dib 2 grudnia 2013 o 10:36 
A new tactical gaming community is here. . The TAS community is a group of players who all enjoy playing squad based games. We hop into a voice server, TS3/Ventrilo and simply play the game using strategy and communication, just as realism has done for years. We require 1 hour of monthly minimum activity, but daily gaming is encouraged.
ChopperX/Wells 2 września 2012 o 17:18 
Hey guys. Thanks for staying apart of the group. The site has been down for a year now due to hosting funds. I have managed a way to get the site back online with no funds at all thanks to a friend that is willing to host it for me. Would you guys be interested in brining this community back online?
Gracz tygodnia w grupie:
Wejdź do pokoju
27 marca 2008